This is the complete list of members for World, including all inherited members.
_AddDirty(Entity *_entity) | World | |
_SetSensorsInitialized(const bool _init) | World | |
Atmosphere() const | World | |
AtmosphereEnabled() const | World | |
BaseByName(const std::string &_name) const | World | |
Clear() | World | |
ClearModels() | World | |
DisableAllModels() | World | |
EnableAllModels() | World | |
EnablePhysicsEngine(const bool _enable) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
EntityBelowPoint(const ignition::math::Vector3d &_pt) const | World | |
EntityByName(const std::string &_name) const | World | |
Fini() | World | |
GetByName(const std::string &_name) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetEnablePhysicsEngine() GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetEntity(const std::string &_name) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetEntityBelowPoint(const math::Vector3 &_pt) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetIterations() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetModel(unsigned int _index) const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetModel(const std::string &_name) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetModelBelowPoint(const math::Vector3 &_pt) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetModelCount() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetModels() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetName() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetPauseTime() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetPhysicsEngine() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetPresetManager() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetRealTime() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetRunning() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetSceneMsg() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetSetWorldPoseMutex() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetSimTime() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetSphericalCoordinates() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
GetStartTime() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
Gravity() const | World | |
Init() | World | |
InsertModelFile(const std::string &_sdfFilename) | World | |
InsertModelSDF(const sdf::SDF &_sdf) | World | |
InsertModelString(const std::string &_sdfString) | World | |
IsLoaded() const | World | |
IsPaused() const | World | |
Iterations() const | World | |
Light(const std::string &_name) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0) | World | |
LightByName(const std::string &_name) const | World | |
LightCount() const | World | |
Lights() const | World | |
Load(sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) | World | |
LoadPlugin(const std::string &_filename, const std::string &_name, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) | World | |
MagneticField() const | World | virtual |
ModelBelowPoint(const ignition::math::Vector3d &_pt) const | World | |
ModelByIndex(const unsigned int _index) const | World | |
ModelByName(const std::string &_name) const | World | |
ModelCount() const | World | |
Models() const | World | |
Name() const | World | |
PauseTime() const | World | |
Physics() const | World | |
PhysicsEnabled() const | World | |
PresetMgr() const | World | |
PrintEntityTree() | World | |
PublishLightPose(const physics::LightPtr _light) | World | |
PublishModelPose(physics::ModelPtr _model) | World | |
PublishModelScale(physics::ModelPtr _model) | World | |
RealTime() const | World | |
RemoveModel(ModelPtr _model) | World | |
RemoveModel(const std::string &_name) | World | |
RemovePlugin(const std::string &_name) | World | |
Reset() | World | |
ResetEntities(Base::EntityType _type=Base::BASE) | World | |
ResetPhysicsStates() | World | |
ResetTime() | World | |
Run(const unsigned int _iterations=0) | World | |
RunBlocking(const unsigned int _iterations=0) | World | |
Running() const | World | |
Save(const std::string &_filename) | World | |
SceneMsg() const | World | |
SensorsInitialized() const | World | |
SetAtmosphereEnabled(const bool _enable) | World | |
SetGravity(const ignition::math::Vector3d &_gravity) | World | |
SetGravitySDF(const ignition::math::Vector3d &_gravity) | World | |
SetMagneticField(const ignition::math::Vector3d &_mag) | World | |
SetPaused(const bool _p) | World | |
SetPhysicsEnabled(const bool _enable) | World | |
SetSimTime(const common::Time &_t) | World | |
SetState(const WorldState &_state) | World | |
SetWindEnabled(const bool _enable) | World | |
SimTime() const | World | |
SphericalCoords() const | World | |
StartTime() const | World | |
Step(const unsigned int _steps) | World | |
Stop() | World | |
StripWorldName(const std::string &_name) const | World | |
UniqueModelName(const std::string &_name) | World | |
UpdateStateSDF() | World | |
URI() const | World | |
Wind() const | World | |
WindEnabled() const | World | |
World(const std::string &_name="") | World | explicit |
WorldPoseMutex() const | World | |
~World() | World |