Private data class for World. More...
#include <WorldPrivate.hh>
Public Attributes | |
event::Connection_V | connections |
All the event connections. More... | |
transport::SubscriberPtr | controlSub |
Subscriber to world control messages. More... | |
int | currentStateBuffer |
Keep track of current state buffer being updated. More... | |
std::list< std::string > | deleteEntity |
List of entities to delete. More... | |
std::list< Entity * > | dirtyPoses |
when physics engine makes an update and changes a link pose, this flag is set to trigger Entity::SetWorldPose on the physics::Link in World::Update. More... | |
bool | enablePhysicsEngine |
True to enable the physics engine. More... | |
boost::mutex | entityDeleteMutex |
Mutex to protect the deleteEntity list. More... | |
boost::mutex | factoryDeleteMutex |
This mutex is used to by the ::RemoveModel and ::ProcessFactoryMsgs functions. More... | |
std::list< msgs::Factory > | factoryMsgs |
Factory message buffer. More... | |
sdf::SDFPtr | factorySDF |
Store a factory SDF object to improve speed at which objects are inserted via the factory. More... | |
transport::SubscriberPtr | factorySub |
Subscriber to factory messages. More... | |
transport::PublisherPtr | guiPub |
Publisher for gui messages. More... | |
bool | initialized |
True if the world has been initialized. More... | |
uint64_t | iterations |
The number of simulation iterations. More... | |
transport::SubscriberPtr | jointSub |
Subscriber to joint messages. More... | |
transport::PublisherPtr | lightPub |
Publisher for light messages. More... | |
transport::SubscriberPtr | lightSub |
Subscriber to light messages. More... | |
bool | loaded |
True if the world has been loaded. More... | |
boost::mutex * | loadModelMutex |
Mutex to protext loading of models. More... | |
boost::mutex | logBufferMutex |
Mutex to protect the log state buffers. More... | |
boost::condition_variable | logCondition |
Condition used for log worker. More... | |
boost::condition_variable | logContinueCondition |
Condition used to guarantee the log worker thread doesn't skip an interation. More... | |
boost::mutex | logMutex |
Mutex to protect the log worker thread. More... | |
WorldState | logPlayState |
Current state when playing from a log file. More... | |
sdf::ElementPtr | logPlayStateSDF |
State from from log file. More... | |
uint64_t | logPrevIteration |
Last iteration recorded by the log worker thread. More... | |
common::Time | logRealTime |
Real time value set from a log file. More... | |
boost::thread * | logThread |
Worker thread for logging. More... | |
std::list< msgs::Model > | modelMsgs |
Model message buffer. More... | |
transport::PublisherPtr | modelPub |
Publisher for model messages. More... | |
Model_V | models |
A cached list of models. This is here for performance. More... | |
transport::SubscriberPtr | modelSub |
Subscriber to model messages. More... | |
void(World::* | modelUpdateFunc )() |
Function pointer to the model update function. More... | |
std::string | name |
Name of the world. More... | |
bool | needsReset |
True to reset the world on next update. More... | |
transport::NodePtr | node |
Transportation node. More... | |
bool | pause |
True if simulation is paused. More... | |
common::Time | pauseStartTime |
Time at which pause started. More... | |
common::Time | pauseTime |
Amount of time simulation has been paused. More... | |
PhysicsEnginePtr | physicsEngine |
Pointer the physics engine. More... | |
std::vector< WorldPluginPtr > | plugins |
All the plugins. More... | |
bool | pluginsLoaded |
True if the plugins have been loaded. More... | |
transport::PublisherPtr | poseLocalPub |
Publisher for local pose messages. More... | |
transport::PublisherPtr | posePub |
Publisher for pose messages. More... | |
common::Time | prevProcessMsgsTime |
Last time incoming messages were processed. More... | |
WorldState | prevStates [2] |
Buffer of prev states. More... | |
common::Time | prevStatTime |
Last time a world statistics message was sent. More... | |
common::Time | prevStepWallTime |
For keeping track of time step throttling. More... | |
common::Time | processMsgsPeriod |
Period over which messages should be processed. More... | |
std::set< ModelPtr > | publishModelPoses |
The list of models that need to publish their pose. More... | |
common::Time | realTimeOffset |
Used to compute a more accurate real time value. More... | |
boost::recursive_mutex * | receiveMutex |
Mutex to protect incoming message buffers. More... | |
std::list< msgs::Request > | requestMsgs |
Request message buffer. More... | |
transport::SubscriberPtr | requestSub |
Subscriber to request messages. More... | |
bool | resetAll |
True to reset everything. More... | |
bool | resetModelOnly |
True to reset only model poses. More... | |
bool | resetTimeOnly |
