typename T>
41 {
return finishModel.Connect(_subscriber); }
46 public:
typename T>
48 {
return saveModelEditor.Connect(_subscriber); }
53 public:
typename T>
55 {
return saveAsModelEditor.Connect(_subscriber); }
60 public:
typename T>
62 {
return newModelEditor.Connect(_subscriber); }
67 public:
typename T>
69 {
return exitModelEditor.Connect(_subscriber); }
74 public:
typename T>
76 {
return modelChanged.Connect(_subscriber); }
81 public:
typename T>
83 {
return modelNameChanged.Connect(_subscriber); }
89 public:
typename T>
92 {
return modelPropertiesChanged.Connect(_subscriber); }
97 public:
typename T>
99 {
return saveModel.Connect(_subscriber); }
104 public:
typename T>
106 {
return newModel.Connect(_subscriber); }
112 public:
typename T>
115 {
return requestNestedModelRemoval.Connect(_subscriber); }
121 public:
typename T>
124 {
return requestNestedModelInsertion.Connect(_subscriber); }
129 public:
typename T>
132 {
return requestLinkScale.Connect(_subscriber); }
137 public:
typename T>
140 {
return requestLinkMove.Connect(_subscriber); }
146 public:
typename T>
149 {
return requestNestedModelMove.Connect(_subscriber); }
154 public:
typename T>
157 {
return nestedModelInserted.Connect(_subscriber); }
162 public:
typename T>
164 {
return linkInserted.Connect(_subscriber); }
169 public:
typename T>
171 {
return jointInserted.Connect(_subscriber); }
176 public:
typename T>
178 {
return jointChanged.Connect(_subscriber); }
183 public:
typename T>
185 {
return nestedModelRemoved.Connect(_subscriber); }
190 public:
typename T>
193 {
return requestLinkInsertion.Connect(_subscriber); }
198 public:
typename T>
201 {
return requestLinkRemoval.Connect(_subscriber); }
206 public:
typename T>
208 {
return linkRemoved.Connect(_subscriber); }
213 public:
typename T>
216 {
return requestJointRemoval.Connect(_subscriber); }
221 public:
typename T>
224 {
return requestJointInsertion.Connect(_subscriber); }
229 public:
typename T>
231 {
return jointRemoved.Connect(_subscriber); }
236 public:
typename T>
238 {
return openLinkInspector.Connect(_subscriber); }
244 public:
typename T>
247 {
return openModelPluginInspector.Connect(_subscriber); }
252 public:
typename T>
254 {
return openJointInspector.Connect(_subscriber); }
259 public:
typename T>
261 {
return jointNameChanged.Connect(_subscriber); }
268 {
return showLinkContextMenu.Connect(_subscriber); }
275 {
return showJointContextMenu.Connect(_subscriber); }
283 {
return showModelPluginContextMenu.Connect(_subscriber); }
290 {
return setSelectedEntity.Connect(_subscriber); }
297 {
return setSelectedJoint.Connect(_subscriber); }
305 {
return setSelectedModelPlugin.Connect(_subscriber); }
310 public:
typename T>
313 {
return modelPluginInserted.Connect(_subscriber); }
318 public:
typename T>
321 {
return modelPluginRemoved.Connect(_subscriber); }
327 public:
typename T>
330 {
return requestModelPluginRemoval.Connect(_subscriber); }
336 public:
typename T>
339 {
return requestModelPluginInsertion.Connect(_subscriber); }
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestNestedModelMove(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request nested model move signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:147
static event::EventT< void()> newModel
Notify that model has been newed.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:370
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectModelPluginRemoved(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the model plugin removed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:319
static event::EventT< void()> finishModel
A model has been completed and uploaded onto the server.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:342
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> showLinkContextMenu
Request to show the link context menu.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:438
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> nestedModelInserted
Notify that a nested model has been inserted.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:373
static event::EventT< void()> newModelEditor
Request to start a new model.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:351
Forward declarations for the common classes.
Definition: Animation.hh:26
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectOpenModelPluginInspector(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the open model plugin inspector signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:245
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestLinkScale(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request link scale signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:130
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> linkRemoved
Notify that a link has been removed.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:382
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectFinishModel(T _subscriber)
Connect a boost::slot to the finish model signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:40
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> linkInserted
Notify that a link has been inserted.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:376
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectExitModelEditor(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the exit signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:68
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectNestedModelRemoved(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the nested model removed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:184
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestModelPluginRemoval(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request model plugin removal signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:328
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestModelPluginInsertion(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request model plugin insertion signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:337
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestLinkInsertion(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request link insertion signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:191
static event::EventT< void(std::string, bool)> setSelectedModelPlugin
Request to select or deselect a model plugin.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:456
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> modelPluginRemoved
Notify that a model plugin has been removed.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:462
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectNewModelEditor(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the new signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:61
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:34
static event::EventT< void(std::string, ignition::math::Pose3d)> requestNestedModelMove
Request to move a nestedModel.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:486
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestLinkMove(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request link move signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:138
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectSaveAsModelEditor(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the save as signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:54
static event::EventT< void(sdf::ElementPtr, std::string)> requestJointInsertion
Request to insert a joint.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:404
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectShowLinkContextMenu(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the show link context menu signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:267
static event::EventT< void()> modelChanged
Model has been changed.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:357
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectNestedModelInserted(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the nested model inserted signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:156
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectSaveModelEditor(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the save signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:47
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> requestNestedModelRemoval
Request to remove a nested model.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:390
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectJointRemoved(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the joint removed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:230
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> showJointContextMenu
Request to show the joint context menu.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:441
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestNestedModelInsertion(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request nested model insertion signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:122
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestJointRemoval(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request joint removal signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:214
static event::EventT< void(std::string, std::map< std::string, ignition::math::Vector3d >)> requestLinkScale
Request to scale a link.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:478
static event::EventT< void(std::string, ignition::math::Pose3d)> requestLinkMove
Request to move a link.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:482
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> requestLinkRemoval
Request to remove a link.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:397
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectJointChanged(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the joint changed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:177
static event::EventT< bool()> saveModelEditor
Request to save the model.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:345
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> showModelPluginContextMenu
Request to show the model plugin context menu.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:445
static event::EventT< void(std::string, bool)> setSelectedEntity
Request to select or deselect an entity.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:449
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectModelNameChanged(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the name changed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:82
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectShowModelPluginContextMenu(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the show model plugin context menu signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:282
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> requestJointRemoval
Request to remove a joint.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:400
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectOpenJointInspector(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the open joint inspector signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:253
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> nestedModelRemoved
Notify that a nested model has been removed.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:379
static event::EventT< void(std::string, std::string)> jointNameChanged
Notify that the joint name has been changed.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:435
static event::EventT< void(sdf::ElementPtr)> requestNestedModelInsertion
Request to insert a nested model.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:394
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> openLinkInspector
Request to open the link inspector.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:422
boost::shared_ptr< Connection > ConnectionPtr
Definition: CommonTypes.hh:134
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestNestedModelRemoval(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request nested model removal signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:113
Definition: KeyEventHandler.hh:29
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectNewModel(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the new model signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:105
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectOpenLinkInspector(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the open link inspector signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:237
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> openJointInspector
Request to open the joint inspector.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:425
static event::EventT< void(std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string)> jointChanged
Notify that a joint has been changed.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:419
static event::EventT< void(std::string, std::string, std::string, bool)> requestModelPluginInsertion
Request to insert a model plugin.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:474
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectSetSelectedModelPlugin(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the set selected model plugin signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:304
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectJointInserted(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the joint inserted signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:170
static event::EventT< void(std::string, bool)> requestModelPluginRemoval
Request to remove a model plugin.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:468
static event::EventT< void()> exitModelEditor
Request to exit the editor.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:354
static event::EventT< void(sdf::ElementPtr)> requestLinkInsertion
Request to insert a link.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:386
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> modelPluginInserted
Notify that a model plugin has been inserted.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:459
static event::EventT< void(std::string, bool)> setSelectedJoint
Request to select or deselect a joint.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:452
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectModelPropertiesChanged(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the model properties changed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:91
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> modelNameChanged
Name was changed in the editor palette.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:360
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> jointRemoved
Notify that a joint has been removed.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:413
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectShowJointContextMenu(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the show joint context menu signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:274
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectJointNameChanged(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the joint name changed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:260
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectLinkInserted(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the link inserted signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:163
static event::EventT< void(std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string)> jointInserted
Notify that a joint has been inserted.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:410
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectLinkRemoved(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the link removed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:207
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectModelChanged(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the model changed signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:75
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestJointInsertion(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request joint insertion signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:222
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> openModelPluginInspector
Request to open the model plugin inspector.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:429
static event::EventT< void(std::string)> saveModel
Notify that model has been saved.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:367
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectModelPluginInserted(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the model plugin inserted signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:311
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectSaveModel(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the save model signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:98
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectRequestLinkRemoval(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the request link removal signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:199
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectSetSelectedJoint(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the set selected joint signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:296
static event::EventT< bool()> saveAsModelEditor
Request to save the model as.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:348
static event::EventT< void(bool, bool)> modelPropertiesChanged
Notify that model properties have been changed.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:364
static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectSetSelectedEntity(T _subscriber)
Connect a Gazebo event to the set selected entity signal.
Definition: ModelEditorEvents.hh:289