Distortion Member List

This is the complete list of members for Distortion, including all inherited members.

Center() const Distortion
Crop() const Distortion
Distort(const math::Vector2d &_in, const math::Vector2d &_center, double _k1, double _k2, double _k3, double _p1, double _p2) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)Distortionstatic
Distort(const ignition::math::Vector2d &_in, const ignition::math::Vector2d &_center, double _k1, double _k2, double _k3, double _p1, double _p2)Distortionstatic
DistortionMapValueClamped(const int x, const int y) const Distortionprotected
GetCenter() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)Distortion
GetK1() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)Distortion
GetK2() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)Distortion
GetK3() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)Distortion
GetP1() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)Distortion
GetP2() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)Distortion
K1() const Distortion
K2() const Distortion
K3() const Distortion
Load(sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)Distortionvirtual
P1() const Distortion
P2() const Distortion
SetCamera(CameraPtr _camera)Distortion
SetCrop(const bool _crop)Distortion