Public Attributes | List of all members
gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate Class Reference

Private data class for World. More...

#include <WorldPrivate.hh>

Public Attributes

event::Connection_V connections
 All the event connections. More...
transport::SubscriberPtr controlSub
 Subscriber to world control messages. More...
int currentStateBuffer
 Keep track of current state buffer being updated. More...
std::list< std::string > deleteEntity
 List of entities to delete. More...
std::list< Entity * > dirtyPoses
 when physics engine makes an update and changes a link pose, this flag is set to trigger Entity::SetWorldPose on the physics::Link in World::Update. More...
bool enablePhysicsEngine
 True to enable the physics engine. More...
boost::mutex entityDeleteMutex
 Mutex to protect the deleteEntity list. More...
boost::mutex factoryDeleteMutex
 This mutex is used to by the ::RemoveModel and ::ProcessFactoryMsgs functions. More...
std::list< msgs::Factory > factoryMsgs
 Factory message buffer. More...
sdf::SDFPtr factorySDF
 Store a factory SDF object to improve speed at which objects are inserted via the factory. More...
transport::SubscriberPtr factorySub
 Subscriber to factory messages. More...
transport::PublisherPtr guiPub
 Publisher for gui messages. More...
bool initialized
 True if the world has been initialized. More...
uint64_t iterations
 The number of simulation iterations. More...
transport::SubscriberPtr jointSub
 Subscriber to joint messages. More...
transport::PublisherPtr lightPub
 Publisher for light messages. More...
transport::SubscriberPtr lightSub
 Subscriber to light messages. More...
bool loaded
 True if the world has been loaded. More...
boost::mutex * loadModelMutex
 Mutex to protext loading of models. More...
boost::mutex logBufferMutex
 Mutex to protect the log state buffers. More...
boost::condition_variable logCondition
 Condition used for log worker. More...
boost::condition_variable logContinueCondition
 Condition used to guarantee the log worker thread doesn't skip an interation. More...
boost::mutex logMutex
 Mutex to protect the log worker thread. More...
WorldState logPlayState
 Current state when playing from a log file. More...
sdf::ElementPtr logPlayStateSDF
 State from from log file. More...
uint64_t logPrevIteration
 Last iteration recorded by the log worker thread. More...
common::Time logRealTime
 Real time value set from a log file. More...
boost::thread * logThread
 Worker thread for logging. More...
std::list< msgs::Model > modelMsgs
 Model message buffer. More...
transport::PublisherPtr modelPub
 Publisher for model messages. More...
Model_V models
 A cached list of models. This is here for performance. More...
transport::SubscriberPtr modelSub
 Subscriber to model messages. More...
void(World::* modelUpdateFunc )()
 Function pointer to the model update function. More...
std::string name
 Name of the world. More...
bool needsReset
 True to reset the world on next update. More...
transport::NodePtr node
 Transportation node. More...
bool pause
 True if simulation is paused. More...
common::Time pauseStartTime
 Time at which pause started. More...
common::Time pauseTime
 Amount of time simulation has been paused. More...
PhysicsEnginePtr physicsEngine
 Pointer the physics engine. More...
std::vector< WorldPluginPtrplugins
 All the plugins. More...
bool pluginsLoaded
 True if the plugins have been loaded. More...
transport::PublisherPtr poseLocalPub
 Publisher for local pose messages. More...
transport::PublisherPtr posePub
 Publisher for pose messages. More...
common::Time prevProcessMsgsTime
 Last time incoming messages were processed. More...
WorldState prevStates [2]
 Buffer of prev states. More...
common::Time prevStatTime
 Last time a world statistics message was sent. More...
common::Time prevStepWallTime
 For keeping track of time step throttling. More...
common::Time processMsgsPeriod
 Period over which messages should be processed. More...
std::set< ModelPtrpublishModelPoses
 The list of models that need to publish their pose. More...
common::Time realTimeOffset
 Used to compute a more accurate real time value. More...
boost::recursive_mutex * receiveMutex
 Mutex to protect incoming message buffers. More...
std::list< msgs::Request > requestMsgs
 Request message buffer. More...
transport::SubscriberPtr requestSub
 Subscriber to request messages. More...
bool resetAll
 True to reset everything. More...
bool resetModelOnly
 True to reset only model poses. More...
bool resetTimeOnly
 True to reset only the time. More...
transport::PublisherPtr responsePub
 Publisher for request response messages. More...
BasePtr rootElement
 The root of all entities in the world. More...
msgs::Scene sceneMsg
 Outgoing scene message. More...
sdf::ElementPtr sdf
 THe world's SDF values. More...
boost::mutex * setWorldPoseMutex
 : Add an accessor for this, and make it private Used in More...
common::Time simTime
 Current simulation time. More...
common::Time sleepOffset
 sleep timing error offset due to clock wake up latency More...
common::SphericalCoordinatesPtr sphericalCoordinates
 Pointer the spherical coordinates data. More...
common::Time startTime
 Clock time when simulation was started. More...
std::deque< WorldStatestates [2]
 Alternating buffer of states. More...
int stateToggle
 Int used to toggle between prevStates. More...
transport::PublisherPtr statPub
 Publisher for world statistics messages. More...
int stepInc
 Number of steps in increment by. More...
bool stop
 True to stop the world from running. More...
uint64_t stopIterations
 The number of simulation iterations to take before stopping. More...
RayShapePtr testRay
 Ray used to test for collisions when placing entities. More...
boost::thread * thread
 thread in which the world is updated. More...
common::UpdateInfo updateInfo
 Info passed through the WorldUpdateBegin event. More...
msgs::WorldStatistics worldStatsMsg
 Outgoing world statistics message. More...
boost::recursive_mutex * worldUpdateMutex
 Used by World classs in following calls: World::Step for then entire function World::StepWorld for changing World::stepInc, and waits on setpInc on World::stepIhc as it's decremented. More...

