This is the complete list of members for SelectionObj, including all inherited members.
AddPendingChild(std::pair< VisualType, const google::protobuf::Message *> _pair) | Visual | |
Ambient() const | Visual | |
Attach(rendering::VisualPtr _vis) | SelectionObj | |
AttachLineVertex(DynamicLines *_line, unsigned int _index) | Visual | |
AttachMesh(const std::string &_meshName, const std::string &_subMesh="", bool _centerSubmesh=false, const std::string &_objName="") | Visual | |
AttachObject(Ogre::MovableObject *_obj) | Visual | |
AttachVisual(VisualPtr _vis) | Visual | |
BoundingBox() const | Visual | |
ClearParent() | Visual | |
Clone(const std::string &_name, VisualPtr _newParent) | Visual | |
ConvertVisualType(const msgs::Visual::Type &_type) | Visual | static |
ConvertVisualType(const Visual::VisualType &_type) | Visual | static |
CreateDynamicLine(RenderOpType _type=RENDERING_LINE_STRIP) | Visual | |
dataPtr | Visual | protected |
DeleteDynamicLine(DynamicLines *_line) | Visual | |
DerivedScale() const | Visual | |
DerivedTransparency() const | Visual | |
Detach() | SelectionObj | |
DetachObjects() | Visual | |
DetachVisual(VisualPtr _vis) | Visual | |
DetachVisual(const std::string &_name) | Visual | |
Diffuse() const | Visual | |
DisableTrackVisual() | Visual | |
Emissive() const | Visual | |
EnableTrackVisual(VisualPtr _vis) | Visual | |
FillMaterialMsg(ignition::msgs::Material &_msg) const | Visual | |
Fini() | Visual | virtual |
GetAttachedObjectCount() const | Visual | |
GetCastShadows() const | Visual | |
GetChild(unsigned int _index) | Visual | |
GetChildCount() | Visual | |
GetDepth() const | Visual | |
GetGeometrySize() const | Visual | |
GetGeometryType() const | Visual | |
GetHandleVisible(SelectionMode _mode) const | SelectionObj | |
GetHighlighted() const | Visual | |
GetId() const | Visual | |
GetLighting() const | Visual | |
GetMaterialName() const | Visual | |
GetMeshName() const | Visual | |
GetMode() | SelectionObj | |
GetNormalMap() const | Visual | |
GetNthAncestor(unsigned int _n) | Visual | |
GetParent() const | Visual | |
GetRootVisual() | Visual | |
GetScene() const | Visual | |
GetSceneNode() const | Visual | |
GetSDF() const | Visual | |
GetShaderType() const | Visual | |
GetState() | SelectionObj | |
GetSubMeshName() const | Visual | |
GetTransparency() | Visual | |
GetType() const | Visual | |
GetVisibilityFlags() | Visual | |
GetVisible() const | Visual | |
HasAttachedObject(const std::string &_name) | Visual | |
InheritTransparency() const | Visual | |
Init() | Visual | |
InitialRelativePose() const | Visual | |
InsertMesh(const std::string &_meshName, const std::string &_subMesh="", bool _centerSubmesh=false) | Visual | |
InsertMesh(const common::Mesh *_mesh, const std::string &_subMesh="", bool _centerSubmesh=false) | Visual | static |
IsAncestorOf(const rendering::VisualPtr _visual) const | Visual | |
IsDescendantOf(const rendering::VisualPtr _visual) const | Visual | |
IsPlane() const | Visual | |
IsStatic() const | Visual | |
Load() | SelectionObj | virtual |
gazebo::rendering::Visual::Load(sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) | Visual | |
LoadFromMsg(ConstVisualPtr &_msg) | Visual | |
LoadPlugin(const std::string &_filename, const std::string &_name, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) | Visual | |
MakeStatic() | Visual | |
MoveToPosition(const ignition::math::Pose3d &_pose, const double _time) | Visual | |
MoveToPositions(const std::vector< ignition::math::Pose3d > &_pts, const double _time, std::function< void()> _onComplete=nullptr) | Visual | |
Name() const | Visual | |
Pose() const | Visual | |
Position() const | Visual | |
ProcessMaterialMsg(const ignition::msgs::Material &_msg) | Visual | protected |
RemovePlugin(const std::string &_name) | Visual | |
ROT enum value | SelectionObj | |
ROT_X enum value | SelectionObj | |
ROT_Y enum value | SelectionObj | |
ROT_Z enum value | SelectionObj | |
Rotation() const | Visual | |
SCALE enum value | SelectionObj | |
Scale() const | Visual | |
SCALE_X enum value | SelectionObj | |
SCALE_Y enum value | SelectionObj | |
