►Nboost | |
►Ngazebo | Forward declarations for the common classes |
►Ncommon | Common namespace |
►Ndetails | |
CWeakBinder | Function object wrapper used by common::weakBind |
CAnimation | Manages an animation, which is a collection of keyframes and the ability to interpolate between the keyframes |
CAssertionInternalError | Class for generating Exceptions which come from gazebo assertions |
CAudioDecoder | An audio decoder based on FFMPEG |
CBattery | A battery abstraction |
CBVHLoader | Handles loading BVH animation files |
CColladaExporter | Class used to export Collada mesh files |
CColladaLoader | Class used to load Collada mesh files |
CConsole | Container for loggers, and global logging options (such as verbose vs |
CDem | |
CException | Class for generating exceptions |
►CFileLogger | A logger that outputs messages to a file |
CBuffer | String buffer for the file logger |
CFuelModelDatabase | Connects to an Igniiton Fuel model database, and has utility functions to find models |
CGTSMeshUtils | Creates GTS utilities for meshes |
CHeightmapData | Encapsulates a generic heightmap data file |
CHeightmapDataLoader | Helper class for loading heightmap data |
CImage | Encapsulates an image |
CImageHeightmap | Encapsulates an image that will be interpreted as a heightmap |
CInternalError | Class for generating Internal Gazebo Errors: those errors which should never happend and represent programming bugs |
CKeyEvent | Generic description of a keyboard event |
CKeyFrame | A key frame in an animation |
►CLogger | Terminal logger |
CBuffer | String buffer for the base logger |
CMaterial | Encapsulates description of a material |
CMaterialDensity | Encapsulates density types |
CMesh | A 3D mesh |
CMeshCSG | Creates CSG meshes |
CMeshExporter | Base class for exporting meshes |
CMeshLoader | Base class for loading meshes |
CMeshManager | Maintains and manages all meshes |
CModelDatabase | Connects to model database, and has utility functions to find models |
CMouseEvent | Generic description of a mouse event |
CMovingWindowFilter | Base class for MovingWindowFilter |
CNodeAnimation | Node animation |
CNodeAssignment | Vertex to node weighted assignement for skeleton animation visualization |
CNodeTransform | NodeTransform Skeleton.hh common/common.hh |
CNumericAnimation | A numeric animation |
CNumericKeyFrame | A keyframe for a NumericAnimation |
COBJLoader | Class used to load obj mesh files |
CParamT | |
CPID | Generic PID controller class |
CPoseAnimation | A pose animation |
CPoseKeyFrame | A keyframe for a PoseAnimation |
CSemanticVersion | Version comparison class based on Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 http://semver.org/ Compares versions and converts versions from string |
CSkeleton | A skeleton |
CSkeletonAnimation | Skeleton animation |
CSkeletonNode | A skeleton node |
CSphericalCoordinates | Convert spherical coordinates for planetary surfaces |
CSTLLoader | Class used to load STL mesh files |
CSubMesh | A child mesh |
CSVGCommand | SVG command data structure |
CSvgError | Handles errors during SVG parsing |
CSVGLoader | A loader for SVG files |
CSVGPath | An SVG path element data structure |
CSystemPaths | Functions to handle getting system paths, keeps track of: |
CTime | A Time class, can be used to hold wall- or sim-time |
CTimer | A timer class, used to time things in real world walltime |
CUpdateInfo | Information for use in an update event |
CURI | A complete URI |
CURIPath | The path component of a URI |
CURIQuery | The query component of a URI |
CVideo | Handle video encoding and decoding using libavcodec |
CVideoEncoder | Supports encoding a series of images to a video format, and then writing the video to disk |
►Nevent | Event namespace |
CConnection | A class that encapsulates a connection |
CEvent | Base class for all events |
CEvents | An Event class to get notifications for simulator events |
CEventT | A class for event processing |
►Ngui | Gui namespace |
►Neditor | |
CEvents | |
►Nmodel | |
CEvents | |
CAlignWidget | A gui widget for aligning models |
CApplyWrenchDialog | Dialog for applying force and torque to a model |
