Link Class Referenceabstract

Link class defines a rigid body entity, containing information on inertia, visual and collision properties of a rigid body. More...

#include <physics/physics.hh>

Inherits Entity.

Inherited by BulletLink, DARTLink, ODELink, and SimbodyLink.

Public Types

enum  EntityType {
  BASE = 0x00000000, ENTITY = 0x00000001, MODEL = 0x00000002, LINK = 0x00000004,
  COLLISION = 0x00000008, LIGHT = 0x00000010, VISUAL = 0x00000020, JOINT = 0x00000040,
  BALL_JOINT = 0x00000080, HINGE2_JOINT = 0x00000100, HINGE_JOINT = 0x00000200, SLIDER_JOINT = 0x00000400,
  SCREW_JOINT = 0x00000800, UNIVERSAL_JOINT = 0x00001000, GEARBOX_JOINT = 0x00002000, FIXED_JOINT = 0x00004000,
  ACTOR = 0x00008000, SHAPE = 0x00010000, BOX_SHAPE = 0x00020000, CYLINDER_SHAPE = 0x00040000,
  HEIGHTMAP_SHAPE = 0x00080000, MAP_SHAPE = 0x00100000, MULTIRAY_SHAPE = 0x00200000, RAY_SHAPE = 0x00400000,
  PLANE_SHAPE = 0x00800000, SPHERE_SHAPE = 0x01000000, MESH_SHAPE = 0x02000000, POLYLINE_SHAPE = 0x04000000,
  SENSOR_COLLISION = 0x10000000
 Unique identifiers for all entity types. More...
typedef std::map< uint32_t, msgs::Visual > Visuals_M