SCALE_Z enum value | SelectionObj | |
SELECTION_NONE enum value | SelectionObj | |
SelectionMode enum name | SelectionObj | |
SelectionObj(const std::string &_name, VisualPtr _vis) | SelectionObj | |
SetAmbient(const ignition::math::Color &_color, const bool _cascade=true) | Visual | |
SetCastShadows(bool _shadows) | Visual | |
SetDiffuse(const ignition::math::Color &_color, const bool _cascade=true) | Visual | |
SetEmissive(const ignition::math::Color &_color, const bool _cascade=true) | Visual | virtual |
SetGlobal(bool _global) | SelectionObj | |
SetHandleMaterial(SelectionMode _mode, const std::string &_material, bool _unique=true) | SelectionObj | |
SetHandleVisible(SelectionMode _mode, bool _visible) | SelectionObj | |
SetHighlighted(bool _highlighted) | Visual | virtual |
SetId(uint32_t _id) | Visual | |
SetInheritTransparency(const bool _inherit) | Visual | |
SetLayer(const int32_t _layer) | Visual | |
SetLighting(bool _lighting) | Visual | |
SetMaterial(const std::string &_materialName, bool _unique=true, const bool _cascade=true) | Visual | |
SetMaterialShaderParam(const std::string &_paramName, const std::string &_shaderType, const std::string &_value) | Visual | |
SetMode(const std::string &_mode) | SelectionObj | |
SetMode(SelectionMode _mode) | SelectionObj | |
SetName(const std::string &_name) | Visual | |
SetNormalMap(const std::string &_nmap) | Visual | |
SetPose(const ignition::math::Pose3d &_pose) | Visual | |
SetPosition(const ignition::math::Vector3d &_pos) | Visual | |
SetRibbonTrail(bool _value, const ignition::math::Color &_initialColor, const ignition::math::Color &_changeColor) | Visual | |
SetRotation(const ignition::math::Quaterniond &_rot) | Visual | |
SetScale(const ignition::math::Vector3d &_scale) | Visual | |
SetScene(ScenePtr _scene) | Visual | |
SetShaderType(const std::string &_type) | Visual | |
SetSkeletonPose(const msgs::PoseAnimation &_pose) | Visual | |
SetSpecular(const ignition::math::Color &_color, const bool _cascade=true) | Visual | |
SetState(const std::string &_state) | SelectionObj | |
SetState(SelectionMode _state) | SelectionObj | |
SetTransparency(float _trans) | Visual | |
SetType(const Visual::VisualType _type) | Visual | |
SetTypeMsg(const google::protobuf::Message *_msg) | Visual | |
SetVisibilityFlags(uint32_t _flags) | Visual | |
SetVisible(bool _visible, bool _cascade=true) | Visual | virtual |
SetWireframe(bool _show) | Visual | |
SetWorldPose(const ignition::math::Pose3d &_pose) | Visual | |
SetWorldPosition(const ignition::math::Vector3d &_pos) | Visual | |
SetWorldRotation(const ignition::math::Quaterniond &_rot) | Visual | |
ShowBoundingBox() | Visual | |
ShowCollision(bool _show) | Visual | |
ShowCOM(bool _show) | Visual | |
ShowInertia(bool _show) | Visual | |
ShowJoints(bool _show) | Visual | |
ShowLinkFrame(bool _show) | Visual | |
ShowSkeleton(bool _show) | Visual | |
Specular() const | Visual | |
ToggleLayer(const int32_t _layer) | Visual | |
ToggleVisible() | Visual | |
TRANS enum value | SelectionObj | |
TRANS_X enum value | SelectionObj | |
TRANS_Y enum value | SelectionObj | |
TRANS_Z enum value | SelectionObj | |
Update() | Visual | |
UpdateFromMsg(ConstVisualPtr &_msg) | Visual | |
UpdateSize() | SelectionObj | |
UseRTShader() const | Visual | |
Visual(const std::string &_name, VisualPtr _parent, bool _useRTShader=true) | Visual | |
Visual(const std::string &_name, ScenePtr _scene, bool _useRTShader=true) | Visual | |
Visual(VisualPrivate &_dataPtr, const std::string &_name, VisualPtr _parent, bool _useRTShader=true) | Visual | protected |
Visual(VisualPrivate &_dataPtr, const std::string &_name, ScenePtr _scene, bool _useRTShader=true) | Visual | protected |
VisualType enum name | Visual | |
VT_COLLISION enum value | Visual | |
VT_ENTITY enum value | Visual | |
VT_GUI enum value | Visual | |
VT_LINK enum value | Visual | |
VT_MODEL enum value | Visual | |
VT_PHYSICS enum value | Visual | |
VT_SENSOR enum value | Visual | |
VT_VISUAL enum value | Visual | |
Wireframe() const | Visual | |
WorldPose() const | Visual | |
~SelectionObj() | SelectionObj | virtual |
~Visual() | Visual | virtual |