CBaseInspectorDialog | Base Dialog for a specific inspector dialog |
CBuildingEditor | |
CBuildingEditorPalette | A palette of building items which can be added to the editor |
CBuildingEditorWidget | The parent widget of the building editor, level widget and scale widget |
CBuildingMaker | Create and manage 3D visuals of a building |
CBuildingModelManip | Manipulate a 3D visual associated to a 2D editor item |
CCloneWindow | A dialog window used to set some parameters before cloning a simulation |
CCollisionConfig | A tab for configuring collision properties of a link |
CCollisionConfigData | A class of widgets used for configuring collision properties |
CConfigChildWidget | A convenience widget that also holds pointers to a list of its child widgets |
CConfigWidget | A widget generated from a google protobuf message |
CConversions | Conversions Conversions.hh gui/Conversions.hh |
CCurrentTimeItem | Item which represents the current time within the view |
CDataLogger | A widget that provides data logging functionality |
CDeleteAction | Custom delete action |
CDensityConfigWidget | A widget for configuring density properties |
CDirectionalLightMaker | Used to insert a new directional light into the scene |
CDoorItem | 2D representation of a door |
CEditableLabel | Editable Label |
CEditor | Base class for editors, such as BuildingEditor and TerrainEditor |
CEditorItem | Base class of an item in the editor |
CEditorMaterialListener | Ogre material listener |
CEditorMaterialSwitcher | Material switcher for the model editor used to toggle the material of the model |
CEditorRenderTargetListener | Ogre render target listener |
CEditorView | Control the editor view and manage contents in the editor scene |
CEntityMaker | To make an entity, base class |
CEnumConfigWidget | A widget for configuring enum values |
CEvents | |
CExportDialog | Dialog for saving to file |
CExtrudeDialog | Dialog for saving to file |
CFloorItem | 2D representation of a floor |
CGeometryConfigWidget | A widget for configuring geometry properties |
CGLWidget | |
CGrabberHandle | |
CGraphScene | A scene of 2D graph nodes and edges |
CGraphView | A view for the graph scene |
CGridLines | 2D grid lines |
CGroupWidget | A collapsible widget that holds child widgets |
CImageFrame | Frame that draws an image when a paintevent is received |
CImagesView | |
CImageView | |
CImportDialog | Dialog for saving to file |
CImportImageDialog | |
CImportImageView | Control the import image view and manage contents in the scene |
CIncrementalPlot | A plotting widget that handles incremental addition of data |
CInsertModelWidget | |
CIntrospectionCurveHandler | Manages and updates curves based on introspection data |
CJointControlWidget | Gui/JointControlWidget.hh |
CJointCreationDialog | A class to inspect and modify joints |
CJointData | Helper class to store joint data |
CJointForceControl | Widget to control joints via application of force |
CJointInspector | A class to inspect and modify joints |
CJointMaker | Handles the creation of joints in the model editor |
CJointPIDPosControl | Widget to control joints via application of position PID controller |
CJointPIDVelControl | Widget to control joints via application of a velocity PID controller |
CLaserView | |
CLayersWidget | A widget that manages visualization layers |
CLevel | A convenient structure for storing level information |
CLevelInspectorDialog | Dialog for configuring a building level |
CLevelWidget | A widget for adding and changing building levels |
CLightMaker | Used to insert a new light into the scene |
CLinkConfig | A tab for configuring properties of a link |
CLinkData | Helper class to store link data |
CLinkInspector | |
CLogPlayView | View for the timeline |
CLogPlayWidget | Widget which displays log playback options |
CMainWindow | |
CMeasureItem | Measurement lines and values |
CMEUserCmd | Class which represents a user command, which can be "undone" and "redone" |
CMEUserCmdManager | Class which manages user commands in the model editor |
CModelAlign | A gui tool for aligning models |
CModelCreator | Create and manage 3D visuals of a model with links, nested models and joints |