Public Member Functions

 Link (EntityPtr _parent)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~Link ()
 Destructor. More...
void AddChild (BasePtr _child)
 Add a child to this entity. More...
void AddChildJoint (JointPtr _joint)
 Joints that have this Link as a parent Link. More...
virtual void AddForce (const ignition::math::Vector3d &_force)=0
 Add a force to the body. More...
virtual void AddForceAtRelativePosition (const ignition::math::Vector3d &_force, const ignition::math::Vector3d &_relPos)=0
 Add a force (in world frame coordinates) to the body at a position relative to the center of mass which is expressed in the link's own frame of reference. More...
virtual void AddForceAtWorldPosition (const ignition::math::Vector3d &_force, const ignition::math::Vector3d &_pos)=0
 Add a force to the body using a global position. More...
virtual void AddLinkForce (const ignition::math::Vector3d &_force, const ignition::math::Vector3d &_offset=ignition::math::Vector3d::Zero)=0
 Add a force expressed in the link frame. More...
void AddParentJoint (JointPtr _joint)
 Joints that have this Link as a child Link. More...
virtual void AddRelativeForce (const ignition::math::Vector3d &_force)=0
 Add a force to the body, components are relative to the body's own frame of reference. More...
virtual void AddRelativeTorque (const ignition::math::Vector3d &_torque)=0
 Add a torque to the body, components are relative to the body's own frame of reference. More...
virtual void AddTorque (const ignition::math::Vector3d &_torque)=0
 Add a torque to the body. More...
void AddType (EntityType _type)
 Add a type specifier. More...
void AttachStaticModel (ModelPtr &_model, const ignition::math::Pose3d &_offset)
 Attach a static model to this link. More...
common::BatteryPtr Battery (const std::string &_name) const
 Get a battery by name. More...
common::BatteryPtr Battery (const size_t _index) const
 Get a battery based on an index. More...
size_t BatteryCount () const
 Get the number of batteries in this link. More...
virtual ignition::math::AxisAlignedBox BoundingBox () const override
 Get the bounding box for the link and all the child elements. More...
ignition::math::AxisAlignedBox CollisionBoundingBox () const
 Returns collision bounding box. More...
event::ConnectionPtr ConnectEnabled (std::function< void(bool)> _subscriber)
 Connect to the add entity signal. More...
void DetachAllStaticModels ()
 Detach all static models from this link. More...
void DetachStaticModel (const std::string &_modelName)
 Detach a static model from this link. More...
const ignition::math::Pose3d & DirtyPose () const
 Returns Entity::dirtyPose. More...
void FillMsg (msgs::Link &_msg)
 Fill a link message. More...
bool FindAllConnectedLinksHelper (const LinkPtr &_originalParentLink, Link_V &_connectedLinks, bool _fistLink=false)
 Helper function to find all connected links of a link based on parent/child relations of joints. More...
void Fini () override
 Finalize the body. More...
double GetAngularDamping () const
 Get the angular damping factor. More...
BasePtr GetByName (const std::string &_name)
 Get by name. More...
BasePtr GetChild (unsigned int _i) const
 Get a child by index. More...
BasePtr GetChild (const std::string &_name)
 Get a child by name. More...
CollisionPtr GetChildCollision (const std::string &_name)
 Get a child collision entity, if one exists. More...
unsigned int GetChildCount () const
 Get the number of children. More...
Joint_V GetChildJoints () const
 Get the child joints. More...
Link_V GetChildJointsLinks () const
 Returns a vector of children Links connected by joints. More...
LinkPtr GetChildLink (const std::string &_name)
 Get a child linke entity, if one exists. More...
CollisionPtr GetCollision (const std::string &_name)
 Get a child collision by name. More...
CollisionPtr GetCollision (unsigned int _index) const
 Get a child collision by index. More...
Collision_V GetCollisions () const
 Get all the child collisions. More...
virtual bool GetEnabled () const =0
 Get whether this body is enabled in the physics engine. More...
virtual bool GetGravityMode () const =0
 Get the gravity mode. More...
uint32_t GetId () const
 Return the ID of this entity. More...
InertialPtr GetInertial () const
 Get the inertia of the link. More...
virtual bool GetKinematic () const
 Implement this function. More...
double GetLinearDamping () const
 Get the linear damping factor. More...
ModelPtr GetModel () const
 Get the model that this body belongs to. More...
std::string GetName () const
 Return the name of the entity. More...
void GetNearestEntityBelow (double &_distBelow, std::string &_entityName)
 Get the distance to the nearest entity below (along the Z-axis) this entity. More...
BasePtr GetParent () const
 Get the parent. More...
int GetParentId () const
 Return the ID of the parent. More...
Joint_V GetParentJoints () const
 Get the parent joints. More...
Link_V GetParentJointsLinks () const
 Returns a vector of parent Links connected by joints. More...
ModelPtr GetParentModel ()
 Get the parent model, if one exists. More...
bool GetSaveable () const
 Get whether the object should be "saved", when the user selects to save the world to xml. More...
std::string GetScopedName (bool _prependWorldName=false) const
 Return the name of this entity with the model scope model1::...::modelN::entityName. More...
virtual const sdf::ElementPtr GetSDF ()
 Get the SDF values for the object. More...
const sdf::Link * GetSDFDom () const
 Get the SDF DOM object of this link. More...
bool GetSelfCollide () const
 Get Self-Collision Flag. More...
unsigned int GetSensorCount () const
 Get sensor count. More...
std::string GetSensorName (unsigned int _index) const
 Get sensor name. More...
unsigned int GetType () const
 Get the full type definition. More...
msgs::Visual GetVisualMessage (const std::string &_name) const
 Returns the visual message specified by its name. More...
const WorldPtrGetWorld () const
 Get the World this object is in. More...
double GetWorldEnergy () const
 Returns this link's total energy, or sum of Link::GetWorldEnergyPotential() and Link::GetWorldEnergyKinetic(). More...
double GetWorldEnergyKinetic () const
 Returns this link's kinetic energy computed using link's CoG velocity in the inertial (world) frame. More...
double GetWorldEnergyPotential () const
 Returns this link's potential energy, based on position in world frame and gravity. More...
bool HasType (const EntityType &_t) const
 Returns true if this object's type definition has the given type. More...
virtual void Init () override
 Initialize the body. More...
ignition::math::Pose3d InitialRelativePose () const
 Get the initial relative pose. More...
bool IsCanonicalLink () const
 A helper function that checks if this is a canonical body. More...
bool IsSelected () const
 True if the entity is selected by the user. More...
bool IsStatic () const
 Return whether this entity is static. More...
virtual void Load (sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) override
 Load the body based on an SDF element. More...
void MoveFrame (const ignition::math::Pose3d &_worldReferenceFrameSrc, const ignition::math::Pose3d &_worldReferenceFrameDst, const bool _preserveWorldVelocity=false)
 Move Link given source and target frames specified in world coordinates. More...
virtual void OnPoseChange () override
 This function is called when the entity's (or one of its parents) pose of the parent has changed. More...
bool operator== (const Base &_ent) const
 Returns true if the entities are the same. More...
void PlaceOnEntity (const std::string &_entityName)
 Move this entity to be ontop of another entity by name. More...
void PlaceOnNearestEntityBelow ()
 Move this entity to be ontop of the nearest entity below. More...
void Print (const std::string &_prefix)
 Print this object to screen via gzmsg. More...
void ProcessMsg (const msgs::Link &_msg)
 Update parameters from a message. More...
ignition::math::Vector3d RelativeAngularAccel () const override
 Get the angular acceleration of the body. More...
ignition::math::Vector3d RelativeAngularVel () const override
 Get the angular velocity of the body. More...
ignition::math::Vector3d RelativeForce () const
 Get the force applied to the body. More...
ignition::math::Vector3d RelativeLinearAccel () const override
 Get the linear acceleration of the body. More...
ignition::math::Vector3d RelativeLinearVel () const override
 Get the linear velocity of the body. More...
ignition::math::Pose3d RelativePose () const
 Get the pose of the entity relative to its parent. More...
ignition::math::Vector3d RelativeTorque () const
 Get the torque applied to the body. More...
const ignition::math::Vector3d RelativeWindLinearVel () const
 Returns this link's wind velocity. More...
virtual void RemoveChild (unsigned int _id)
 Remove a child from this entity. More...
void RemoveChild (const std::string &_name)
 Remove a child by name. More...
void RemoveChild (physics::BasePtr _child)
 Remove a child by pointer. More...
virtual void RemoveChild (EntityPtr _child)
void RemoveChildJoint (const std::string &_jointName)
 Remove Joints that have this Link as a parent Link. More...
void RemoveChildren ()
 Remove all children. More...
void RemoveCollision (const std::string &_name)
 Remove a collision from the link. More...
void RemoveParentJoint (const std::string &_jointName)
 Remove Joints that have this Link as a child Link. More...
void Reset () override
 Reset the link. More...
virtual void Reset (Base::EntityType _resetType)
 Calls recursive Reset on one of the Base::EntityType's. More...
void ResetPhysicsStates ()
 Reset the velocity, acceleration, force and torque of link. More...
ignition::math::Pose3d SDFPoseRelativeToParent () const
 Get the SDF pose of the object according to the sdf 1.6 convention. More...
std::optional< sdf::SemanticPose > SDFSemanticPose () const override
 Get the SDF SemanticPose object associated with the pose of this object. More...
virtual void SetAngularDamping (double _damping)=0
 Set the angular damping factor. More...
virtual void SetAngularVel (const ignition::math::Vector3d &_vel)=0
 Set the angular velocity of the body. More...
void SetAnimation (const common::PoseAnimationPtr &_anim, boost::function< void()> _onComplete)
 Set an animation for this entity. More...
void SetAnimation (common::PoseAnimationPtr _anim)
 Set an animation for this entity. More...
virtual void SetAutoDisable (bool _disable)=0
 Allow the link to auto disable. More...
void SetCanonicalLink (bool _value)
 Set to true if this entity is a canonical link for a model. More...
void SetCollideMode (const std::string &_mode)
 Set the collide mode of the body. More...
virtual void SetEnabled (bool _enable) const =0
 Set whether this body is enabled. More...
virtual void SetForce (const ignition::math::Vector3d &_force)=0
 Set the force applied to the body. More...
virtual void SetGravityMode (bool _mode)=0
 Set whether gravity affects this body. More...
void SetInertial (const InertialPtr &_inertial)
 Set the mass of the link. More...
void SetInitialRelativePose (const ignition::math::Pose3d &_pose)
 Set the initial pose. More...
virtual void SetKinematic (const bool &_kinematic)
 Implement this function. More...
void SetLaserRetro (float _retro)
 Set the laser retro reflectiveness. More...
virtual void SetLinearDamping (double _damping)=0
 Set the linear damping factor. More...
virtual void SetLinearVel (const ignition::math::Vector3d &_vel)=0
 Set the linear velocity of the body. More...
virtual void SetLinkStatic (bool _static)=0
 Freeze link to ground (inertial frame). More...
virtual void SetName (const std::string &_name)
 Set the name of the entity. More...
void SetParent (BasePtr _parent)
 Set the parent. More...
void SetPublishData (bool _enable)
 Enable/Disable link data publishing. More...
void SetRelativePose (const ignition::math::Pose3d &_pose, const bool _notify=true, const bool _publish=true)
 Set the pose of the entity relative to its parent. More...
void SetSaveable (bool _v)
 Set whether the object should be "saved", when the user selects to save the world to xml. More...
void SetScale (const ignition::math::Vector3d &_scale)
 Set the scale of the link. More...
virtual bool SetSelected (bool _set) override
 Set whether this entity has been selected by the user through the gui. More...
virtual void SetSelfCollide (bool _collide)=0
 Set whether this body will collide with others in the model. More...
void SetState (const LinkState &_state)
 Set the current link state. More...
virtual void SetStatic (const bool &_static)
virtual void SetTorque (const ignition::math::Vector3d &_torque)=0
 Set the torque applied to the body. More...
bool SetVisualPose (const uint32_t _id, const ignition::math::Pose3d &_pose)
 Set the pose of a visual. More...
void SetWindEnabled (const bool _enable)
 Enable/disable wind for this link. More...
virtual void SetWindMode (const bool _mode)
 Set whether wind affects this body. More...
void SetWorld (const WorldPtr &_newWorld)
 Set the world this object belongs to. More...
void SetWorldPose (const ignition::math::Pose3d &_pose, const bool _notify=true, const bool _publish=true)
 Set the world pose of the entity. More...
void SetWorldTwist (const ignition::math::Vector3d &_linear, const ignition::math::Vector3d &_angular, const bool _updateChildren=true)
 Set angular and linear rates of an physics::Entity. More...
virtual void StopAnimation ()
 Stop the current animation, if any. More...
std::string TypeStr () const
 Get the string name for the entity type. More...
void Update (const common::UpdateInfo &_info)
 Update the collision. More...
virtual void Update ()
 Update the object. More...
virtual void UpdateMass ()
 Update the mass matrix. More...
virtual void UpdateParameters (sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) override
 Update the parameters using new sdf values. More...
virtual void UpdateSurface ()
 Update surface parameters. More...
void UpdateWind (const common::UpdateInfo &_info)
 Update the wind. More...
common::URI URI () const
 Return the common::URI of this entity. More...
bool VisualId (const std::string &_visName, uint32_t &_visualId) const
 Get the unique ID of a visual. More...
bool VisualPose (const uint32_t _id, ignition::math::Pose3d &_pose) const
 Get the pose of a visual. More...
const Visuals_MVisuals () const
 Return the link visual elements. More...
virtual bool WindMode () const
 Get the wind mode. More...
ignition::math::Vector3d WorldAngularAccel () const override
 Get the angular acceleration of the body in the world frame, which is computed as (I^-1 * (T - w x L)), where I: inertia matrix in world frame T: sum of external torques in world frame L: angular momentum of CoG in world frame w: angular velocity in world frame. More...
ignition::math::Vector3d WorldAngularMomentum () const
 Get the angular momentum of the body CoG in the world frame, which is computed as (I * w), where I: inertia matrix in world frame w: angular velocity in world frame. More...
virtual ignition::math::Vector3d WorldAngularVel () const
 Get the angular velocity of the entity in the world frame. More...
virtual ignition::math::Vector3d WorldCoGLinearVel () const =0
 Get the linear velocity at the body's center of gravity in the world frame. More...
ignition::math::Pose3d WorldCoGPose () const
 Get the pose of the body's center of gravity in the world coordinate frame. More...
virtual ignition::math::Vector3d WorldForce () const =0
 Get the force applied to the body in the world frame. More...
ignition::math::Pose3d WorldInertialPose () const
 Get the world pose of the link inertia (cog position and Moment of Inertia frame). More...
ignition::math::Matrix3d WorldInertiaMatrix () const
 Get the inertia matrix in the world frame. More...
ignition::math::Vector3d WorldLinearAccel () const override
 Get the linear acceleration of the body in the world frame. More...
virtual ignition::math::Vector3d WorldLinearVel () const override
 Get the linear velocity of the origin of the link frame, expressed in the world frame. More...
virtual ignition::math::Vector3d WorldLinearVel (const ignition::math::Vector3d &_offset) const =0
 Get the linear velocity of a point on the body in the world frame, using an offset expressed in a body-fixed frame. More...
virtual ignition::math::Vector3d WorldLinearVel (const ignition::math::Vector3d &_offset, const ignition::math::Quaterniond &_q) const =0
 Get the linear velocity of a point on the body in the world frame, using an offset expressed in an arbitrary frame. More...
virtual const ignition::math::Pose3d & WorldPose () const
 Get the absolute pose of the entity. More...
virtual ignition::math::Vector3d WorldTorque () const =0
 Get the torque applied to the body about the center of mass in world frame coordinates. More...
const ignition::math::Vector3d WorldWindLinearVel () const
 Returns this link's wind velocity in the world coordinate frame. More...

