DARTTypes Class Reference

A set of functions for converting between the math types used by gazebo and dart. More...

#include <DARTTypes.hh>

Static Public Member Functions

static Eigen::Isometry3d ConvPose (const math::Pose &_pose) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
static Eigen::Isometry3d ConvPose (const ignition::math::Pose3d &_pose)
static math::Pose ConvPose (const Eigen::Isometry3d &_T) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
static ignition::math::Pose3d ConvPoseIgn (const Eigen::Isometry3d &_T)
 Convert eigen iosmetry3d to ignition math pose3d. More...
static Eigen::Quaterniond ConvQuat (const math::Quaternion &_quat) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
static Eigen::Quaterniond ConvQuat (const ignition::math::Quaterniond &_quat)
 Convert ignition quaternion to eigen quaternion. More...
static math::Quaternion ConvQuat (const Eigen::Quaterniond &_quat) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
static ignition::math::Quaterniond ConvQuatIgn (const Eigen::Quaterniond &_quat)
 Convert eigen quaternion to ignition quaternion. More...
static Eigen::Vector3d ConvVec3 (const math::Vector3 &_vec3) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
static Eigen::Vector3d ConvVec3 (const ignition::math::Vector3d &_vec3)
 Convert ignition math vector3d to eigen vector3d. More...
static math::Vector3 ConvVec3 (const Eigen::Vector3d &_vec3) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(8.0)
static ignition::math::Vector3d ConvVec3Ign (const Eigen::Vector3d &_vec3)
 Convert eigen vector3d to ignition math vector3d. More...
static double InvertThreadPitch (double _pitch)
 Invert thread pitch to match the different definitions of thread pitch in Gazebo and DART. More...

Detailed Description

A set of functions for converting between the math types used by gazebo and dart.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: