PhysicsTypes.hh File Reference

default namespace for gazebo More...

#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include "gazebo/util/system.hh"

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 Forward declarations for the common classes.
 namespace for physics


 Default collision bitmask. More...
#define GZ_FIXED_COLLIDE   0x00000001
 Collision object will collide only with fixed objects. More...
#define GZ_GHOST_COLLIDE   0x10000000
 Collides with everything else but other ghost. More...
#define GZ_NONE_COLLIDE   0x00000000
 Collision object will collide with nothing. More...
#define GZ_SENSOR_COLLIDE   0x00000002
 Collision object will collide only with sensors. More...


typedef std::vector< ActorPtr > Actor_V
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Actor > ActorPtr
typedef std::vector< BasePtr > Base_V
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Base > BasePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< BoxShape > BoxShapePtr
typedef std::vector< CollisionPtr > Collision_V
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Collision > CollisionPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Contact > ContactPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< CylinderShape > CylinderShapePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Entity > EntityPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< FrictionPyramid > FrictionPyramidPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Gripper > GripperPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< HeightmapShape > HeightmapShapePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Inertial > InertialPtr
typedef std::vector< JointPtr > Joint_V
typedef std::vector< JointControllerPtr > JointController_V
typedef boost::shared_ptr< JointController > JointControllerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Joint > JointPtr
typedef std::map< std::string, JointState > JointState_M
typedef std::vector< LightPtr > Light_V
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Light > LightPtr
typedef std::map< std::string, LightState > LightState_M
typedef std::vector< LinkPtr > Link_V
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Link > LinkPtr
typedef std::map< std::string, LinkState > LinkState_M
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MeshShape > MeshShapePtr
typedef std::vector< ModelPtr > Model_V
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Model > ModelPtr
typedef std::map< std::string, ModelState > ModelState_M
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MultiRayShape > MultiRayShapePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< PhysicsEngine > PhysicsEnginePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< PlaneShape > PlaneShapePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< PolylineShape > PolylineShapePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< PresetManager > PresetManagerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< RayShape > RayShapePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< RoadRoadPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Shape > ShapePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< SphereShape > SphereShapePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< SurfaceParams > SurfaceParamsPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< TrajectoryInfo > TrajectoryInfoPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< UserCmdManager > UserCmdManagerPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< UserCmd > UserCmdPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< World > WorldPtr

Detailed Description

default namespace for gazebo

Macro Definition Documentation



Default collision bitmask.

Collision objects will collide with everything.


#define GZ_FIXED_COLLIDE   0x00000001

Collision object will collide only with fixed objects.


#define GZ_GHOST_COLLIDE   0x10000000

Collides with everything else but other ghost.


#define GZ_NONE_COLLIDE   0x00000000

Collision object will collide with nothing.


#define GZ_SENSOR_COLLIDE   0x00000002

Collision object will collide only with sensors.