Protected Member Functions

void ComputeScopedName ()
 Compute the scoped name of this object based on its parents. More...
virtual void RegisterIntrospectionItems () override
 Register items in the introspection service. More...
virtual void UnregisterIntrospectionItems ()
 Unregister items in the introspection service. More...

Protected Attributes

common::PoseAnimationPtr animation
 Current pose animation. More...
event::ConnectionPtr animationConnection
 Connection used to update an animation. More...
ignition::math::Pose3d animationStartPose
 Start pose of an animation. More...
std::vector< ignition::math::Pose3d > attachedModelsOffset
 Offsets for the attached models. More...
Base_V children
 Children of this entity. More...
std::vector< event::ConnectionPtrconnections
 All our event connections. More...
ignition::math::Pose3d dirtyPose
 The pose set by a physics engine. More...
InertialPtr inertial
 Inertial properties. More...
bool initialized = false
 This flag is set to true when the link is initialized. More...
std::vector< common::URIintrospectionItems
 All the introspection items regsitered for this. More...
transport::NodePtr node
 Communication node. More...
ignition::transport::Node nodeIgn
 Ignition communication node. More...
BasePtr parent
 Parent of this entity. More...
EntityPtr parentEntity
 A helper that prevents numerous dynamic_casts. More...
common::Time prevAnimationTime
 Previous time an animation was updated. More...
transport::PublisherPtr requestPub
 Request publisher. More...
ignition::transport::Node::Publisher requestPubIgn
 Request publisher. More...
ignition::math::Vector3d scale
 Scale of the entity. More...
sdf::ElementPtr sdf
 The SDF values for this object. More...
transport::PublisherPtr visPub
 Visual publisher. More...
ignition::transport::Node::Publisher visPubIgn
 Visual publisher. More...
msgs::Visual * visualMsg
 Visual message container. More...
Visuals_M visuals
 Link visual elements. More...
WorldPtr world
 Pointer to the world. More...
ignition::math::Pose3d worldPose
 World pose of the entity. More...

Detailed Description

Link class defines a rigid body entity, containing information on inertia, visual and collision properties of a rigid body.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Visuals_M

typedef std::map<uint32_t, msgs::Visual> Visuals_M

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EntityType

enum EntityType

Unique identifiers for all entity types.


Base type.


Entity type.


Model type.


Link type.


Collision type.


Light type.


Visual type.


Joint type.


BallJoint type.


Hing2Joint type.


HingeJoint type.


SliderJoint type.


ScrewJoint type.


UniversalJoint type.


GearboxJoint type.