Detailed Description

Private data class for World.

Member Data Documentation

event::Connection_V gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::connections

All the event connections.

transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::controlSub

Subscriber to world control messages.

int gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::currentStateBuffer

Keep track of current state buffer being updated.

std::list<std::string> gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::deleteEntity

List of entities to delete.

std::list<Entity*> gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::dirtyPoses

when physics engine makes an update and changes a link pose, this flag is set to trigger Entity::SetWorldPose on the physics::Link in World::Update.

bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::enablePhysicsEngine

True to enable the physics engine.

boost::mutex gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::entityDeleteMutex

Mutex to protect the deleteEntity list.

boost::mutex gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::factoryDeleteMutex

This mutex is used to by the ::RemoveModel and ::ProcessFactoryMsgs functions.

std::list<msgs::Factory> gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::factoryMsgs

Factory message buffer.

sdf::SDFPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::factorySDF

Store a factory SDF object to improve speed at which objects are inserted via the factory.

transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::factorySub

Subscriber to factory messages.

transport::PublisherPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::guiPub

Publisher for gui messages.

bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::initialized

True if the world has been initialized.

uint64_t gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::iterations

The number of simulation iterations.

transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::jointSub

Subscriber to joint messages.

transport::PublisherPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::lightPub

Publisher for light messages.

transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::lightSub

Subscriber to light messages.

bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::loaded

True if the world has been loaded.

boost::mutex* gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::loadModelMutex

Mutex to protext loading of models.

boost::mutex gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::logBufferMutex

Mutex to protect the log state buffers.

boost::condition_variable gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::logCondition

Condition used for log worker.

boost::condition_variable gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::logContinueCondition

Condition used to guarantee the log worker thread doesn't skip an interation.

boost::mutex gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::logMutex

Mutex to protect the log worker thread.

WorldState gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::logPlayState

Current state when playing from a log file.

sdf::ElementPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::logPlayStateSDF

State from from log file.

uint64_t gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::logPrevIteration

Last iteration recorded by the log worker thread.

common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::logRealTime

Real time value set from a log file.

boost::thread* gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::logThread

Worker thread for logging.

std::list<msgs::Model> gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::modelMsgs

Model message buffer.

transport::PublisherPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::modelPub

Publisher for model messages.

Model_V gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::models

A cached list of models. This is here for performance.

transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::modelSub

Subscriber to model messages.

void(World::* gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::modelUpdateFunc)()

Function pointer to the model update function.

std::string gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::name

Name of the world.

bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::needsReset

True to reset the world on next update.

transport::NodePtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::node

Transportation node.

bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::pause

True if simulation is paused.

common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::pauseStartTime

Time at which pause started.

common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::pauseTime

Amount of time simulation has been paused.

PhysicsEnginePtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::physicsEngine

Pointer the physics engine.

std::vector<WorldPluginPtr> gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::plugins

All the plugins.

bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::pluginsLoaded

True if the plugins have been loaded.

transport::PublisherPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::poseLocalPub

Publisher for local pose messages.

transport::PublisherPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::posePub

Publisher for pose messages.

common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::prevProcessMsgsTime

Last time incoming messages were processed.

WorldState gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::prevStates[2]

Buffer of prev states.

common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::prevStatTime

Last time a world statistics message was sent.

common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::prevStepWallTime

For keeping track of time step throttling.

common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::processMsgsPeriod

Period over which messages should be processed.

std::set<ModelPtr> gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::publishModelPoses

The list of models that need to publish their pose.

common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::realTimeOffset

Used to compute a more accurate real time value.

boost::recursive_mutex* gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::receiveMutex

Mutex to protect incoming message buffers.

std::list<msgs::Request> gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::requestMsgs

Request message buffer.

transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::requestSub

Subscriber to request messages.

bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::resetAll

True to reset everything.

bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::resetModelOnly

True to reset only model poses.

bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::resetTimeOnly

True to reset only the time.

transport::PublisherPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::responsePub

Publisher for request response messages.

BasePtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::rootElement

The root of all entities in the world.

msgs::Scene gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::sceneMsg

Outgoing scene message.

sdf::ElementPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::sdf

THe world's SDF values.

boost::mutex* gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::setWorldPoseMutex

: Add an accessor for this, and make it private Used in

Entity::Reset to call Entity::SetWorldPose and Entity::SetRelativePose Entity::SetWorldPose to call Entity::setWorldPoseFunc

common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::simTime

Current simulation time.

common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::sleepOffset

sleep timing error offset due to clock wake up latency

common::SphericalCoordinatesPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::sphericalCoordinates

Pointer the spherical coordinates data.

common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::startTime

Clock time when simulation was started.

std::deque<WorldState> gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::states[2]

Alternating buffer of states.

int gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::stateToggle

Int used to toggle between prevStates.

transport::PublisherPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::statPub

Publisher for world statistics messages.

int gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::stepInc

Number of steps in increment by.

bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::stop

True to stop the world from running.

uint64_t gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::stopIterations

The number of simulation iterations to take before stopping.

RayShapePtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::testRay

Ray used to test for collisions when placing entities.

boost::thread* gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::thread

thread in which the world is updated.

common::UpdateInfo gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::updateInfo

Info passed through the WorldUpdateBegin event.

msgs::WorldStatistics gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::worldStatsMsg

Outgoing world statistics message.

boost::recursive_mutex* gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::worldUpdateMutex

Used by World classs in following calls: World::Step for then entire function World::StepWorld for changing World::stepInc, and waits on setpInc on World::stepIhc as it's decremented.

World::Reset while World::ResetTime, entities, World::physicsEngine World::SetPaused to assign world::pause

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: