class | AirPressure |
| AirPressure contains information about a general purpose fluid pressure sensor. More...
class | Altimeter |
| Altimeter contains information about an altimeter sensor. More...
class | AssertionInternalError |
| Class for generating Exceptions which come from sdf assertions. More...
class | Atmosphere |
| The Atmosphere class contains information about an atmospheric model and related parameters such as temperature and pressure at sea level. More...
class | Box |
| Box represents a box shape, and is usually accessed through a Geometry. More...
class | Camera |
| Information about a monocular camera sensor. More...
class | Collision |
| A collision element descibes the collison properties associated with a link. More...
class | Color |
| Defines a color. More...
class | Console |
| Message, error, warning, and logging functionality. More...
class | ConsolePrivate |
class | Converter |
| Convert from one version of SDF to another. More...
class | Cylinder |
| Cylinder represents a cylinder shape, and is usually accessed through a Geometry. More...
class | Element |
| SDF Element class. More...
class | ElementPrivate |
class | Error |
class | Exception |
| Class for generating exceptions. More...
class | ExceptionPrivate |
class | Geometry |
| Geometry provides access to a shape, such as a Box. More...
class | Gui |
class | Imu |
| Imu contains information about an imu sensor. More...
class | Inertia |
| A class for inertial information about a link. More...
class | InternalError |
| Class for generating Internal Gazebo Errors: those errors which should never happend and represent programming bugs. More...
class | Joint |
class | JointAxis |
| Parameters related to the axis of rotation for rotational joints, and the axis of translation for prismatic joints. More...
class | Lidar |
| Lidar contains information about a Lidar sensor. More...
class | Light |
| Provides a description of a light source. More...
class | Link |
class | Magnetometer |
| Magnetometer contains information about a magnetometer sensor. More...
class | Material |
| This class contains visual material properties. More...
class | Mesh |
| Mesh represents a mesh shape, and is usually accessed through a Geometry. More...
class | Model |
class | Noise |
| The Noise class contains information about a noise model, such as a Gaussian distribution. More...
class | Param |
| A parameter class. More...
class | ParamPrivate |
struct | ParamStreamer |
class | Pbr |
| This class provides access to Physically-Based-Rendering (PBR) material workflows. More...
class | PbrWorkflow |
| This class contains Physically-Based-Rendering (PBR) workflow properties. More...
class | Physics |
| The physics element specifies the type and properties of a dynamics engine. More...
class | Plane |
| Plane represents a plane shape, and is usually accessed through a Geometry. More...
class | Root |
| Root class that acts as an entry point to the SDF document model. More...
class | Scene |
class | SDF |
| Base SDF class. More...
class | SDFExtension |
class | Sphere |
| Sphere represents a sphere shape, and is usually accessed through a Geometry. More...
class | Time |
| A Time class, can be used to hold wall- or sim-time. More...
class | URDF2SDF |
| URDF to SDF converter. More...
class | Visual |
class | World |
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE void | addNestedModel (ElementPtr _sdf, ElementPtr _includeSDF) |
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE void | addURIPath (const std::string &_uri, const std::string &_path) |
| Associate paths to a URI. More...
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE bool | convertFile (const std::string &_filename, const std::string &_version, SDFPtr _sdf) |
| Convert an SDF file to a specific SDF version. More...
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE bool | convertString (const std::string &_sdfString, const std::string &_version, SDFPtr _sdf) |
| Convert an SDF string to a specific SDF version. More...
void | copyChildren (ElementPtr _sdf, TiXmlElement *_xml, const bool _onlyUnknown) |
| Copy child XML elements into the _sdf element. More...
template<typename T > |
bool | equal (const T &_a, const T &_b, const T &_epsilon=1e-6f) |
| check if two values are equal, within a tolerance More...
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE std::string | findFile (const std::string &_filename, bool _searchLocalPath=true, bool _useCallback=false) |
| Find the absolute path of a file. More...
std::string | getBestSupportedModelVersion (TiXmlElement *_modelXML, std::string &_modelFileName) |
| Get the best SDF version from models supported by this sdformat. More...
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE std::string | getModelFilePath (const std::string &_modelDirPath) |
| Get the file path to the model file. More...
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE bool | init (SDFPtr _sdf) |
| Init based on the installed sdf_format.xml file. More...
bool | initDoc (TiXmlDocument *_xmlDoc, SDFPtr _sdf) |
| Initialize the SDF interface using a TinyXML document. More...
bool | initDoc (TiXmlDocument *_xmlDoc, ElementPtr _sdf) |
| Initialize and SDF Element using a TinyXML document. More...
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE bool | initFile (const std::string &_filename, SDFPtr _sdf) |
| Initialize the SDF interface using a file. More...
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE bool | initFile (const std::string &_filename, ElementPtr _sdf) |
| Initialize an SDFElement interface using a file. More...
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE bool | initString (const std::string &_xmlString, SDFPtr _sdf) |
| Initialize the SDF interface using a string. More...
bool | initXml (TiXmlElement *_xml, ElementPtr _sdf) |
| For internal use only. Do not use this function. More...
std::string SDFORMAT_VISIBLE | lowercase (const std::string &_in) |
| Transforms a string to its lowercase equivalent. More...
template<class T > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, ParamStreamer< T > s) |
template<class... Ts> |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, ParamStreamer< std::variant< Ts... >> sv) |
template<class T > |
| ParamStreamer (T) -> ParamStreamer< T > |
bool | readDoc (TiXmlDocument *_xmlDoc, SDFPtr _sdf, const std::string &_source, bool _convert, Errors &_errors) |
| Populate the SDF values from a TinyXML document. More...
bool | readDoc (TiXmlDocument *_xmlDoc, ElementPtr _sdf, const std::string &_source, bool _convert, Errors &_errors) |
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE sdf::SDFPtr | readFile (const std::string &_filename) |
| Populate the SDF values from a file. More...
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE sdf::SDFPtr | readFile (const std::string &_filename, Errors &_errors) |
| Populate the SDF values from a file. More...
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE bool | readFile (const std::string &_filename, SDFPtr _sdf, Errors &_errors) |
| Populate the SDF values from a file. More...
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE bool | readFile (const std::string &_filename, SDFPtr _sdf) |
| Populate the SDF values from a file. More...
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE bool | readString (const std::string &_xmlString, SDFPtr _sdf, Errors &_errors) |
| Populate the SDF values from a string. More...
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE bool | readString (const std::string &_xmlString, SDFPtr _sdf) |
| Populate the SDF values from a string. More...
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE bool | readString (const std::string &_xmlString, ElementPtr _sdf, Errors &_errors) |
| Populate the SDF values from a string. More...
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE bool | readString (const std::string &_xmlString, ElementPtr _sdf) |
| Populate the SDF values from a string. More...
bool | readXml (TiXmlElement *_xml, ElementPtr _sdf, Errors &_errors) |
| For internal use only. More...
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE void | setFindCallback (std::function< std::string(const std::string &)> _cb) |
| Set the callback to use when SDF can't find a file. More...
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE std::vector< std::string > | split (const std::string &_str, const std::string &_splitter) |
| Split a string using the delimiter in splitter. More...
SDFORMAT_VISIBLE std::string | trim (const char *_in) |
| Trim leading and trailing whitespace from a string. More...