CModelData | |
CModelEditor | Interface to the terrain editor |
CModelEditorPalette | A palette of model items which can be added to the editor |
CModelListWidget | |
CModelMaker | Used to insert new models into the scene |
CModelManipulator | Manipulator tool for translating/rotating/scaling models and links |
CModelPluginData | Helper class to store model plugin data |
CModelPluginInspector | Inspector for model plugin properties |
CModelRightMenu | Displays a menu when the right mouse button has been pressed |
CModelSnap | A gui tool for snapping one model to another |
CModelTreeWidget | A widget that displays model properties |
CNestedModelData | Helper class to store nested models data |
COculusWindow | A widget that renders a camera view suitable for the Oculus Rift |
CPalette | A palette for the plot window, where plottable items can be dragged from |
CPlotCanvas | Plot canvas |
CPlotCurve | Plot Curve data |
CPlotManager | A class that connects simulation data with the plotting tool |
CPlotTracker | Mouse hover tracking |
CPlotWindow | Plot window |
CPointLightMaker | Used to insert a new point light into the scene |
CRectItem | 2D rectangle |
CRenderWidget | |
CRestUiLoginDialog | Provides a means to login to a webservice |
CRotateHandle | Handle for rotating an editor item |
CSaveEntityDialog | Dialog for saving to file |
CScaleWidget | Widget that displays the scale (zoom level) of the editor |
CSchematicViewWidget | The parent widget of the CML editor |
CSearchModel | Customize the proxy model to display search results |
CSegmentItem | 2D line segment |
CSpaceNav | Interface to the space navigator joystick |
CSplashScreen | Splash screen that displays an icon and a message |
CSpotLightMaker | Used to insert a new spot light into the scene |
CStairsInspectorDialog | Dialog for configuring a staircase item |
CStairsItem | 2D representation of a staircase |
CTerrainEditor | Interface to the terrain editor |
CTerrainEditorPalette | A palette of building items which can be added to the editor |
CTextView | |
CTimePanel | |
CTimeWidget | |
CToolsWidget | A widget that manages all the tools on the right side of the render widget |
CTopicCurveHandler | Manages and updates curves based on topic data |
CTopicSelector | A widget that provides a list of topics to select from |
CTopicView | Base class for widgets that display topic data |
CTopToolbar | Toolbar on the top of the main window |
CUserCmdHistory | Class which manages user commands in the client side |
CVariablePill | A variable pill |
CVariablePillContainer | A container for holding variable pills |
CVideoRecorder | Helper class for recording the user camera to a video file |
CViewAngleWidget | A gui widget for changing the camera view angle |
CViewFactory | The view factory creates GUI widgets to visualize data on a topic |
CViewState | A class for managing view visualization states |
CVisualConfig | A tab for configuring visual properties of a link |
CVisualConfigData | A class of widgets used for configuring visual properties |
CWallInspectorDialog | Dialog for configuring a wall item |
CWallSegmentItem | 2D representation of a wall |
CWindowDoorInspectorDialog | Dialog for configuring a window or door item |
CWindowItem | 2D representation of a window |
►Nmsgs | Messages namespace |
CMsgFactory | A factory that generates protobuf message based on a string type |
►Nphysics | Namespace for physics |
CActor | Actor class enables GPU based mesh model / skeleton scriptable animation |
CAdiabaticAtmosphere | Adiabatic atmosphere model based on the troposphere model in the Manual of the ICAO Standard Atmosphere |
CAtmosphere | This models a base atmosphere class to serve as a common interface to any derived atmosphere models |
CAtmosphereFactory | The atmosphere factory instantiates different atmosphere models |
CBallJoint | Base class for a ball joint |
CBase | Base class for most physics classes |
CBoxShape | Box geometry primitive |
CBulletBallJoint | BulletBallJoint class models a ball joint in Bullet |
CBulletBoxShape | Bullet box collision |
CBulletCollision | Bullet collisions |