FixedJoint type.


Actor type.


Shape type.


BoxShape type.


CylinderShape type.


HeightmapShape type.


MapShape type.


MultiRayShape type.


RayShape type.


PlaneShape type.


SphereShape type.


MeshShape type.


PolylineShape type.


Indicates a collision shape used for sensing.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Link()

Link ( EntityPtr  _parent)


[in]_parentParent of this link.

◆ ~Link()

virtual ~Link ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ AddChild()

void AddChild ( BasePtr  _child)

Add a child to this entity.

[in]_childChild entity.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ AddChildJoint()

void AddChildJoint ( JointPtr  _joint)

Joints that have this Link as a parent Link.

[in]_jointJoint that is a child of this link.

Referenced by Link::GetKinematic().

◆ AddForce()

virtual void AddForce ( const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _force)
pure virtual

Add a force to the body.

[in]_forceForce to add.

Implemented in BulletLink, SimbodyLink, ODELink, and DARTLink.

◆ AddForceAtRelativePosition()

virtual void AddForceAtRelativePosition ( const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _force,
const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _relPos 
pure virtual

Add a force (in world frame coordinates) to the body at a position relative to the center of mass which is expressed in the link's own frame of reference.

[in]_forceForce to add. The force must be expressed in the world reference frame.
[in]_relPosPosition on the link to add the force. This position must be expressed in the link's coordinates with respect to the link's center of mass.

Implemented in BulletLink, SimbodyLink, ODELink, and DARTLink.

◆ AddForceAtWorldPosition()

virtual void AddForceAtWorldPosition ( const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _force,
const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _pos 
pure virtual

Add a force to the body using a global position.

[in]_forceForce to add.
[in]_posPosition in global coord frame to add the force.

Implemented in BulletLink, SimbodyLink, ODELink, and DARTLink.

◆ AddLinkForce()

virtual void AddLinkForce ( const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _force,
const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _offset = ignition::math::Vector3d::Zero 
pure virtual

Add a force expressed in the link frame.

[in]_forceForce to add. The force must be expressed in the link-fixed reference frame.
[in]_offsetOffset position expressed in coordinates of the link frame with respect to the link frame's origin. It defaults to the link origin.

Implemented in BulletLink, SimbodyLink, ODELink, and DARTLink.

◆ AddParentJoint()

void AddParentJoint ( JointPtr  _joint)

Joints that have this Link as a child Link.

[in]_jointJoint that is a parent of this link.

Referenced by Link::GetKinematic().

◆ AddRelativeForce()

virtual void AddRelativeForce ( const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _force)
pure virtual

Add a force to the body, components are relative to the body's own frame of reference.

[in]_forceForce to add.

Implemented in BulletLink, SimbodyLink, ODELink, and DARTLink.

◆ AddRelativeTorque()

virtual void AddRelativeTorque ( const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _torque)
pure virtual

Add a torque to the body, components are relative to the body's own frame of reference.

[in]_torqueTorque value to add.

Implemented in BulletLink, SimbodyLink, ODELink, and DARTLink.

◆ AddTorque()

virtual void AddTorque ( const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _torque)
pure virtual

Add a torque to the body.

[in]_torqueTorque value to add to the link.

Implemented in BulletLink, SimbodyLink, ODELink, and DARTLink.

◆ AddType()

void AddType ( EntityType  _type)

Add a type specifier.

[in]_typeNew type to append to this objects type definition.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ AttachStaticModel()

void AttachStaticModel ( ModelPtr _model,
const ignition::math::Pose3d &  _offset 

Attach a static model to this link.

[in]_modelPointer to a static model.
[in]_offsetPose relative to this link to place the model.

Referenced by Link::GetKinematic().

◆ Battery() [1/2]

common::BatteryPtr Battery ( const std::string &  _name) const

Get a battery by name.

[in]_nameName of the battery to get.
Pointer to the battery, NULL if the name is invalid.

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ Battery() [2/2]

common::BatteryPtr Battery ( const size_t  _index) const

Get a battery based on an index.

A pointer to a Battery. Null if the _index is invalid.

◆ BatteryCount()

size_t BatteryCount ( ) const

Get the number of batteries in this link.

Size of this->batteries array.
See also

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ BoundingBox()

virtual ignition::math::AxisAlignedBox BoundingBox ( ) const

Get the bounding box for the link and all the child elements.

The link's bounding box.

Reimplemented from Entity.

Referenced by Link::GetInertial().

◆ CollisionBoundingBox()

ignition::math::AxisAlignedBox CollisionBoundingBox ( ) const

Returns collision bounding box.

Collsion bounding box.

◆ ComputeScopedName()

void ComputeScopedName ( )

Compute the scoped name of this object based on its parents.

See also

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ ConnectEnabled()

event::ConnectionPtr ConnectEnabled ( std::function< void(bool)>  _subscriber)

Connect to the add entity signal.

[in]_subscriberSubsciber callback function.
Pointer to the connection, which must be kept in scope.

Referenced by Link::GetKinematic().

◆ DetachAllStaticModels()

void DetachAllStaticModels ( )

Detach all static models from this link.

Referenced by Link::GetKinematic().

◆ DetachStaticModel()

void DetachStaticModel ( const std::string &  _modelName)

Detach a static model from this link.

[in]_modelNameName of an attached model to detach.

Referenced by Link::GetKinematic().

◆ DirtyPose()

const ignition::math::Pose3d& DirtyPose ( ) const

Returns Entity::dirtyPose.

The dirty pose is the pose set by the physics engine before it's value is propagated to the rest of the simulator.

The dirty pose of the entity.

◆ FillMsg()

void FillMsg ( msgs::Link &  _msg)

Fill a link message.

[out]_msgMessage to fill

Referenced by Link::GetKinematic().

◆ FindAllConnectedLinksHelper()

bool FindAllConnectedLinksHelper ( const LinkPtr _originalParentLink,
Link_V _connectedLinks,
bool  _fistLink = false 

Helper function to find all connected links of a link based on parent/child relations of joints.

For example, if Link0 –> Link1 –> ... –> LinkN is a kinematic chain with Link0 being the base link. Then, call by Link1: Link1->FindAllConnectedLinksHelper(Link0, _list, true); should return true with _list containing Link1 through LinkN. In the case the _originalParentLink is part of a loop, _connectedLinks is cleared and the function returns false.

[in]_originParentLinkif this link is a child link of the search, we've found a loop.

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ Fini()

void Fini ( )

Finalize the body.

Reimplemented from Entity.

Reimplemented in SimbodyLink, and ODELink.

◆ GetAngularDamping()

double GetAngularDamping ( ) const

Get the angular damping factor.

Angular damping.

Referenced by Link::GetInertial().

◆ GetByName()

BasePtr GetByName ( const std::string &  _name)

Get by name.

[in]_nameGet a child (or self) object by name
A pointer to the object, NULL if not found

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ GetChild() [1/2]

BasePtr GetChild ( unsigned int  _i) const

Get a child by index.

[in]_iIndex of the child to retreive.
A pointer to the object, NULL if the index is invalid.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ GetChild() [2/2]

BasePtr GetChild ( const std::string &  _name)

Get a child by name.

[in]_nameName of the child.
A pointer to the object, NULL if not found

◆ GetChildCollision()

CollisionPtr GetChildCollision ( const std::string &  _name)

Get a child collision entity, if one exists.

[in]_nameName of the child collision object.
Pointer to the Collision object, or NULL if not found.

◆ GetChildCount()

unsigned int GetChildCount ( ) const

Get the number of children.

The number of children.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ GetChildJoints()

Joint_V GetChildJoints ( ) const

Get the child joints.

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ GetChildJointsLinks()

Link_V GetChildJointsLinks ( ) const

Returns a vector of children Links connected by joints.

A vector of children Links connected by joints.

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ GetChildLink()

LinkPtr GetChildLink ( const std::string &  _name)

Get a child linke entity, if one exists.

[in]_nameName of the child Link object.
Pointer to the Link object, or NULL if not found.

◆ GetCollision() [1/2]

CollisionPtr GetCollision ( const std::string &  _name)

Get a child collision by name.

[in]_nameName of the collision object.
Pointer to the collision, NULL if the name was not found.

Referenced by Link::GetInertial().

◆ GetCollision() [2/2]

CollisionPtr GetCollision ( unsigned int  _index) const

Get a child collision by index.

[in]_indexIndex of the collision object.
Pointer to the collision, NULL if the name was not found.

◆ GetCollisions()

Collision_V GetCollisions ( ) const

Get all the child collisions.

A std::vector of all the child collisions.

Referenced by Link::GetInertial().

◆ GetEnabled()

virtual bool GetEnabled ( ) const
pure virtual

Get whether this body is enabled in the physics engine.

True if the link is enabled.

Implemented in DARTLink, SimbodyLink, BulletLink, and ODELink.

◆ GetGravityMode()

virtual bool GetGravityMode ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the gravity mode.

True if gravity is enabled.

Implemented in ODELink, DARTLink, SimbodyLink, and BulletLink.

◆ GetId()

uint32_t GetId ( ) const

Return the ID of this entity.

This id is unique.

Integer ID.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ GetInertial()

◆ GetKinematic()

virtual bool GetKinematic ( ) const

◆ GetLinearDamping()

double GetLinearDamping ( ) const

Get the linear damping factor.

Linear damping.

Referenced by Link::GetInertial().

◆ GetModel()

ModelPtr GetModel ( ) const

Get the model that this body belongs to.

Model that this body belongs to.

◆ GetName()

std::string GetName ( ) const

Return the name of the entity.

Name of the entity.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ GetNearestEntityBelow()

void GetNearestEntityBelow ( double &  _distBelow,
std::string &  _entityName 

Get the distance to the nearest entity below (along the Z-axis) this entity.

[out]_distBelowThe distance to the nearest entity below.
[out]_entityNameThe name of the nearest entity below.

◆ GetParent()

BasePtr GetParent ( ) const

Get the parent.

Pointer to the parent entity.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ GetParentId()

int GetParentId ( ) const

Return the ID of the parent.

