| UserCamera (const std::string &_name, ScenePtr _scene) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~UserCamera () |
| Destructor. More...
void | EnableViewController (bool _value) const |
| Set whether the view controller is enabled. More...
void | Fini () |
| Finialize. More...
float | GetAvgFPS () const |
| Get the average frames per second. More...
GUIOverlay * | GetGUIOverlay () |
| Get the GUI overlay. More...
virtual unsigned int | GetImageHeight () const |
| Get the height of the image. More...
virtual unsigned int | GetImageWidth () const |
| Get the width of the image. More...
float | GetTriangleCount () const |
| Get the triangle count. More...
std::string | GetViewControllerTypeString () |
| Get current view controller type. More...
VisualPtr | GetVisual (const math::Vector2i &_mousePos, std::string &_mod) |
| Get an entity at a pixel location using a camera. More...
VisualPtr | GetVisual (const math::Vector2i &_mousePos) const |
| Get a visual at a mouse position. More...
void | HandleKeyPressEvent (const std::string &_key) |
| Handle a key press. More...
void | HandleKeyReleaseEvent (const std::string &_key) |
| Handle a key release. More...
void | HandleMouseEvent (const common::MouseEvent &_evt) |
| Handle a mouse event. More...
void | Init () |
| Initialize. More...
void | Load (sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) |
| Load the user camera. More...
void | Load () |
| Generic load function. More...
virtual bool | MoveToPosition (const math::Pose &_pose, double _time) |
| Move the camera to a position (this is an animated motion). More...
void | MoveToVisual (VisualPtr _visual) |
| Move the camera to focus on a visual. More...
void | MoveToVisual (const std::string &_visualName) |
| Move the camera to focus on a visual. More...
virtual void | PostRender () |
| Post render. More...
void | Resize (unsigned int _w, unsigned int _h) |
| Resize the camera. More...
void | SetFocalPoint (const math::Vector3 &_pt) |
| Set the point the camera should orbit around. More...
virtual void | SetRenderTarget (Ogre::RenderTarget *_target) |
| Set to true to enable rendering. More...
void | SetViewController (const std::string &_type) |
| Set view controller. More...
void | SetViewController (const std::string &_type, const math::Vector3 &_pos) |
| Set view controller. More...
void | SetViewportDimensions (float _x, float _y, float _w, float _h) |
| Set the dimensions of the viewport. More...
virtual void | SetWorldPose (const math::Pose &_pose) |
| Set the pose in the world coordinate frame. More...
virtual void | Update () |
| Render the camera. More...
| Camera (const std::string &_namePrefix, ScenePtr _scene, bool _autoRender=true) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~Camera () |
| Destructor. More...
void | AttachToVisual (const std::string &_visualName, bool _inheritOrientation, double _minDist=0.0, double _maxDist=0.0) |
| Attach the camera to a scene node. More...
void | AttachToVisual (uint32_t _id, bool _inheritOrientation, double _minDist=0.0, double _maxDist=0.0) |
| Attach the camera to a scene node. More...
template<typename T > |
event::ConnectionPtr | ConnectNewImageFrame (T _subscriber) |
| Connect to the new image signal. More...
void | CreateRenderTexture (const std::string &_textureName) |
| Set the render target. More...
void | DisconnectNewImageFrame (event::ConnectionPtr &_c) |
| Disconnect from an image frame. More...
void | EnableSaveFrame (bool _enable) |
| Enable or disable saving. More...
float | GetAspectRatio () const |
| Get the apect ratio. More...
virtual float | GetAvgFPS () |
| Get the average FPS. More...
void | GetCameraToViewportRay (int _screenx, int _screeny, math::Vector3 &_origin, math::Vector3 &_dir) |
| Get a world space ray as cast from the camera through the viewport. More...
bool | GetCaptureData () const |
| Return the value of this->captureData. More...
math::Vector3 | GetDirection () const |
| Get the camera's direction vector. More...
