Public Member Functions | List of all members
gazebo::RenderingFixture Class Reference

#include <ServerFixture.hh>

Inheritance diagram for gazebo::RenderingFixture:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

virtual void SetUp ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from gazebo::ServerFixture
 ServerFixture ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~ServerFixture ()
 Destructor. More...
void DoubleCompare (double *_scanA, double *_scanB, unsigned int _sampleCount, double &_diffMax, double &_diffSum, double &_diffAvg)
 Function to compare two double arrays (for example two laser scans). More...
void FloatCompare (float *_scanA, float *_scanB, unsigned int _sampleCount, float &_diffMax, float &_diffSum, float &_diffAvg)
 Function to compare two float arrays (for example two laser scans). More...
math::Pose GetEntityPose (const std::string &_name)
 Get the pose of an entity. More...
void GetFrame (const std::string &_cameraName, unsigned char **_imgData, unsigned int &_width, unsigned int &_height)
 Get an image frame from a camera. More...
void GetMemInfo (double &_resident, double &_share)
 Get the current memory information. More...
physics::ModelPtr GetModel (const std::string &_name)
 Get a pointer to a model. More...
double GetPercentRealTime () const
 Get the real-time factor. More...
rendering::ScenePtr GetScene (const std::string &_sceneName="default")
 Get a pointer to the rendering scene. More...
std::string GetUniqueString (const std::string &_prefix)
 Get unique string with a specified prefix. More...
bool HasEntity (const std::string &_name)
 Return true if the named entity exists. More...
void ImageCompare (unsigned char *_imageA, unsigned char *_imageB, unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height, unsigned int _depth, unsigned int &_diffMax, unsigned int &_diffSum, double &_diffAvg)
 Function to compare two images. More...
virtual void Load (const std::string &_worldFilename)
 Load a world based on a filename. More...
virtual void Load (const std::string &_worldFilename, bool _paused)
 Load a world based on a filename and set simulation paused/un-paused. More...
virtual void Load (const std::string &_worldFilename, bool _paused, const std::string &_physics, const std::vector< std::string > &_systemPlugins={})
 Load a world based on a filename and set simulation paused/un-paused, and specify physics engine. More...
virtual void LoadArgs (const std::string &_args)
 Load a world in gzserver. More...
void LoadPlugin (const std::string &_filename, const std::string &_name)
 Load a plugin. More...
void OnPose (ConstPosesStampedPtr &_msg)
 Function that received poses messages from a running simulation. More...
void OnStats (ConstWorldStatisticsPtr &_msg)
 Function that received world stastics messages. More...
void PrintImage (const std::string &_name, unsigned char **_image, unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height, unsigned int _depth)
 Print image data to screen. More...
void PrintScan (const std::string &_name, double *_scan, unsigned int _sampleCount)
 Print laser scan to screen. More...
void Record (const std::string &_name, const double _data)
 Helper to record data to gtest xml output. More...
void Record (const std::string &_prefix, const math::SignalStats &_stats)
 Helper to record signal statistics to gtest xml output. More...
void Record (const std::string &_prefix, const math::Vector3Stats &_stats)
 Helper to record Vector3 signal statistics to gtest xml output. More...
void RemoveModel (const std::string &_name)
 Remove a model by name. More...
void RemovePlugin (const std::string &_name)
 Remove a plugin. More...
void RunServer (const std::vector< std::string > &_args)
 Run the server. More...
void SetPause (bool _pause)
 Set a running simulation paused/unpaused. More...
void SpawnBox (const std::string &_name, const math::Vector3 &_size, const math::Vector3 &_pos, const math::Vector3 &_rpy, bool _static=false)
 Spawn a box. More...
void SpawnCamera (const std::string &_modelName, const std::string &_cameraName, const math::Vector3 &_pos, const math::Vector3 &_rpy, unsigned int _width=320, unsigned int _height=240, double _rate=25, const std::string &_noiseType="", double _noiseMean=0.0, double _noiseStdDev=0.0, bool _distortion=false, double _distortionK1=0.0, double _distortionK2=0.0, double _distortionK3=0.0, double _distortionP1=0.0, double _distortionP2=0.0, double _cx=0.5, double _cy=0.5)
 Spawn a camera. More...
void SpawnCylinder (const std::string &_name, const math::Vector3 &_pos, const math::Vector3 &_rpy, bool _static=false)
 Spawn a cylinder. More...
void SpawnEmptyLink (const std::string &_name, const math::Vector3 &_pos, const math::Vector3 &_rpy, bool _static=false)
 Spawn an empty link. More...
void SpawnGpuRaySensor (const std::string &_modelName, const std::string &_raySensorName, const math::Vector3 &_pos, const math::Vector3 &_rpy, double _hMinAngle=-2.0, double _hMaxAngle=2.0, double _minRange=0.08, double _maxRange=10, double _rangeResolution=0.01, unsigned int _samples=640, const std::string &_noiseType="", double _noiseMean=0.0, double _noiseStdDev=0.0)
 Spawn a gpu laser. More...
void SpawnImuSensor (const std::string &_modelName, const std::string &_imuSensorName, const math::Vector3 &_pos, const math::Vector3 &_rpy, const std::string &_noiseType="", double _rateNoiseMean=0.0, double _rateNoiseStdDev=0.0, double _rateBiasMean=0.0, double _rateBiasStdDev=0.0, double _accelNoiseMean=0.0, double _accelNoiseStdDev=0.0, double _accelBiasMean=0.0, double _accelBiasStdDev=0.0)
 Spawn an imu sensor laser. More...
