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gazebo::physics Namespace Reference

namespace for physics More...


class  Actor
 Actor class enables GPU based mesh model / skeleton scriptable animation. More...
class  BallJoint
 Base class for a ball joint. More...
class  Base
 Base class for most physics classes. More...
class  BoxShape
 Box geometry primitive. More...
class  Collision
 Base class for all collision entities. More...
class  CollisionState
 Store state information of a physics::Collision object. More...
class  Contact
 A contact between two collisions. More...
class  ContactManager
 Aggregates all the contact information generated by the collision detection engine. More...
class  ContactPublisher
 A custom contact publisher created for each contact filter in the Contact Manager. More...
class  CylinderShape
 Cylinder collision. More...
class  DARTBallJoint
 An DARTBallJoint. More...
class  DARTBoxShape
 DART Box shape. More...
class  DARTCollision
 Base class for all DART collisions. More...
class  DARTCylinderShape
 DART cylinder shape. More...
class  DARTHeightmapShape
 DART Height map collision. More...
class  DARTHinge2Joint
 A two axis hinge joint. More...
class  DARTHingeJoint
 A single axis hinge joint. More...
class  DARTJoint
 DART joint interface. More...
class  DARTLink
 DART Link class. More...
class  DARTMeshShape
 Triangle mesh collision. More...
class  DARTModel
 DART model class. More...
class  DARTMultiRayShape
 DART specific version of MultiRayShape. More...
class  DARTPhysics
 DART physics engine. More...
class  DARTPlaneShape
 An DART Plane shape. More...
class  DARTRayShape
 Ray collision. More...
class  DARTScrewJoint
 A screw joint. More...
class  DARTSliderJoint
 A slider joint. More...
class  DARTSphereShape
 A DART sphere shape. More...
class  DARTTypes
 A set of functions for converting between the math types used by gazebo and dart. More...
class  DARTUniversalJoint
 A universal joint. More...
class  Entity
 Base class for all physics objects in Gazebo. More...
class  FrictionPyramid
 Parameters used for friction pyramid model. More...
class  GearboxJoint
 A double axis gearbox joint. More...
class  Gripper
 A gripper abstraction. More...
class  HeightmapShape
 HeightmapShape collision shape builds a heightmap from an image. More...
class  Hinge2Joint
 A two axis hinge joint. More...
class  HingeJoint
 A single axis hinge joint. More...
class  Inertial
 A class for inertial information about a link. More...
class  Joint
 Base class for all joints. More...
class  JointController
 A class for manipulating physics::Joint. More...
class  JointControllerPrivate
class  JointState
 keeps track of state of a physics::Joint More...
class  JointWrench
 Wrench information from a joint. More...
class  Link
 Link class defines a rigid body entity, containing information on inertia, visual and collision properties of a rigid body. More...
class  LinkState
 Store state information of a physics::Link object. More...
class  MapShape
 Creates box extrusions based on an image. More...
class  MeshShape
 Triangle mesh collision shape. More...
class  Model
 A model is a collection of links, joints, and plugins. More...
class  ModelState
 Store state information of a physics::Model object. More...
class  MultiRayShape
 Laser collision contains a set of ray-collisions, structured to simulate a laser range scanner. More...
class  PhysicsEngine
 Base class for a physics engine. More...
class  PhysicsFactory
 The physics factory instantiates different physics engines. More...
class  PlaneShape
 Collision for an infinite plane. More...
class  RayShape
 Base class for Ray collision geometry. More...
class  Road
 for building a Road from SDF More...
class  ScrewJoint
 A screw joint, which has both prismatic and rotational DOFs. More...
class  Shape
 Base class for all shapes. More...
class  SimbodyBallJoint
 SimbodyBallJoint class models a ball joint in Simbody. More...
class  SimbodyBoxShape
 Simbody box collision. More...
class  SimbodyCollision
 Simbody collisions. More...
class  SimbodyCylinderShape
 Cylinder collision. More...
class  SimbodyHeightmapShape
 Height map collision. More...
class  SimbodyHinge2Joint
 A two axis hinge joint. More...
class  SimbodyHingeJoint
 A single axis hinge joint. More...
class  SimbodyJoint
 Base class for all joints. More...
class  SimbodyLink
 Simbody Link class. More...
class  SimbodyMeshShape
 Triangle mesh collision. More...
class  SimbodyModel
 A model is a collection of links, joints, and plugins. More...
class  SimbodyMultiRayShape
 Simbody specific version of MultiRayShape. More...
class  SimbodyPhysics
 Simbody physics engine. More...
class  SimbodyPlaneShape
 Simbody collision for an infinite plane. More...
class  SimbodyRayShape
 Ray shape for simbody. More...
class  SimbodyScrewJoint
 A screw joint. More...
class  SimbodySliderJoint
 A slider joint. More...
class  SimbodySphereShape
 Simbody sphere collision. More...
class  SimbodyUniversalJoint
 A simbody universal joint class. More...
class  SliderJoint
 A slider joint. More...
class  SphereShape
 Sphere collision shape. More...
class  State
 State of an entity. More...
class  SurfaceParams
 SurfaceParams defines various Surface contact parameters. More...
class  TrajectoryInfo
 Information about a trajectory for an Actor. More...
class  UniversalJoint
 A universal joint. More...
class  World
 The world provides access to all other object within a simulated environment. More...
class  WorldState
 Store state information of a physics::World object. More...


