Private data for the Visual class. More...
#include <ScenePrivate.hh>
Public Attributes | |
std::vector< CameraPtr > | cameras |
All the cameras. More... | |
std::vector< event::ConnectionPtr > | connections |
Event connections. More... | |
uint32_t | contactVisId |
Keeps track of the visual ID for contact visualization. More... | |
bool | enableVisualizations |
True if visualizations should be rendered. More... | |
std::vector< Grid * > | grids |
All the grids in the scene. More... | |
uint32_t | id |
The unique ID of this scene. More... | |
std::string | idString |
String form of the id. More... | |
bool | initialized |
Initialized. More... | |
JointMsgs_L | jointMsgs |
List of joint message to process. More... | |
JointMsgs_M | joints |
Keep track of data of joints. More... | |
transport::SubscriberPtr | jointSub |
Subscribe to joint updates. More... | |
LightMsgs_L | lightMsgs |
List of light message to process. More... | |
transport::PublisherPtr | lightPub |
Publish light updates. More... | |
Light_M | lights |
Map of all the lights in this scene. More... | |
transport::SubscriberPtr | lightSub |
Subscribe to light topics. More... | |
LinkMsgs_L | linkMsgs |
List of link message to process. More... | |
Ogre::SceneManager * | manager |
The ogre scene manager. More... | |
transport::SubscriberPtr | modelInfoSub |
Subscribe to model info updates. More... | |
ModelMsgs_L | modelMsgs |
List of model message to process. More... | |
std::string | name |
Name of the scene. More... | |
transport::NodePtr | node |
Communication Node. More... | |
std::vector< OculusCameraPtr > | oculusCameras |
All the oculus cameras. More... | |
boost::recursive_mutex | poseMsgMutex |
Mutex to lock the pose message buffers. More... | |
PoseMsgs_M | poseMsgs |
List of pose message to process. More... | |
transport::SubscriberPtr | poseSub |
Subscribe to pose updates. More... | |
std::map< std::string, Projector * > | projectors |
All the projectors. More... | |
Ogre::RaySceneQuery * | raySceneQuery |
A ray query used to locate distances to visuals. More... | |
boost::mutex * | receiveMutex |
Mutex to lock the various message buffers. More... | |
msgs::Request * | requestMsg |
Keep around our request message. More... | |
RequestMsgs_L | requestMsgs |
List of request message to process. More... | |
transport::PublisherPtr | requestPub |
Publish requests. More... | |
transport::SubscriberPtr | requestSub |
Subscribe to the request topic. More... | |
transport::PublisherPtr | responsePub |
Respond to requests. More... | |
transport::SubscriberPtr | responseSub |
Subscribe to reponses. More... | |
SceneMsgs_L | sceneMsgs |
List of scene message to process. More... | |
common::Time | sceneSimTimePosesApplied |
SimTime of this Scene, after applying PosesStamped to scene, we update this time accordingly. More... | |
common::Time | sceneSimTimePosesReceived |
SimTime of this Scene, as we receive PosesStamped from the world, we update this time accordingly. More... | |
transport::SubscriberPtr | sceneSub |
Subscribe to scene topic. More... | |
sdf::ElementPtr | sdf |
Scene SDF element. More... | |
VisualPtr | selectedVis |
Pointer to a visual selected by a user via the GUI. More... | |
std::string | selectionMode |
Selection mode (normal or move). More... | |
boost::shared_ptr < msgs::Selection const > | selectionMsg |
A message used to select an object. More... | |
transport::SubscriberPtr | selectionSub |
Subscribe to selection updates. More... | |
SensorMsgs_L | sensorMsgs |
List of sensor message to process. More... | |
transport::SubscriberPtr | sensorSub |
Subscribe to sensor topic. More... | |
bool | showCollisions |
True when all collisions should be visualized. More... | |
bool | showCOMs |
True when all COMs should be visualized. More... | |
bool | showJoints |
True when all joints should be visualized. More... | |
SkeletonPoseMsgs_L | skeletonPoseMsgs |
List of skeleton message to process. More... | |
transport::SubscriberPtr | skeletonPoseSub |
Subscribe to skeleton pose updates. More... | |
transport::SubscriberPtr | skySub |
Subscribe to sky updates. More... | |
SkyX::SkyX * | skyx |
Pointer to the sky. More... | |
SkyX::BasicController * | skyxController |
Controls the sky. More... | |
Heightmap * | terrain |
The heightmap, if any. More... | |
bool | transparent |
True when all objects should be transparent. More... | |
std::vector< UserCameraPtr > | userCameras |
All the user cameras. More... | |
transport::SubscriberPtr | visSub |
Subscribe to visual topic. More... | |
VisualMsgs_L | visualMsgs |
List of visual messages to process. More... | |
Visual_M | visuals |
Map of all the visuals in this scene. More... | |
bool | wireframe |
True when all objects should be wireframe. More... | |
VisualPtr | worldVisual |
The top level in our tree of visuals. More... | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static uint32_t | idCounter |
Unique ID counter. More... | |
Private data for the Visual class.
