- Member gazebo::physics::Joint::GetForce (int _index)
- : not yet implemented. Get the internal forces at a this Joint. Note that the unit of force should be consistent with the rest of the simulation scales. E.g. if you are using metric units, the unit for force is Newtons. If using imperial units (sorry), then unit of force is lb-force not (lb-mass), etc.
- Member gazebo::sensors::CameraSensor::GetTopic () const
- to be implemented
- Member gazebo::sensors::GpuRaySensor::Get2ndRatio ()
- Document me
- Member gazebo::sensors::GpuRaySensor::GetCHFOV ()
- Document me
- Member gazebo::sensors::GpuRaySensor::GetCVFOV ()
- Document me
- Member gazebo::sensors::GpuRaySensor::GetHAngle ()
- Document me
- Member gazebo::sensors::GpuRaySensor::GetHFOV ()
- Document me
- Member gazebo::sensors::GpuRaySensor::GetVAngle ()
- Document me
- Member gazebo::sensors::GpuRaySensor::GetVFOV ()
- Document me
- Member gazebo::sensors::ImuSensor::GetVelocity ()
- storing x,y,z components in a quaternion seems like a bad idea
- Class gazebo::SystemPlugin
- how to make doxygen reference to the file gazebo.cc::g_plugins?
- Member urdf2gazebo::URDF2Gazebo::parseGazeboExtension (TiXmlDocument &urdf_xml)
- : do this using sdf definitions, not hard coded stuff