TransportIface.hh File Reference
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include "gazebo/transport/TransportTypes.hh"
#include "gazebo/transport/SubscribeOptions.hh"
#include "gazebo/transport/Node.hh"
#include "gazebo/transport/TopicManager.hh"

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 Forward declarations for the common classes.


void clear_buffers ()
 Clear any remaining communication buffers. More...
transport::ConnectionPtr connectToMaster ()
 Create a connection to master. More...
void fini ()
 Cleanup the transport component. More...
bool get_master_uri (std::string &_master_host, unsigned int &_master_port)
 Get the hostname and port of the master from the GAZEBO_MASTER_URI environment variable. More...
void get_topic_namespaces (std::list< std::string > &_namespaces)
 Return all the namespace (world names) on the master. More...
std::map< std::string, std::list< std::string > > getAdvertisedTopics ()
 Get a list of all the topics and their message types. More...
std::list< std::string > getAdvertisedTopics (const std::string &_msgType)
 Get a list of all the unique advertised topic names. More...
bool getMinimalComms ()
 Get whether minimal comms has been enabled. More...
std::string getTopicMsgType (const std::string &_topicName)
 Get the message typename that is published on the given topic. More...
bool init (const std::string &_masterHost="", unsigned int _masterPort=0, uint32_t _timeoutIterations=30)
 Initialize the transport system. More...
bool is_stopped ()
 Is the transport system stopped? More...
void pause_incoming (bool _pause)
 Pause or unpause incoming messages. More...
template<typename M >
void publish (const std::string &_topic, const google::protobuf::Message &_message)
 A convenience function for a one-time publication of a message. More...
boost::shared_ptr< msgs::Response > request (const std::string &_worldName, const std::string &_request, const std::string &_data="", const common::Time &_timeout=-1)
 Send a request and receive a response. More...
void requestNoReply (const std::string &_worldName, const std::string &_request, const std::string &_data="")
 Send a request and don't wait for a response. More...
void requestNoReply (NodePtr _node, const std::string &_request, const std::string &_data="")
 Send a request and don't wait for a response. More...
void run ()
 Run the transport component. More...
void setMinimalComms (bool _enabled)
 Set whether minimal comms should be used. More...
void stop ()
 Stop the transport component from running. More...
bool waitForNamespaces (const gazebo::common::Time &_maxWait)
 Blocks while waiting for topic namespaces from the Master. More...