49 public:
unsigned int id;
55 public: msgs::UserCmd::Type
transport::PublisherPtr worldControlPub
Publisher of world control messages.
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:89
WorldPtr world
Pointer to the world.
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:39
unsigned int idCounter
Counter to generate unique ids for commands in a sequence.
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:68
transport::PublisherPtr lightModifyPub
Publisher of light modify messages.
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:86
boost::shared_ptr< Subscriber > SubscriberPtr
Definition: TransportTypes.hh:53
WorldState endState
Whole world state for the most recent time the user has triggered undo for this command.
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:46
transport::SubscriberPtr userCmdSub
Subscriber to user command messages.
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:74
std::vector< UserCmdPtr > redoCmds
List of commands which can be redone.
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:95
transport::PublisherPtr userCmdStatsPub
Publisher of undo redo statistics messages.
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:80
default namespace for gazebo
transport::PublisherPtr modelModifyPub
Publisher of model modify messages.
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:83
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:62
unsigned int id
Unique ID identifying this command in the server.
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:49
transport::SubscriberPtr undoRedoSub
Subscriber to undo redo messages.
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:77
Class which represents a user command, which can be "undone" and "redone".
Definition: UserCmdManager.hh:35
boost::shared_ptr< World > WorldPtr
Definition: PhysicsTypes.hh:84
WorldPtr world
Pointer to the world.
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:65
boost::shared_ptr< Node > NodePtr
Definition: TransportTypes.hh:57
std::string description
Description for the command.
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:52
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:36
transport::NodePtr node
Transportation node.
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:71
msgs::UserCmd::Type type
Type of command, such as MOVING or DELETING.
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:55
std::vector< UserCmdPtr > undoCmds
List of commands which can be undone.
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:92
boost::shared_ptr< Publisher > PublisherPtr
Definition: TransportTypes.hh:49
Store state information of a physics::World object.
Definition: WorldState.hh:47
WorldState startState
Whole world state the moment the user command was executed.
Definition: UserCmdManagerPrivate.hh:42