double | GetFarClip () |
| Get the far clip distance. More...
math::Angle | GetHFOV () const |
| Get the camera FOV (horizontal) More...
size_t | GetImageByteSize () const |
| Get the image size in bytes. More...
virtual const unsigned char * | GetImageData (unsigned int i=0) |
| Get a pointer to the image data. More...
unsigned int | GetImageDepth () const |
| Get the depth of the image. More...
std::string | GetImageFormat () const |
| Get the string representation of the image format. More...
bool | GetInitialized () const |
| Return true if the camera has been initialized. More...
common::Time | GetLastRenderWallTime () |
| Get the last time the camera was rendered. More...
std::string | GetName () const |
| Get the camera's name. More...
double | GetNearClip () |
| Get the near clip distance. More...
Ogre::Camera * | GetOgreCamera () const |
| Get a pointer to the ogre camera. More...
Ogre::SceneNode * | GetPitchNode () const |
| Get the camera's pitch scene node. More...
double | GetRenderRate () const |
| Get the render Hz rate. More...
Ogre::Texture * | GetRenderTexture () const |
| Get the render texture. More...
math::Vector3 | GetRight () |
| Get the viewport right vector. More...
ScenePtr | GetScene () const |
| Get the scene this camera is in. More...
Ogre::SceneNode * | GetSceneNode () const |
| Get the camera's scene node. More...
std::string | GetScreenshotPath () const |
| Get the path to saved screenshots. More...
unsigned int | GetTextureHeight () const |
| Get the height of the off-screen render texture. More...
unsigned int | GetTextureWidth () const |
| Get the width of the off-screen render texture. More...
virtual unsigned int | GetTriangleCount () |
| Get the triangle count. More...
math::Vector3 | GetUp () |
| Get the viewport up vector. More...
math::Angle | GetVFOV () const |
| Get the camera FOV (vertical) More...
Ogre::Viewport * | GetViewport () const |
| Get a pointer to the Ogre::Viewport. More...
unsigned int | GetViewportHeight () const |
| Get the viewport height in pixels. More...
unsigned int | GetViewportWidth () const |
| Get the viewport width in pixels. More...
unsigned int | GetWindowId () const |
| Get the ID of the window this camera is rendering into. More...
bool | GetWorldPointOnPlane (int _x, int _y, const math::Plane &_plane, math::Vector3 &_result) |
| Get point on a plane. More...
math::Pose | GetWorldPose () |
| Get the global pose of the camera. More...
math::Vector3 | GetWorldPosition () const |
| Get the camera position in the world. More...
math::Quaternion | GetWorldRotation () const |
| Get the camera's orientation in the world. More...
double | GetZValue (int _x, int _y) |
| Get the Z-buffer value at the given image coordinate. More...
bool | IsAnimating () const |
| Return true if the camera is moving due to an animation. More...
bool | IsVisible (VisualPtr _visual) |
| Return true if the visual is within the camera's view frustum. More...
bool | IsVisible (const std::string &_visualName) |
| Return true if the visual is within the camera's view frustum. More...
bool | MoveToPositions (const std::vector< math::Pose > &_pts, double _time, boost::function< void()> _onComplete=NULL) |
| Move the camera to a series of poses (this is an animated motion). More...
void | Render () |
| Render the camera. More...
void | RotatePitch (math::Angle _angle) |
| Rotate the camera around the pitch axis. More...
void | RotateYaw (math::Angle _angle) |
| Rotate the camera around the yaw axis. More...
bool | SaveFrame (const std::string &_filename) |
| Save the last frame to disk. More...
void | SetAspectRatio (float _ratio) |
| Set the aspect ratio. More...
void | SetCaptureData (bool _value) |
| Set whether to capture data. More...
void | SetCaptureDataOnce () |
| Capture data once and save to disk. More...
void | SetClipDist (float _near, float _far) |
| Set the clip distances. More...