Integer ID.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ GetParentJoints()

Joint_V GetParentJoints ( ) const

Get the parent joints.

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ GetParentJointsLinks()

Link_V GetParentJointsLinks ( ) const

Returns a vector of parent Links connected by joints.

Vector of parent Links connected by joints.

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ GetParentModel()

ModelPtr GetParentModel ( )

Get the parent model, if one exists.

Pointer to a model, or NULL if no parent model exists.

◆ GetSaveable()

bool GetSaveable ( ) const

Get whether the object should be "saved", when the user selects to save the world to xml.

True if the object is saveable.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ GetScopedName()

std::string GetScopedName ( bool  _prependWorldName = false) const

Return the name of this entity with the model scope model1::...::modelN::entityName.

[in]_prependWorldNameTrue to prended the returned string with the world name. The result will be world::model1::...::modelN::entityName.
The scoped name.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ GetSDF()

virtual const sdf::ElementPtr GetSDF ( )

Get the SDF values for the object.

The SDF values for the object.

Reimplemented in Actor, and Model.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ GetSDFDom()

const sdf::Link* GetSDFDom ( ) const

Get the SDF DOM object of this link.

Pointer to SDF DOM Object

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ GetSelfCollide()

bool GetSelfCollide ( ) const

Get Self-Collision Flag.

Two links within the same model will not collide if both have self_collide == false.
link 1 and link2 collide = link1.self_collide || link2.self_collide Bodies connected by a joint are exempt from this, and will never collide.

True if self collision is enabled.

◆ GetSensorCount()

unsigned int GetSensorCount ( ) const

Get sensor count.

This will return the number of sensors created by the link when it was loaded. This function is commonly used with Link::GetSensorName.

The number of sensors created by the link.

Referenced by Link::GetKinematic().

◆ GetSensorName()

std::string GetSensorName ( unsigned int  _index) const

Get sensor name.

Get the name of a sensor based on an index. The index should be in the range of 0...Link::GetSensorCount().

A Link does not manage or maintain a pointer to a sensors::Sensor. Access to a Sensor object is accomplished through the sensors::SensorManager. This was done to separate the physics engine from the sensor engine.
[in]_indexIndex of the sensor name.
The name of the sensor, or empty string if the index is out of bounds.

Referenced by Link::GetKinematic().

◆ GetType()

unsigned int GetType ( ) const

Get the full type definition.

The full type definition.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ GetVisualMessage()

msgs::Visual GetVisualMessage ( const std::string &  _name) const

Returns the visual message specified by its name.

[in]nameof the visual message
visual message

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ GetWorld()

const WorldPtr& GetWorld ( ) const

Get the World this object is in.

The World this object is part of.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ GetWorldEnergy()

double GetWorldEnergy ( ) const

Returns this link's total energy, or sum of Link::GetWorldEnergyPotential() and Link::GetWorldEnergyKinetic().

this link's total energy

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ GetWorldEnergyKinetic()

double GetWorldEnergyKinetic ( ) const

Returns this link's kinetic energy computed using link's CoG velocity in the inertial (world) frame.

this link's kinetic energy

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ GetWorldEnergyPotential()

double GetWorldEnergyPotential ( ) const

Returns this link's potential energy, based on position in world frame and gravity.

this link's potential energy,

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ HasType()

bool HasType ( const EntityType _t) const

Returns true if this object's type definition has the given type.

[in]_tType to check.
True if this object's type definition has the.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ Init()

virtual void Init ( )

Initialize the body.

Reimplemented from Base.

Reimplemented in DARTLink, SimbodyLink, BulletLink, and ODELink.

◆ InitialRelativePose()

ignition::math::Pose3d InitialRelativePose ( ) const

Get the initial relative pose.

The initial relative pose.

◆ IsCanonicalLink()

bool IsCanonicalLink ( ) const

A helper function that checks if this is a canonical body.

True if the link is canonical.

◆ IsSelected()

bool IsSelected ( ) const

True if the entity is selected by the user.

True if the entity is selected.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ IsStatic()

bool IsStatic ( ) const

Return whether this entity is static.

True if static.

◆ Load()

virtual void Load ( sdf::ElementPtr  _sdf)

Load the body based on an SDF element.

[in]_sdfSDF parameters.

Reimplemented from Entity.

Reimplemented in DARTLink, SimbodyLink, BulletLink, and ODELink.

◆ MoveFrame()

void MoveFrame ( const ignition::math::Pose3d &  _worldReferenceFrameSrc,
const ignition::math::Pose3d &  _worldReferenceFrameDst,
const bool  _preserveWorldVelocity = false 

Move Link given source and target frames specified in world coordinates.

Assuming link's relative pose to source frame (_worldReferenceFrameSrc) remains unchanged relative to destination frame (_worldReferenceFrameDst).

[in]_worldReferenceFrameSrcinitial reference frame to which this link is attached.
[in]_worldReferenceFrameDstfinal location of the reference frame specified in world coordinates.
[in]_preserveWorldVelocityTrue if to preserve the world velocity before move frame, default is false.

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ OnPoseChange()

virtual void OnPoseChange ( )

This function is called when the entity's (or one of its parents) pose of the parent has changed.