CBulletCylinderShape | Cylinder collision |
CBulletFixedJoint | A fixed joint |
CBulletHeightmapShape | Height map collision |
CBulletHinge2Joint | A two axis hinge joint |
CBulletHingeJoint | A single axis hinge joint |
CBulletJoint | Base class for all joints |
CBulletLink | Bullet Link class |
CBulletMesh | Triangle mesh collision helper class |
CBulletMeshShape | Triangle mesh collision |
CBulletMotionState | Bullet btMotionState encapsulation |
CBulletMultiRayShape | Bullet specific version of MultiRayShape |
CBulletPhysics | Bullet physics engine |
CBulletPlaneShape | Bullet collision for an infinite plane |
CBulletPolylineShape | Bullet polyline shape |
CBulletRayShape | Ray shape for bullet |
CBulletScrewJoint | A screw joint |
CBulletSliderJoint | A slider joint |
CBulletSphereShape | Bullet sphere collision |
CBulletSurfaceParams | Bullet surface parameters |
CBulletTypes | A set of functions for converting between the math types used by gazebo and bullet |
CBulletUniversalJoint | A bullet universal joint class |
CCollision | Base class for all collision entities |
CCollisionState | Store state information of a physics::Collision object |
CContact | A contact between two collisions |
CContactManager | Aggregates all the contact information generated by the collision detection engine |
CContactPublisher | A custom contact publisher created for each contact filter in the Contact Manager |
CCylinderShape | Cylinder collision |
CDARTBallJoint | An DARTBallJoint |
CDARTBoxShape | DART Box shape |
CDARTCollision | Base class for all DART collisions |
CDARTCylinderShape | DART cylinder shape |
CDARTFixedJoint | A single axis hinge joint |
CDARTHeightmapShape | DART Height map collision |
CDARTHeightmapShapePrivate | Forward declare private data class |
CDARTHinge2Joint | A two axis hinge joint |
CDARTHingeJoint | A single axis hinge joint |
CDARTJoint | DART joint interface |
CDARTLink | DART Link class |
CDARTMesh | Triangle mesh collision helper class |
CDARTMeshShape | Triangle mesh collision |
CDARTModel | DART model class |
CDARTMultiRayShape | DART specific version of MultiRayShape |
CDARTPhysics | DART physics engine |
CDARTPlaneShape | An DART Plane shape |
CDARTPolylineShape | DART polyline shape |
CDARTRayShape | Ray collision |
CDARTScrewJoint | A screw joint |
CDARTSliderJoint | A slider joint |
CDARTSphereShape | A DART sphere shape |
CDARTSurfaceParams | DART surface parameters |
CDARTTypes | A set of functions for converting between the math types used by gazebo and dart |
CDARTUniversalJoint | A universal joint |
CEntity | Base class for all physics objects in Gazebo |
CFixedJoint | A fixed joint rigidly connecting two bodies |
CFrictionPyramid | Parameters used for friction pyramid model |
CGearboxJoint | A double axis gearbox joint |
CGripper | A gripper abstraction |
CHeightmapShape | HeightmapShape collision shape builds a heightmap from an image |
CHinge2Joint | A two axis hinge joint |
CHingeJoint | A single axis hinge joint |
CInertial | A class for inertial information about a link |
CJoint | Base class for all joints |
CJointController | A class for manipulating physics::Joint |
CJointState | Keeps track of state of a physics::Joint |
CJointWrench | Wrench information from a joint |
CLight | A light entity |
CLightState | Store state information of a Light object |
CLink | Link class defines a rigid body entity, containing information on inertia, visual and collision properties of a rigid body |
CLinkState | Store state information of a physics::Link object |
CMapShape | Creates box extrusions based on an image |
CMeshShape | Triangle mesh collision shape |
CModel | A model is a collection of links, joints, and plugins |
CModelState | Store state information of a physics::Model object |
CMultiRayShape | Laser collision contains a set of ray-collisions, structured to simulate a laser range scanner |
CODEBallJoint | An ODEBallJoint |
CODEBoxShape | ODE Box shape |
CODECollision | Base class for all ODE collisions |
CODECylinderShape | ODE cylinder shape |
CODEFixedJoint | A fixed joint |
CODEGearboxJoint | A double axis gearbox joint |
