39 public:
typename T>
41 {
return finishModel.Connect(_subscriber); }
49 { finishModel.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
54 public:
typename T>
56 {
return saveModelEditor.Connect(_subscriber); }
64 { saveModelEditor.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
69 public:
typename T>
71 {
return saveAsModelEditor.Connect(_subscriber); }
79 { saveAsModelEditor.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
84 public:
typename T>
86 {
return newModelEditor.Connect(_subscriber); }
94 { newModelEditor.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
99 public:
typename T>
101 {
return exitModelEditor.Connect(_subscriber); }
109 { exitModelEditor.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
114 public:
typename T>
116 {
return modelChanged.Connect(_subscriber); }
124 { modelChanged.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
129 public:
typename T>
131 {
return modelNameChanged.Connect(_subscriber); }
139 { modelNameChanged.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
145 public:
typename T>
148 {
return modelPropertiesChanged.Connect(_subscriber); }
157 { modelPropertiesChanged.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
162 public:
typename T>
164 {
return saveModel.Connect(_subscriber); }
172 { saveModel.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
177 public:
typename T>
179 {
return newModel.Connect(_subscriber); }
187 { newModel.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
193 public:
typename T>
196 {
return requestNestedModelRemoval.Connect(_subscriber); }
205 { requestNestedModelRemoval.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
211 public:
typename T>
214 {
return requestNestedModelInsertion.Connect(_subscriber); }
223 { requestNestedModelInsertion.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
228 public:
typename T>
231 {
return requestLinkScale.Connect(_subscriber); }
236 public:
typename T>
239 {
return requestLinkMove.Connect(_subscriber); }
247 { requestLinkMove.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
253 public:
typename T>
256 {
return requestNestedModelMove.Connect(_subscriber); }
265 { requestNestedModelMove.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
270 public:
typename T>
273 {
return nestedModelInserted.Connect(_subscriber); }
282 { nestedModelInserted.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
287 public:
typename T>
289 {
return linkInserted.Connect(_subscriber); }
297 { linkInserted.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
302 public:
typename T>
304 {
return jointInserted.Connect(_subscriber); }
312 { jointInserted.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
317 public:
typename T>
319 {
return jointChanged.Connect(_subscriber); }
327 { jointChanged.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
332 public:
typename T>
334 {
return nestedModelRemoved.Connect(_subscriber); }
343 { nestedModelRemoved.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
348 public:
typename T>
351 {
return requestLinkInsertion.Connect(_subscriber); }
360 { requestLinkInsertion.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
365 public:
typename T>
368 {
return requestLinkRemoval.Connect(_subscriber); }
377 { requestLinkRemoval.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
382 public:
typename T>
384 {
return linkRemoved.Connect(_subscriber); }
392 { linkRemoved.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
397 public:
typename T>
400 {
return requestJointRemoval.Connect(_subscriber); }
409 { requestJointRemoval.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
414 public:
typename T>
417 {
return requestJointInsertion.Connect(_subscriber); }
426 { requestJointInsertion.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
431 public:
typename T>
433 {
return jointRemoved.Connect(_subscriber); }
441 { jointRemoved.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
446 public:
typename T>
448 {
return openLinkInspector.Connect(_subscriber); }
457 { openLinkInspector.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
463 public:
typename T>
466 {
return openModelPluginInspector.Connect(_subscriber); }
476 { openModelPluginInspector.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
481 public:
typename T>
483 {
return openJointInspector.Connect(_subscriber); }
492 { openJointInspector.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
497 public:
typename T>
499 {
return jointNameChanged.Connect(_subscriber); }
507 { jointNameChanged.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
514 {
return showLinkContextMenu.Connect(_subscriber); }
523 { showLinkContextMenu.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
530 {
return showJointContextMenu.Connect(_subscriber); }
539 { showJointContextMenu.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
547 {
return showModelPluginContextMenu.Connect(_subscriber); }
556 { showModelPluginContextMenu.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
563 {
return setSelectedEntity.Connect(_subscriber); }
572 { setSelectedEntity.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
579 {
return setSelectedJoint.Connect(_subscriber); }
587 { setSelectedJoint.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
595 {
return setSelectedModelPlugin.Connect(_subscriber); }
604 { setSelectedModelPlugin.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
609 public:
typename T>
612 {
return modelPluginInserted.Connect(_subscriber); }
621 { modelPluginInserted.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
626 public:
typename T>
629 {
return modelPluginRemoved.Connect(_subscriber); }
638 { modelPluginRemoved.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
644 public:
typename T>
647 {
return requestModelPluginRemoval.Connect(_subscriber); }
656 { requestModelPluginRemoval.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
662 public:
typename T>
665 {
return requestModelPluginInsertion.Connect(_subscriber); }
674 { requestModelPluginInsertion.Disconnect(_subscriber->Id()); }
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestNestedModelMove(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request nested model move signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:254
static event::EventT< void()> newModel
Notify that model has been newed.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:705
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectModelPluginRemoved(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the model plugin removed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:627
static void DisconnectRequestNestedModelMove(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the request nested model move signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:262
static void DisconnectNestedModelRemoved(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the nested model removed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:340
static event::EventT< void()> finishModel
A model has been completed and uploaded onto the server.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:677
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> showLinkContextMenu
Request to show the link context menu.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:773
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> nestedModelInserted
Notify that a nested model has been inserted.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:708
static event::EventT< void()> newModelEditor
Request to start a new model.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:686
static void DisconnectShowLinkContextMenu(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the show link context menu signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:520
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectOpenModelPluginInspector(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the open model plugin inspector signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:464
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestLinkScale(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request link scale signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:229
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> linkRemoved
Notify that a link has been removed.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:717
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectFinishModel(T _subscriber)
Connect a boost::slot to the finish model signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:40
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> linkInserted
Notify that a link has been inserted.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:711
static void DisconnectOpenJointInspector(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the open joint inspector signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:489
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectExitModelEditor(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the exit signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:100
static void DisconnectJointInserted(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the joint inserted signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:309
