Generic description of a mouse event.
Definition: MouseEvent.hh:35
boost::shared_ptr< SelectionObj > SelectionObjPtr
Definition: RenderTypes.hh:179
bool globalManip
True to manipulate model in global frame.
Definition: ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh:87
Encapsulates a position and rotation in three space.
Definition: Pose.hh:37
The Vector3 class represents the generic vector containing 3 elements.
Definition: Vector3.hh:39
Mathematical representation of a box and related functions.
Definition: Box.hh:35
Generic integer x, y vector.
Definition: Vector2i.hh:36
transport::PublisherPtr modelPub
Model publisher that publishes model pose to the server.
Definition: ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh:57
Generic description of a keyboard event.
Definition: KeyEvent.hh:32
transport::NodePtr node
Transportation node.
Definition: ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh:54
Forward declarations for transport.
rendering::UserCameraPtr userCamera
Pointer to the user camera.
Definition: ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh:63
common::KeyEvent keyEvent
Current key event.
Definition: ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh:72
Private data for the ModelManipulator class.
Definition: ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh:35
rendering::ScenePtr scene
Pointer to the scene where models are in.
Definition: ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh:66
math::Vector2i mouseStart
Keep track of the mouse start screen position.
Definition: ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh:48
transport::PublisherPtr lightPub
Light publisher that publishes light pose to the server.
Definition: ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh:60
math::Vector3 mouseVisualScale
Scale of the visual attached to the mouse.
Definition: ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh:78
common::MouseEvent mouseEvent
Current mouse event.
Definition: ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh:69
rendering::SelectionObjPtr selectionObj
Selection object which users can interact with to manipulate the model.
Definition: ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh:39
std::string manipMode
The current manipulation mode.
Definition: ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh:42
boost::shared_ptr< Node > NodePtr
Definition: TransportTypes.hh:57
boost::shared_ptr< Scene > ScenePtr
Definition: RenderTypes.hh:79
std::vector< math::Vector3 > mouseChildVisualScale
Scale of all the child visuals attached to the mouse.
Definition: ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh:81
boost::shared_ptr< Visual > VisualPtr
Definition: RenderTypes.hh:107
boost::shared_ptr< UserCamera > UserCameraPtr
Definition: RenderTypes.hh:91
math::Box mouseVisualBbox
Bounding box of the visual attached to the mouse (for scaling).
Definition: ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh:84
rendering::VisualPtr mouseMoveVis
The current visual attached to the mouse.
Definition: ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh:51
math::Pose mouseMoveVisStartPose
Keep track of the mouse start pose before a move action.
Definition: ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh:45
boost::shared_ptr< Publisher > PublisherPtr
Definition: TransportTypes.hh:49
bool initialized
True if the model manipulator is initialized.
Definition: ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh:75