CODEHeightmapShape | ODE Height map collision |
CODEHinge2Joint | A two axis hinge joint |
CODEHingeJoint | A single axis hinge joint |
CODEJoint | ODE joint interface |
CODELink | ODE Link class |
CODEMesh | Triangle mesh helper class |
CODEMeshShape | Triangle mesh collision |
CODEMultiRayShape | ODE specific version of MultiRayShape |
CODEPhysics | ODE physics engine |
CODEPlaneShape | An ODE Plane shape |
CODEPolylineShape | ODE polyline shape |
CODERayShape | Ray collision |
CODEScrewJoint | A screw joint |
CODESliderJoint | A slider joint |
CODESphereShape | A ODE sphere shape |
CODESurfaceParams | ODE surface parameters |
CODEUniversalJoint | A universal joint |
CPhysicsEngine | Base class for a physics engine |
CPhysicsFactory | The physics factory instantiates different physics engines |
CPlaneShape | Collision for an infinite plane |
CPolylineShape | Polyline geometry primitive |
CPopulation | Class that automatically populates an environment with multiple objects based on several parameters to define the number of objects, shape of the object distribution or type of distribution |
CPopulationParams | Stores all the posible parameters that define a population |
CPreset | Representation of a preset physics profile |
CPresetManager | Class to manage preset physics profiles |
CRayShape | Base class for Ray collision geometry |
CRoad | For building a Road from SDF |
CScrewJoint | A screw joint, which has both prismatic and rotational DOFs |
CShape | Base class for all shapes |
CSimbodyBallJoint | SimbodyBallJoint class models a ball joint in Simbody |
CSimbodyBoxShape | Simbody box collision |
CSimbodyCollision | Simbody collisions |
CSimbodyCylinderShape | Cylinder collision |
CSimbodyFixedJoint | A fixed joint rigidly connecting two bodies |
CSimbodyHeightmapShape | Height map collision |
CSimbodyHinge2Joint | A two axis hinge joint |
CSimbodyHingeJoint | A single axis hinge joint |
CSimbodyJoint | Base class for all joints |
CSimbodyLink | Simbody Link class |
CSimbodyMesh | Triangle mesh collision helper class |
CSimbodyMeshShape | Triangle mesh collision |
CSimbodyModel | A model is a collection of links, joints, and plugins |
CSimbodyMultiRayShape | Simbody specific version of MultiRayShape |
CSimbodyPhysics | Simbody physics engine |
CSimbodyPlaneShape | Simbody collision for an infinite plane |
CSimbodyPolylineShape | Simbody polyline shape |
CSimbodyRayShape | Ray shape for simbody |
CSimbodyScrewJoint | A screw joint |
CSimbodySliderJoint | A slider joint |
CSimbodySphereShape | Simbody sphere collision |
CSimbodyUniversalJoint | A simbody universal joint class |
CSliderJoint | A slider joint |
CSphereShape | Sphere collision shape |
CState | State of an entity |
CSurfaceParams | SurfaceParams defines various Surface contact parameters |
CTrajectoryInfo | Information about a trajectory for an Actor |
CUniversalJoint | A universal joint |
CUserCmd | Class which represents a user command, which can be "undone" and "redone" |
CUserCmdManager | Manages user commands from the server side |
CWind | Base class for wind |
CWorld | The world provides access to all other object within a simulated environment |
CWorldState | Store state information of a physics::World object |
►Nrendering | Rendering namespace |
CApplyWrenchVisual | Visualization for the apply wrench GUI |
CArrowVisual | Basic arrow visualization |
CAxisVisual | Basic axis visualization |
CCamera | Basic camera sensor |
CCameraLens | Describes a lens of a camera as amapping function of type r = c1*f*fun(theta/c2+c3) |
CCameraVisual | Basic camera visualization |
CCOMVisual | Basic Center of Mass visualization |
CContactVisual | Contact visualization |
CConversions | Conversions Conversions.hh rendering/Conversions.hh |
CCustomGLSLProgramWriter | This overrides ogre's default GLSLProgramWriter to fix a bug in ogre versions <= 1.8 where 'sampler2DShadow' sampler type is missing |
CCustomGLSLProgramWriterFactory | A factory to create our own CustomGLSLProgramWriter |
CCustomPSSM3 | Custom PSSM shadow receiver that overrides one deficient method in IntegratedPSSM3 |
CCustomPSSM3Factory | A factory that enables creation of CustomPSSM3 instances |
CCustomPSSMShadowCameraSetup | Parallel Split Shadow Map (PSSM) shadow camera setup |
CDepthCamera | Depth camera used to render depth data into an image buffer |
CDistortion | Camera distortion based on the Brown-Conrady model |
CDynamicLines | Class for drawing lines that can change |
CDynamicRenderable | Abstract base class providing mechanisms for dynamically growing hardware buffers |
CEvents | Base class for rendering events |
CFPSViewController | First Person Shooter style view controller |
CGpuLaser | GPU based laser distance sensor |
CGpuLaserData | Struct containing info about a single ray measurement |
CGpuLaserDataIterator | Const Bidirectional iterator for laser data |
CGrid | Displays a grid of cells, drawn with lines |
CHeightmap | Rendering a terrain using heightmap information |
CInertiaVisual | Basic Inertia visualization |
CJointVisual | Visualization for joints |
CLaserVisual | Visualization for laser data |
CLensFlare | Camera lens flare compositor |
CLight | A light source |
CLinkFrameVisual | Visualization for link frames |
CLogicalCameraVisual | Logical camera visualization |
CMovableText | Movable text |
COculusCamera | A camera used for user visualization of a scene |
COrbitViewController | Orbit view controller |
COriginVisual | Basic world origin visualization |
COrthoViewController | Orthographic view controller |
CProjector | Projects a material onto surface, light a light projector |
CRayQuery | A Ray Query class used for retrieving mesh data of a visual, adapted from Ogre3D wiki |
CRenderEngine | Adaptor to Ogre3d |
CRFIDTagVisual | Visualization for RFID tags sensor |
CRFIDVisual | Visualization for RFID sensor |
CRoad2d | |
CRTShaderSystem | Implements Ogre's Run-Time Shader system |
CScene | Representation of an entire scene graph |
CSelectionObj | Interactive selection object for models and links |
CSonarVisual | Visualization for sonar data |
CTransmitterVisual | Visualization for the wireless propagation data |
CUserCamera | A camera used for user visualization of a scene |
CVideoVisual | A visual element that displays a video as a texture |
CViewController | Base class for view controllers |
CVisual | A renderable object |
CWideAngleCamera | Camera with variable mapping function |
CWindowManager | Class to mangage render windows |
CWireBox | Draws a wireframe box |
CWrenchVisual | Visualization for wrench data |
►Nsensors | Sensors namespace |
CAltimeterSensor | AltimeterSensor to provide vertical position and velocity |
CCameraSensor | Basic camera sensor |
CContactSensor | Contact sensor |
CDepthCameraSensor | |
CForceTorqueSensor | Sensor for measure force and torque on a joint |
CGaussianNoiseModel | Gaussian noise class |
CGpsSensor | GpsSensor to provide position measurement |
CGpuRaySensor | GPU based laser sensor |
CImageGaussianNoiseModel | |
CImuSensor | An IMU sensor |
CLogicalCameraSensor | A camera sensor that reports locations of objects instead of rendering a scene |
CMagnetometerSensor | MagnetometerSensor to provide magnetic field measurement |
CMultiCameraSensor | Multiple camera sensor |
CNoise | Noise models for sensor output signals |
CNoiseFactory | Use this noise manager for creating and loading noise models |
CRaySensor | Sensor with one or more rays |
CRFIDSensor | Sensor class for RFID type of sensor |
CRFIDTag | RFIDTag to interact with RFIDTagSensors |
CSensor | Base class for sensors |
CSensorFactory | |
CSensorManager | Class to manage and update all sensors |
CSonarSensor | Sensor with sonar cone |
CWideAngleCameraSensor | Camera sensor with variable mapping function |
CWirelessReceiver | Sensor class for receiving wireless signals |
CWirelessTransceiver | Sensor class for receiving wireless signals |
CWirelessTransmitter | Transmitter to send wireless signals |
►Ntransport | |
CCallbackHelper | A helper class to handle callbacks when messages arrive |
CCallbackHelperT | Callback helper Template |
CConnection | Single TCP/IP connection manager |
CConnectionManager | Manager of connections |
CIOManager | Manages boost::asio IO |
CNode | A node can advertise and subscribe topics, publish on advertised topics and listen to subscribed topics |
CPublication | A publication for a topic |
CPublicationTransport | Transport/transport.hh |
CPublisher | A publisher of messages on a topic |
CRawCallbackHelper | Used to connect publishers to subscribers, where the subscriber wants the raw data from the publisher |
CSubscribeOptions | Options for a subscription |
CSubscriber | A subscriber to a topic |
CSubscriptionTransport | Transport/transport.hh |
CTopicManager | Manages topics and their subscriptions |
►Nutil | |
CDiagnosticManager | A diagnostic manager class |
CDiagnosticTimer | A timer designed for diagnostics |
CIntrospectionClient | Addtogroup gazebo_util |
CIntrospectionManager | Addtogroup gazebo_util |
CLogPlay | |
CLogRecord | Addtogroup gazebo_util |
CLogRecordParams | Log recording parameters |
COpenAL | 3D audio setup and playback |
COpenALSink | OpenAL Listener |
COpenALSource | OpenAL Source |
CActorPlugin | |
CActuatorPlugin | Plugin for simulating a torque-speed curve for actuators |
CActuatorProperties | Properties for a model of a rotational actuator |
CAmbientOcclusionVisualPlugin | Plugin that creates an ambient occlusion effect The current implementation uses the Crease Shading method ported from OGRE |
CArduCopterPlugin | Interface ArduCopter from ardupilot stack modeled after SITL/SIM_* |
►CArrangePlugin | |
CObject | Class to store info about each object |
CAttachLightPlugin | A model plugin that enables multiple lights in the world to be attached to links within the model |
CBlinkVisualPlugin | Plugin that makes a visual blink between two colors |
CBreakableJointPlugin | A plugin for breakable joints, based on a ForceTorque sensor plugin |
CBuoyancyPlugin | A plugin that simulates buoyancy of an object immersed in fluid |
CCameraPlugin | |
CCartDemoPlugin | This plugin drives a four wheeled cart model forward and back by applying a small wheel torque |
CCessnaGUIPlugin | A GUI plugin that controls the Cessna model using the keyboard |
CCessnaPlugin | Allow moving the control surfaces of a Cessna C-172 plane |
CContactPlugin | A plugin for a contact sensor |
CContainPlugin | Plugin which emits Ignition Transport messages according to whether an entity's origin is inside or outside a given volume |
CDepthCameraPlugin | |
CDiffDrivePlugin | |
CElevatorPlugin | Plugin to control a elevator |
CEventSource | The base class for emitting SimEvents |
CExistenceEventSource | |
CFiducialCameraPlugin | A camera sensor plugin for fiducial detection A fiducial is detected if its center is within the camera frustum and not occluded by other models in the view |
CFlashLightPlugin | A plugin that blinks a light component in the model |
CFlashLightSetting | Internal data class to hold individual flash light settings |
CFollowerPlugin | A simple object follower that finds the closest object in a depth image and commands a differential drive vehicle to move towards the object |
CForceTorquePlugin | An base class plugin for custom force torque sensor processing |
CGimbalSmall2dPlugin | A plugin for controlling the angle of a gimbal joint |
CGpuRayPlugin | |
CGravityCompensationPlugin | Plugin that provides gravity compensation |
CGUIPlugin | A plugin loaded within the gzclient on startup |
CHarnessPlugin | This plugin is designed to lower a model at a controlled rate |
CHeightmapLODPlugin | Plugin that sets the heightmap LOD |
CHydraDemoPlugin | |
CImuSensorPlugin | An base class plugin for custom imu sensor processing |
CInitialVelocityPlugin | |
CInRegionEventSource | The event generator class |
CJointControlPlugin | Plugin that initializes joint controllers |
CJointEventSource | The event generator class |
CJointTrajectoryPlugin | |
CJoyPlugin | The JoyPlugin connects to a joystick or gamepad, and transmits data from the joystick over an Ignition Transport topic |
CKeyboardGUIPlugin | A GUI plugin that captures key strokes from gzclient GUI and publishes over gz transport topic ~/keyboard/keypress |
CKeyInfo | Store information from SDF for each key |
CKeysToCmdVelPlugin | Send velocity commands to a model based on keypress messages received |
CKeysToJointsPlugin | Control joints in a model based on keypress messages received |
CLedPlugin | A plugin that blinks light and visual elements in a model |
CLedSetting | Internal data class to hold individual LED light settings |
CLensFlareSensorPlugin | Plugin that adds lens flare effect to a camera or multicamera sensor The plugin has the following optional parameter: <scale> Scale of lens flare |
CLiftDragPlugin | A plugin that simulates lift and drag |
CLinearBatteryConsumerPlugin | A plugin that manages a linear battery consumer |
CLinearBatteryPlugin | A plugin that simulates a linear battery |
CLinkPlot3DPlugin | A plugin that traces the trajectory of a link in the rendering scene |
CLookAtDemoPlugin | A GUI plugin that demos the ignition::math::Matrix4<T>::LookAt function |
CMaster | A manager that directs topic connections, enables each gazebo network client to locate one another for peer-to-peer communication |
CMisalignmentPlugin | Plugin which emits gazebo transport message indicating the alignment of two poses |
CModelPlugin | A plugin with access to physics::Model |
CModelPropShop | This plugin will generate 5 pictures of a model: perspective, top, front, side, back |
CModelResourceRetriever | |
CMudPlugin | |
COccupiedEventSource | A plugin that transmits a message when an in-region event occurs |
CPlaneDemoPlugin | A plugin that simulates lift and drag |
CPluginT | A class which all plugins must inherit from |
CPressurePlugin | A plugin for a tactile pressure sensor |
CRandomVelocityPlugin | Plugin that applies a random velocity to a linke periodically |
CRayPlugin | A Ray Sensor Plugin |
CRaySensorNoisePlugin | A Ray Sensor Noise Plugin |
CRazerHydra | |
CRegion | A region, made of a list of boxes |
CRegionEventBoxPlugin | A plugin that fires an event when another model enters the region defined by the size of this model's box visual |
CRenderingFixture | |
CRestApi | REST interface |
CRestException | |
CRestUiPlugin | REST user interface plugin |
CRestUiWidget | REST user interface widget |
CRestWebPlugin | REST web plugin |
CRubblePlugin | |
CSensorPlugin | A plugin with access to physics::Sensor |
CServer | |
CServerFixture | |
CShaderParamVisualPlugin | A plugin that demonstrates how to set shader parameters of a material used by a visual |
CSimEventConnector | Gazebo events to detect model creation/deletion |
CSimEventsException | |
CSimEventsPlugin | |
CSimStateEventSource | SimEvent that fires when the simulation is paused/resumed |
CSkidSteerDrivePlugin | A gazebo model plugin that controls a four wheel skid-steer robot via a gazebo topic |
CSonarPlugin | A sonar sensor plugin |
CSphereAtlasDemoPlugin | |
CStaticMapPlugin | A plugin that creates a model with textured map images |
CStopWorldPlugin | This plugin will stop the world |
CSystemPlugin | A plugin loaded within the gzserver on startup |
CTimerGUIPlugin | A GUI plugin that displays a timer |
CTouchPlugin | Plugin which checks if this model has touched some specific target for a given time continuously and exclusively |
CTransporterPlugin | A plugin that allows models to transport (teleport) to a new location |
CVehiclePlugin | |
CVisualPlugin | A plugin with access to rendering::Visual |
CVolumeProperties | A class for storing the volume properties of a link |
CWheelSlipPlugin | A plugin that updates ODE wheel slip parameters based on linear wheel spin velocity (radius * spin rate) |
CWindPlugin | A plugin that simulates a simple wind model |
CWorldPlugin | A plugin with access to physics::World |
►Ngoogle | |
►Nprotobuf | |
►Ncompiler | |
►Ncpp | |
CGazeboGenerator | Google protobuf message generator for gazebo::msgs |
►Nignition | |
CDEM | Encapsulates a DEM (Digital Elevation Model) file |
CgzBtUniversalConstraint | Functions that implement a universal joint/constraint using bullet |
CLogplay | Open and playback log files that were recorded using LogRecord |
CQTestFixture | Base class for all Gazebo GUI unit tests |
CQuadNode | |
CRoad | Used to render a strip of road |
CSensorFactor | The sensor factory; the class is just for namespacing purposes |
CSingletonT | Singleton template class |