True to reset only the time. More... | |
transport::PublisherPtr | responsePub |
Publisher for request response messages. More... | |
BasePtr | rootElement |
The root of all entities in the world. More... | |
msgs::Scene | sceneMsg |
Outgoing scene message. More... | |
sdf::ElementPtr | sdf |
THe world's SDF values. More... | |
boost::mutex * | setWorldPoseMutex |
: Add an accessor for this, and make it private Used in More... | |
common::Time | simTime |
Current simulation time. More... | |
common::Time | sleepOffset |
sleep timing error offset due to clock wake up latency More... | |
common::SphericalCoordinatesPtr | sphericalCoordinates |
Pointer the spherical coordinates data. More... | |
common::Time | startTime |
Clock time when simulation was started. More... | |
std::deque< WorldState > | states [2] |
Alternating buffer of states. More... | |
int | stateToggle |
Int used to toggle between prevStates. More... | |
transport::PublisherPtr | statPub |
Publisher for world statistics messages. More... | |
int | stepInc |
Number of steps in increment by. More... | |
bool | stop |
True to stop the world from running. More... | |
uint64_t | stopIterations |
The number of simulation iterations to take before stopping. More... | |
RayShapePtr | testRay |
Ray used to test for collisions when placing entities. More... | |
boost::thread * | thread |
thread in which the world is updated. More... | |
common::UpdateInfo | updateInfo |
Info passed through the WorldUpdateBegin event. More... | |
msgs::WorldStatistics | worldStatsMsg |
Outgoing world statistics message. More... | |
boost::recursive_mutex * | worldUpdateMutex |
Used by World classs in following calls: World::Step for then entire function World::StepWorld for changing World::stepInc, and waits on setpInc on World::stepIhc as it's decremented. More... | |
Private data class for World.
event::Connection_V gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::connections |
All the event connections.
transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::controlSub |
Subscriber to world control messages.
int gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::currentStateBuffer |
Keep track of current state buffer being updated.
std::list<std::string> gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::deleteEntity |
List of entities to delete.
std::list<Entity*> gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::dirtyPoses |
when physics engine makes an update and changes a link pose, this flag is set to trigger Entity::SetWorldPose on the physics::Link in World::Update.
bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::enablePhysicsEngine |
True to enable the physics engine.
boost::mutex gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::entityDeleteMutex |
Mutex to protect the deleteEntity list.
boost::mutex gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::factoryDeleteMutex |
This mutex is used to by the ::RemoveModel and ::ProcessFactoryMsgs functions.
std::list<msgs::Factory> gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::factoryMsgs |
Factory message buffer.
sdf::SDFPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::factorySDF |
Store a factory SDF object to improve speed at which objects are inserted via the factory.
transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::factorySub |
Subscriber to factory messages.
transport::PublisherPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::guiPub |
Publisher for gui messages.
bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::initialized |
True if the world has been initialized.
uint64_t gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::iterations |
The number of simulation iterations.
transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::jointSub |
Subscriber to joint messages.
transport::PublisherPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::lightPub |
Publisher for light messages.
transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::lightSub |
Subscriber to light messages.
bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::loaded |
True if the world has been loaded.
boost::mutex* gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::loadModelMutex |
Mutex to protext loading of models.
boost::mutex gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::logBufferMutex |
Mutex to protect the log state buffers.
boost::condition_variable gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::logCondition |
Condition used for log worker.
boost::condition_variable gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::logContinueCondition |
Condition used to guarantee the log worker thread doesn't skip an interation.
boost::mutex gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::logMutex |
Mutex to protect the log worker thread.