std::vector<CameraPtr> gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::cameras |
All the cameras.
std::vector<event::ConnectionPtr> gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::connections |
Event connections.
uint32_t gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::contactVisId |
Keeps track of the visual ID for contact visualization.
bool gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::enableVisualizations |
True if visualizations should be rendered.
std::vector<Grid *> gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::grids |
All the grids in the scene.
uint32_t gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::id |
The unique ID of this scene.
static |
Unique ID counter.
std::string gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::idString |
String form of the id.
bool gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::initialized |
JointMsgs_L gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::jointMsgs |
List of joint message to process.
JointMsgs_M gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::joints |
Keep track of data of joints.
transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::jointSub |
Subscribe to joint updates.
LightMsgs_L gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::lightMsgs |
List of light message to process.
transport::PublisherPtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::lightPub |
Publish light updates.
Light_M gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::lights |
Map of all the lights in this scene.
transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::lightSub |
Subscribe to light topics.
LinkMsgs_L gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::linkMsgs |
List of link message to process.
Ogre::SceneManager* gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::manager |
The ogre scene manager.
transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::modelInfoSub |
Subscribe to model info updates.
ModelMsgs_L gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::modelMsgs |
List of model message to process.
std::string gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::name |
Name of the scene.
transport::NodePtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::node |
Communication Node.
std::vector<OculusCameraPtr> gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::oculusCameras |
All the oculus cameras.
boost::recursive_mutex gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::poseMsgMutex |
Mutex to lock the pose message buffers.
PoseMsgs_M gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::poseMsgs |
List of pose message to process.
transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::poseSub |
Subscribe to pose updates.
std::map<std::string, Projector *> gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::projectors |
All the projectors.
Ogre::RaySceneQuery* gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::raySceneQuery |
A ray query used to locate distances to visuals.
boost::mutex* gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::receiveMutex |
Mutex to lock the various message buffers.
msgs::Request* gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::requestMsg |
Keep around our request message.
RequestMsgs_L gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::requestMsgs |
List of request message to process.
transport::PublisherPtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::requestPub |
Publish requests.
transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::requestSub |
Subscribe to the request topic.
transport::PublisherPtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::responsePub |
Respond to requests.
transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::responseSub |
Subscribe to reponses.
SceneMsgs_L gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::sceneMsgs |
List of scene message to process.
common::Time gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::sceneSimTimePosesApplied |
SimTime of this Scene, after applying PosesStamped to scene, we update this time accordingly.
common::Time gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::sceneSimTimePosesReceived |
SimTime of this Scene, as we receive PosesStamped from the world, we update this time accordingly.
transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::sceneSub |
Subscribe to scene topic.
sdf::ElementPtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::sdf |
Scene SDF element.
VisualPtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::selectedVis |
Pointer to a visual selected by a user via the GUI.
std::string gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::selectionMode |
Selection mode (normal or move).
Normal means the the object is just selection, and not being moved by the user. Move means the object is being actively moved by the user and the Scene should then ignore pose updates from the physics engine until after the move is complete.
boost::shared_ptr<msgs::Selection const> gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::selectionMsg |
A message used to select an object.
transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::selectionSub |
Subscribe to selection updates.
SensorMsgs_L gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::sensorMsgs |
List of sensor message to process.
transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::sensorSub |
Subscribe to sensor topic.
bool gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::showCollisions |
True when all collisions should be visualized.
bool gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::showCOMs |
True when all COMs should be visualized.
bool gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::showJoints |
True when all joints should be visualized.
SkeletonPoseMsgs_L gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::skeletonPoseMsgs |
List of skeleton message to process.
transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::skeletonPoseSub |
Subscribe to skeleton pose updates.
transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::skySub |
Subscribe to sky updates.
SkyX::SkyX* gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::skyx |
Pointer to the sky.
SkyX::BasicController* gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::skyxController |
Controls the sky.
Heightmap* gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::terrain |
The heightmap, if any.
bool gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::transparent |
True when all objects should be transparent.
std::vector<UserCameraPtr> gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::userCameras |
All the user cameras.
transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::visSub |
Subscribe to visual topic.
VisualMsgs_L gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::visualMsgs |
List of visual messages to process.
Visual_M gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::visuals |
Map of all the visuals in this scene.
bool gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::wireframe |
True when all objects should be wireframe.
VisualPtr gazebo::rendering::ScenePrivate::worldVisual |
The top level in our tree of visuals.