void | SetHFOV (math::Angle _angle) |
| Set the camera FOV (horizontal) More...
void | SetImageHeight (unsigned int _h) |
| Set the image height. More...
void | SetImageSize (unsigned int _w, unsigned int _h) |
| Set the image size. More...
void | SetImageWidth (unsigned int _w) |
| Set the image height. More...
void | SetName (const std::string &_name) |
| Set the camera's name. More...
void | SetRenderRate (double _hz) |
| Set the render Hz rate. More...
void | SetSaveFramePathname (const std::string &_pathname) |
| Set the save frame pathname. More...
void | SetScene (ScenePtr _scene) |
| Set the scene this camera is viewing. More...
void | SetSceneNode (Ogre::SceneNode *_node) |
| Set the camera's scene node. More...
void | SetWindowId (unsigned int _windowId) |
void | SetWorldPosition (const math::Vector3 &_pos) |
| Set the world position. More...
void | SetWorldRotation (const math::Quaternion &_quat) |
| Set the world orientation. More...
void | ShowWireframe (bool _s) |
| Set whether to view the world in wireframe. More...
void | ToggleShowWireframe () |
| Toggle whether to view the world in wireframe. More...
void | TrackVisual (const std::string &_visualName) |
| Set the camera to track a scene node. More...
void | Translate (const math::Vector3 &_direction) |
| Translate the camera. More...
static size_t | GetImageByteSize (unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height, const std::string &_format) |
| Calculate image byte size base on a few parameters. More...
static bool | SaveFrame (const unsigned char *_image, unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height, int _depth, const std::string &_format, const std::string &_filename) |
| Save a frame using an image buffer. More...
Ogre::AnimationState * | animState |
| Animation state, used to animate the camera. More...
unsigned char * | bayerFrameBuffer |
| Buffer for a bayer image frame. More...
Ogre::Camera * | camera |
| The OGRE camera. More...
bool | captureData |
| True to capture frames into an image buffer. More...
bool | captureDataOnce |
| True to capture a frame once and save to disk. More...
std::vector< event::ConnectionPtr > | connections |
| The camera's event connections. More...
int | imageFormat |
| Format for saving images. More...
int | imageHeight |
| Save image height. More...
int | imageWidth |
| Save image width. More...
bool | initialized |
| True if initialized. More...
common::Time | lastRenderWallTime |
| Time the last frame was rendered. More...
std::string | name |
| Name of the camera. More...
bool | newData |
| True if new data is available. More...
event::EventT< void(const
unsigned char *, unsigned int,
unsigned int, unsigned int,
const std::string &)> | newImageFrame |
| Event triggered when a new frame is generated. More...
boost::function< void()> | onAnimationComplete |
| User callback for when an animation completes. More...
Ogre::SceneNode * | pitchNode |
| Scene nod that controls camera pitch. More...
common::Time | prevAnimTime |
| Previous time the camera animation was updated. More...
Ogre::RenderTarget * | renderTarget |
| Target that renders frames. More...
Ogre::Texture * | renderTexture |
| Texture that receives results from rendering. More...
std::list< msgs::Request > | requests |
| List of requests. More...
unsigned int | saveCount |
| Number of saved frames. More...
unsigned char * | saveFrameBuffer |
ScenePtr | scene |
| Pointer to the scene. More...
Ogre::SceneNode * | sceneNode |
| Scene node that controls camera position. More...
std::string | screenshotPath |
| Path to saved screenshots. More...
sdf::ElementPtr | sdf |
| Camera's SDF values. More...
unsigned int | textureHeight |
| Height of the render texture. More...
unsigned int | textureWidth |
| Width of the render texture. More...
Ogre::Viewport * | viewport |
| Viewport the ogre camera uses. More...
unsigned int | windowId |
| ID of the window that the camera is attached to. More...
A camera used for user visualization of a scene.