WorldState gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::logPlayState |
Current state when playing from a log file.
sdf::ElementPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::logPlayStateSDF |
State from from log file.
uint64_t gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::logPrevIteration |
Last iteration recorded by the log worker thread.
common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::logRealTime |
Real time value set from a log file.
boost::thread* gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::logThread |
Worker thread for logging.
std::list<msgs::Model> gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::modelMsgs |
Model message buffer.
transport::PublisherPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::modelPub |
Publisher for model messages.
Model_V gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::models |
A cached list of models. This is here for performance.
transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::modelSub |
Subscriber to model messages.
void(World::* gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::modelUpdateFunc)() |
Function pointer to the model update function.
std::string gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::name |
Name of the world.
bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::needsReset |
True to reset the world on next update.
transport::NodePtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::node |
Transportation node.
bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::pause |
True if simulation is paused.
common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::pauseStartTime |
Time at which pause started.
common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::pauseTime |
Amount of time simulation has been paused.
PhysicsEnginePtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::physicsEngine |
Pointer the physics engine.
std::vector<WorldPluginPtr> gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::plugins |
All the plugins.
bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::pluginsLoaded |
True if the plugins have been loaded.
transport::PublisherPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::poseLocalPub |
Publisher for local pose messages.
transport::PublisherPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::posePub |
Publisher for pose messages.
common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::prevProcessMsgsTime |
Last time incoming messages were processed.
WorldState gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::prevStates[2] |
Buffer of prev states.
common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::prevStatTime |
Last time a world statistics message was sent.
common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::prevStepWallTime |
For keeping track of time step throttling.
common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::processMsgsPeriod |
Period over which messages should be processed.
std::set<ModelPtr> gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::publishModelPoses |
The list of models that need to publish their pose.
common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::realTimeOffset |
Used to compute a more accurate real time value.
boost::recursive_mutex* gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::receiveMutex |
Mutex to protect incoming message buffers.
std::list<msgs::Request> gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::requestMsgs |
Request message buffer.
transport::SubscriberPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::requestSub |
Subscriber to request messages.
bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::resetAll |
True to reset everything.
bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::resetModelOnly |
True to reset only model poses.
bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::resetTimeOnly |
True to reset only the time.
transport::PublisherPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::responsePub |
Publisher for request response messages.
BasePtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::rootElement |
The root of all entities in the world.
msgs::Scene gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::sceneMsg |
Outgoing scene message.
sdf::ElementPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::sdf |
THe world's SDF values.
boost::mutex* gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::setWorldPoseMutex |
: Add an accessor for this, and make it private Used in
Entity::Reset to call Entity::SetWorldPose and Entity::SetRelativePose Entity::SetWorldPose to call Entity::setWorldPoseFunc
common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::simTime |
Current simulation time.
common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::sleepOffset |
sleep timing error offset due to clock wake up latency
common::SphericalCoordinatesPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::sphericalCoordinates |
Pointer the spherical coordinates data.
common::Time gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::startTime |
Clock time when simulation was started.
std::deque<WorldState> gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::states[2] |
Alternating buffer of states.
int gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::stateToggle |
Int used to toggle between prevStates.
transport::PublisherPtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::statPub |
Publisher for world statistics messages.
int gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::stepInc |
Number of steps in increment by.
bool gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::stop |
True to stop the world from running.
uint64_t gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::stopIterations |
The number of simulation iterations to take before stopping.
RayShapePtr gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::testRay |
Ray used to test for collisions when placing entities.
boost::thread* gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::thread |
thread in which the world is updated.
common::UpdateInfo gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::updateInfo |
Info passed through the WorldUpdateBegin event.
msgs::WorldStatistics gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::worldStatsMsg |
Outgoing world statistics message.
boost::recursive_mutex* gazebo::physics::WorldPrivate::worldUpdateMutex |
Used by World classs in following calls: World::Step for then entire function World::StepWorld for changing World::stepInc, and waits on setpInc on World::stepIhc as it's decremented.
World::Reset while World::ResetTime, entities, World::physicsEngine World::SetPaused to assign world::pause