typedef std::vector< ActorPtrActor_V
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ActorActorPtr
typedef std::vector< BasePtrBase_V
typedef boost::shared_ptr< BaseBasePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< BoxShape
typedef std::vector< CollisionPtrCollision_V
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< Collision
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< Contact
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< CylinderShape
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DARTCollision
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DARTJoint
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DARTLink
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DARTModel
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DARTPhysics
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DARTRayShape
typedef boost::shared_ptr< EntityEntityPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< Gripper
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< HeightmapShape
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< Inertial
typedef std::vector< JointPtrJoint_V
typedef std::vector
< JointControllerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< JointController
typedef boost::shared_ptr< JointJointPtr
typedef std::map< std::string,
typedef std::vector< LinkPtrLink_V
typedef boost::shared_ptr< LinkLinkPtr
typedef std::map< std::string,
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< MeshShape
typedef std::vector< ModelPtrModel_V
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ModelModelPtr
typedef std::map< std::string,
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< MultiRayShape
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< PhysicsEngine
typedef PhysicsEnginePtr(* PhysicsFactoryFn )(WorldPtr world)
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< RayShape
typedef boost::shared_ptr< RoadRoadPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ShapeShapePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< SimbodyCollision
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< SimbodyLink
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< SimbodyModel
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< SimbodyPhysics
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< SimbodyRayShape
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< SphereShape
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< SurfaceParams
typedef boost::shared_ptr< WorldWorldPtr


GAZEBO_VISIBLE WorldPtr create_world (const std::string &_name="")
 Create a world given a name. More...
GAZEBO_VISIBLE bool fini ()
 Finalize transport by calling gazebo::transport::fini. More...
GAZEBO_VISIBLE WorldPtr get_world (const std::string &_name="")
 Returns a pointer to a world by name. More...
GAZEBO_VISIBLE uint32_t getUniqueId ()
 Get a unique ID. More...
GAZEBO_VISIBLE void init_world (WorldPtr _world)
 Init world given a pointer to it. More...
GAZEBO_VISIBLE void init_worlds ()
 initialize multiple worlds stored in static variable gazebo::g_worlds More...
GAZEBO_VISIBLE bool load ()
 Setup gazebo::SystemPlugin's and call gazebo::transport::init. More...
GAZEBO_VISIBLE void load_world (WorldPtr _world, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
 Load world from sdf::Element pointer. More...
GAZEBO_VISIBLE void load_worlds (sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
 load multiple worlds from single sdf::Element pointer More...
GAZEBO_VISIBLE void pause_world (WorldPtr _world, bool _pause)
 Pause world by calling World::SetPaused. More...
GAZEBO_VISIBLE void pause_worlds (bool pause)
 pause multiple worlds stored in static variable gazebo::g_worlds More...
GAZEBO_VISIBLE void remove_worlds ()
 remove multiple worlds stored in static variable gazebo::g_worlds More...
GAZEBO_VISIBLE void run_world (WorldPtr _world, unsigned int _iterations=0)
 Run world by calling World::Run() given a pointer to it. More...
GAZEBO_VISIBLE void run_worlds (unsigned int _iterations=0)
 Run multiple worlds stored in static variable gazebo::g_worlds. More...
GAZEBO_VISIBLE void stop_world (WorldPtr _world)
 Stop world by calling World::Stop() given a pointer to it. More...
GAZEBO_VISIBLE void stop_worlds ()
 stop multiple worlds stored in static variable gazebo::g_worlds More...
GAZEBO_VISIBLE bool worlds_running ()
 Return true if any world is running. More...


static std::string EntityTypename []
 String names for the different entity types. More...

Detailed Description

namespace for physics

Physics forward declarations and type defines.

physics namespace

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<ActorPtr> gazebo::physics::Actor_V
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Actor> gazebo::physics::ActorPtr
typedef std::vector<BasePtr> gazebo::physics::Base_V
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Base> gazebo::physics::BasePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<BoxShape> gazebo::physics::BoxShapePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Collision> gazebo::physics::CollisionPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Contact> gazebo::physics::ContactPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<DARTJoint> gazebo::physics::DARTJointPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<DARTLink> gazebo::physics::DARTLinkPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<DARTModel> gazebo::physics::DARTModelPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<DARTPhysics> gazebo::physics::DARTPhysicsPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<DARTRayShape> gazebo::physics::DARTRayShapePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Entity> gazebo::physics::EntityPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Gripper> gazebo::physics::GripperPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Inertial> gazebo::physics::InertialPtr
typedef std::vector<JointPtr> gazebo::physics::Joint_V
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Joint> gazebo::physics::JointPtr
typedef std::map<std::string, JointState> gazebo::physics::JointState_M
typedef std::vector<LinkPtr> gazebo::physics::Link_V
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Link> gazebo::physics::LinkPtr
typedef std::map<std::string, LinkState> gazebo::physics::LinkState_M
typedef boost::shared_ptr<MeshShape> gazebo::physics::MeshShapePtr
typedef std::vector<ModelPtr> gazebo::physics::Model_V
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Model> gazebo::physics::ModelPtr
typedef std::map<std::string, ModelState> gazebo::physics::ModelState_M
typedef boost::shared_ptr<RayShape> gazebo::physics::RayShapePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Road> gazebo::physics::RoadPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Shape> gazebo::physics::ShapePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<SimbodyLink> gazebo::physics::SimbodyLinkPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<SimbodyModel> gazebo::physics::SimbodyModelPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<SphereShape> gazebo::physics::SphereShapePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<World> gazebo::physics::WorldPtr