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectNestedModelRemoved(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the nested model removed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:333
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestModelPluginRemoval(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request model plugin removal signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:645
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestModelPluginInsertion(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request model plugin insertion signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:663
static void DisconnectRequestNestedModelRemoval(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the request nested model removal signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:202
static void DisconnectRequestLinkMove(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the request link move signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:244
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestLinkInsertion(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request link insertion signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:349
static event::EventT< void(std::string, bool)> setSelectedModelPlugin
Request to select or deselect a model plugin.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:791
static void DisconnectModelNameChanged(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the name changed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:136
static void DisconnectRequestNestedModelInsertion(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the request nested model insertion signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:220
static void DisconnectSaveAsModelEditor(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the save as signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:76
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> modelPluginRemoved
Notify that a model plugin has been removed.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:797
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectNewModelEditor(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the new signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:85
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:34
static event::EventT< void(std::string, ignition::math::Pose3d)> requestNestedModelMove
Request to move a nestedModel.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:821
static void DisconnectLinkInserted(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the link inserted signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:294
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestLinkMove(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request link move signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:237
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectSaveAsModelEditor(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the save as signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:70
static event::EventT< void(sdf::ElementPtr, std::string)> requestJointInsertion
Request to insert a joint.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:739
static void DisconnectJointNameChanged(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the joint name changed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:504
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectShowLinkContextMenu(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the show link context menu signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:513
static event::EventT< void()> modelChanged
Model has been changed.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:692
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectNestedModelInserted(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the nested model inserted signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:272
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectSaveModelEditor(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the save signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:55
static void DisconnectJointChanged(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the joint changed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:324
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> requestNestedModelRemoval
Request to remove a nested model.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:725
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectJointRemoved(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the joint removed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:432
static void DisconnectJointRemoved(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the joint removed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:438
static void DisconnectSaveModelEditor(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the save signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:61
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> showJointContextMenu
Request to show the joint context menu.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:776
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestNestedModelInsertion(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request nested model insertion signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:212
static void DisconnectModelPluginInserted(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the model plugin inserted signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:618
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestJointRemoval(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request joint removal signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:398
static event::EventT< void(std::string, std::map< std::string, ignition::math::Vector3d >)> requestLinkScale
Request to scale a link.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:813
static void DisconnectSetSelectedJoint(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the set selected joint signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:584
static void DisconnectRequestLinkInsertion(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the request link insertion signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:357
static event::EventT< void(std::string, ignition::math::Pose3d)> requestLinkMove
Request to move a link.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:817
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> requestLinkRemoval
Request to remove a link.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:732
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectJointChanged(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the joint changed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:318
static event::EventT< bool()> saveModelEditor
Request to save the model.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:680
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> showModelPluginContextMenu
Request to show the model plugin context menu.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:780
static void DisconnectRequestJointRemoval(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the request joint removal signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:406
static event::EventT< void(std::string, bool)> setSelectedEntity
Request to select or deselect an entity.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:784
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectModelNameChanged(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the name changed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:130
static void DisconnectFinishModel(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a boost::slot to the finish model signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:46
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectShowModelPluginContextMenu(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the show model plugin context menu signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:546
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> requestJointRemoval
Request to remove a joint.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:735
static void DisconnectModelChanged(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the model changed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:121
static void DisconnectModelPluginRemoved(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the model plugin removed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:635
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectOpenJointInspector(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the open joint inspector signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:482
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> nestedModelRemoved
Notify that a nested model has been removed.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:714
static event::EventT< void(std::string, std::string)> jointNameChanged
Notify that the joint name has been changed.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:770
static void DisconnectSaveModel(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the save model signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:169
static void DisconnectSetSelectedModelPlugin(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the set selected model plugin signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:601
static event::EventT< void(sdf::ElementPtr)> requestNestedModelInsertion
Request to insert a nested model.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:729
static void DisconnectSetSelectedEntity(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the set selected entity signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:569
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> openLinkInspector
Request to open the link inspector.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:757
boost::shared_ptr< Connection > ConnectionPtr
Definition: CommonTypes.hh:134
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestNestedModelRemoval(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request nested model removal signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:194
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectNewModel(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the new model signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:178
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectOpenLinkInspector(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the open link inspector signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:447
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> openJointInspector
Request to open the joint inspector.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:760
static event::EventT< void(std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string)> jointChanged
Notify that a joint has been changed.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:754
static event::EventT< void(std::string, std::string, std::string, bool)> requestModelPluginInsertion
Request to insert a model plugin.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:809
#define GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(version)
Definition: system.hh:302
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectSetSelectedModelPlugin(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the set selected model plugin signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:594
static void DisconnectShowJointContextMenu(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the show joint context menu signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:536
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectJointInserted(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the joint inserted signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:303
static event::EventT< void(std::string, bool)> requestModelPluginRemoval
Request to remove a model plugin.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:803
static event::EventT< void()> exitModelEditor
Request to exit the editor.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:689
static event::EventT< void(sdf::ElementPtr)> requestLinkInsertion
Request to insert a link.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:721
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> modelPluginInserted
Notify that a model plugin has been inserted.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:794
static event::EventT< void(std::string, bool)> setSelectedJoint
Request to select or deselect a joint.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:787
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectModelPropertiesChanged(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the model properties changed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:147
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> modelNameChanged
Name was changed in the editor palette.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:695
static void DisconnectShowModelPluginContextMenu(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the show model plugin context menu signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:553
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> jointRemoved
Notify that a joint has been removed.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:748
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectShowJointContextMenu(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the show joint context menu signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:529
static void DisconnectRequestModelPluginRemoval(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the request model plugin removal signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:653
static void DisconnectExitModelEditor(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the exit signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:106
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectJointNameChanged(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the joint name changed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:498
static void DisconnectRequestJointInsertion(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the request joint insertion signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:423
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectLinkInserted(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the link inserted signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:288
static event::EventT< void(std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string)> jointInserted
Notify that a joint has been inserted.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:745
static void DisconnectRequestLinkRemoval(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the request link removal signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:374
static void DisconnectModelPropertiesChanged(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the model properties changed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:154
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectLinkRemoved(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the link removed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:383
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectModelChanged(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the model changed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:115
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestJointInsertion(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request joint insertion signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:415
static void DisconnectOpenModelPluginInspector(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the open model plugin inspector signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:473
static void DisconnectNewModelEditor(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the new signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:91
static void DisconnectOpenLinkInspector(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the open link inspector signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:454
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> openModelPluginInspector
Request to open the model plugin inspector.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:764
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> saveModel
Notify that model has been saved.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:702
static void DisconnectNewModel(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the new model signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:184
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectModelPluginInserted(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the model plugin inserted signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:610
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectSaveModel(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the save model signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:163
static void DisconnectNestedModelInserted(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the nested model inserted signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:279
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestLinkRemoval(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request link removal signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:366
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectSetSelectedJoint(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the set selected joint signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:578
static event::EventT< bool()> saveAsModelEditor
Request to save the model as.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:683
static event::EventT< void(bool, bool)> modelPropertiesChanged
Notify that model properties have been changed.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:699
static void DisconnectLinkRemoved(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the link removed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:389
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectSetSelectedEntity(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the set selected entity signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:562
static void DisconnectRequestModelPluginInsertion(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
Disconnect a Gazebo event from the request model plugin insertion signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:671