void SpawnLight (const std::string &_name, const std::string &_type, const math::Vector3 &_pos, const math::Vector3 &_rpy, const common::Color &_diffuse=common::Color::White, const common::Color &_specular=common::Color::White, const math::Vector3 &_direction=-math::Vector3::UnitZ, double _attenuationRange=20, double _attenuationConstant=0.5, double _attenuationLinear=0.01, double _attenuationQuadratic=0.001, double _spotInnerAngle=0, double _spotOuterAngle=0, double _spotFallOff=0, bool _castShadows=true)
 Spawn a light. More...
physics::ModelPtr SpawnModel (const msgs::Model &_msg)
 Spawn a model from a msgs::Model and return ModelPtr. More...
void SpawnModel (const std::string &_filename)
 Spawn a model from file. More...
void SpawnRaySensor (const std::string &_modelName, const std::string &_raySensorName, const math::Vector3 &_pos, const math::Vector3 &_rpy, double _hMinAngle=-2.0, double _hMaxAngle=2.0, double _vMinAngle=-1.0, double _vMaxAngle=1.0, double _minRange=0.08, double _maxRange=10, double _rangeResolution=0.01, unsigned int _samples=640, unsigned int _vSamples=1, double _hResolution=1.0, double _vResolution=1.0, const std::string &_noiseType="", double _noiseMean=0.0, double _noiseStdDev=0.0)
 Spawn a laser. More...
void SpawnSDF (const std::string &_sdf)
 Send a factory message based on an SDF string. More...
sensors::SonarSensorPtr SpawnSonar (const std::string &_modelName, const std::string &_sonarName, const ignition::math::Pose3d &_pose, const double _minRange, const double _maxRange, const double _radius)
 Spawn a sonar. More...
void SpawnSphere (const std::string &_name, const math::Vector3 &_pos, const math::Vector3 &_rpy, bool _wait=true, bool _static=false)
 Spawn a sphere. More...
void SpawnSphere (const std::string &_name, const math::Vector3 &_pos, const math::Vector3 &_rpy, const math::Vector3 &_cog, double _radius, bool _wait=true, bool _static=false)
 Spawn a sphere. More...
void SpawnTrimesh (const std::string &_name, const std::string &_modelPath, const math::Vector3 &_scale, const math::Vector3 &_pos, const math::Vector3 &_rpy, bool _static=false)
 Spawn a triangle mesh. More...
void SpawnUnitAltimeterSensor (const std::string &_name, const std::string &_sensorName, const std::string &_collisionType, const std::string &_topic, const ignition::math::Vector3d &_pos, const ignition::math::Vector3d &_rpy, bool _static=false)
 Spawn an altimeter sensor on a link. More...
void SpawnUnitContactSensor (const std::string &_name, const std::string &_sensorName, const std::string &_collisionType, const math::Vector3 &_pos, const math::Vector3 &_rpy, bool _static=false)
 Spawn a contact sensor with the specified collision geometry. More...
void SpawnUnitImuSensor (const std::string &_name, const std::string &_sensorName, const std::string &_collisionType, const std::string &_topic, const math::Vector3 &_pos, const math::Vector3 &_rpy, bool _static=false)
 Spawn an IMU sensor on a link. More...
void SpawnUnitMagnetometerSensor (const std::string &_name, const std::string &_sensorName, const std::string &_collisionType, const std::string &_topic, const ignition::math::Vector3d &_pos, const ignition::math::Vector3d &_rpy, bool _static=false)
 Spawn a magnetometer sensor on a link. More...
void SpawnWirelessReceiverSensor (const std::string &_name, const std::string &_sensorName, const math::Vector3 &_pos, const math::Vector3 &_rpy, double _minFreq, double _maxFreq, double _power, double _gain, double _sensitivity, bool _visualize=true)
 Spawn an Wireless receiver sensor on a link. More...
void SpawnWirelessTransmitterSensor (const std::string &_name, const std::string &_sensorName, const math::Vector3 &_pos, const math::Vector3 &_rpy, const std::string &_essid, double _freq, double _power, double _gain, bool _visualize=true)
 Spawn an Wireless transmitter sensor on a link. More...
virtual void TearDown ()
 Tear down the test fixture. This gets called by gtest. More...
virtual void Unload ()
 Unload the test fixture. More...
void WaitUntilEntitySpawn (const std::string &_name, unsigned int _sleepEach, int _retries)
 Wait for a number of ms. More...
void WaitUntilIteration (const uint32_t _goalIteration, const int _sleepEach, const int _retries) const
 Wait for a number of ms. More...
void WaitUntilSensorSpawn (const std::string &_name, unsigned int _sleepEach, int _retries)
 Wait for a number of ms. More...
void WaitUntilSimTime (const common::Time &_goalTime, const int _ms, const int _maxRetries) const
 Wait for a number of ms. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from gazebo::ServerFixture
template<typename T >
static void CheckPointer (boost::shared_ptr< T > _ptr)
 Check that a pointer is not NULL. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from gazebo::ServerFixture
transport::PublisherPtr factoryPub
 Factory publisher. More...
transport::NodePtr node
 Pointer to a node for communication. More...
common::Time pauseTime
std::map< std::string, math::Poseposes
 Map of received poses. More...
transport::SubscriberPtr poseSub
 Pose subscription. More...
common::Time realTime
boost::mutex receiveMutex
 Mutex to protect data structures that store messages. More...
transport::PublisherPtr requestPub
 Request publisher. More...
 Pointer the Gazebo server. More...
boost::thread * serverThread
 Pointer the thread the runs the server. More...
common::Time simTime
 Current simulation time, real time, and pause time. More...
transport::SubscriberPtr statsSub
 World statistics subscription. More...

Member Function Documentation

virtual void gazebo::RenderingFixture::SetUp ( )

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