Implements Entity.

Reimplemented in DARTLink, SimbodyLink, BulletLink, and ODELink.

Referenced by Link::GetKinematic().

◆ operator==()

bool operator== ( const Base _ent) const

Returns true if the entities are the same.

Checks only the name.

[in]_entBase object to compare with.
True if the entities are the same.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ PlaceOnEntity()

void PlaceOnEntity ( const std::string &  _entityName)

Move this entity to be ontop of another entity by name.

[in]_entityNameName of the Entity this Entity should be ontop of.

◆ PlaceOnNearestEntityBelow()

void PlaceOnNearestEntityBelow ( )

Move this entity to be ontop of the nearest entity below.

◆ Print()

void Print ( const std::string &  _prefix)

Print this object to screen via gzmsg.

[in]_prefixUsually a set of spaces.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ ProcessMsg()

void ProcessMsg ( const msgs::Link &  _msg)

Update parameters from a message.

[in]_msgMessage to read.

Referenced by Link::GetKinematic().

◆ RegisterIntrospectionItems()

virtual void RegisterIntrospectionItems ( )

Register items in the introspection service.

Reimplemented from Base.

◆ RelativeAngularAccel()

ignition::math::Vector3d RelativeAngularAccel ( ) const

Get the angular acceleration of the body.

Angular acceleration of the body.

Reimplemented from Entity.

◆ RelativeAngularVel()

ignition::math::Vector3d RelativeAngularVel ( ) const

Get the angular velocity of the body.

Angular velocity of the body.

Reimplemented from Entity.

◆ RelativeForce()

ignition::math::Vector3d RelativeForce ( ) const

Get the force applied to the body.

Force applied to the body.

◆ RelativeLinearAccel()

ignition::math::Vector3d RelativeLinearAccel ( ) const

Get the linear acceleration of the body.

Linear acceleration of the body.

Reimplemented from Entity.

◆ RelativeLinearVel()

ignition::math::Vector3d RelativeLinearVel ( ) const

Get the linear velocity of the body.

Linear velocity of the body.

Reimplemented from Entity.

◆ RelativePose()

ignition::math::Pose3d RelativePose ( ) const

Get the pose of the entity relative to its parent.

The pose of the entity relative to its parent.

◆ RelativeTorque()

ignition::math::Vector3d RelativeTorque ( ) const

Get the torque applied to the body.

Torque applied to the body.

◆ RelativeWindLinearVel()

const ignition::math::Vector3d RelativeWindLinearVel ( ) const

Returns this link's wind velocity.

this link's wind velocity.

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ RemoveChild() [1/4]

virtual void RemoveChild ( unsigned int  _id)

Remove a child from this entity.

[in]_idID of the child to remove.

Referenced by Link::GetKinematic(), and Base::Update().

◆ RemoveChild() [2/4]

void RemoveChild ( const std::string &  _name)

Remove a child by name.

[in]_nameName of the child.

◆ RemoveChild() [3/4]

void RemoveChild ( physics::BasePtr  _child)

Remove a child by pointer.

[in]_childPointer to the child.

◆ RemoveChild() [4/4]

virtual void RemoveChild ( EntityPtr  _child)

Referenced by Link::GetKinematic().

◆ RemoveChildJoint()

void RemoveChildJoint ( const std::string &  _jointName)

Remove Joints that have this Link as a parent Link.

[in]_jointNameChild Joint name.

Referenced by Link::GetKinematic().

◆ RemoveChildren()

void RemoveChildren ( )

Remove all children.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ RemoveCollision()

void RemoveCollision ( const std::string &  _name)

Remove a collision from the link.


Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ RemoveParentJoint()

void RemoveParentJoint ( const std::string &  _jointName)

Remove Joints that have this Link as a child Link.

[in]_jointNameParent Joint name.

Referenced by Link::GetKinematic().

◆ Reset() [1/2]

void Reset ( )

Reset the link.

Reimplemented from Entity.

◆ Reset() [2/2]

virtual void Reset ( Base::EntityType  _resetType)

Calls recursive Reset on one of the Base::EntityType's.

[in]_resetTypeThe type of reset operation

◆ ResetPhysicsStates()

void ResetPhysicsStates ( )

Reset the velocity, acceleration, force and torque of link.

◆ SDFPoseRelativeToParent()

ignition::math::Pose3d SDFPoseRelativeToParent ( ) const

Get the SDF pose of the object according to the sdf 1.6 convention.

This convention is that the pose of an element is relative to its parent XML element, except for joints, whose pose is relative to the child link.

The pose of the object resolved according to the sdf 1.6 convention

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ SDFSemanticPose()

std::optional<sdf::SemanticPose> SDFSemanticPose ( ) const

Get the SDF SemanticPose object associated with the pose of this object.

Objects that support frame semantics need to override this function and provide this function.

Reimplemented from Base.

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ SetAngularDamping()

virtual void SetAngularDamping ( double  _damping)
pure virtual

Set the angular damping factor.

[in]_dampingAngular damping factor.

Implemented in ODELink, DARTLink, BulletLink, and SimbodyLink.

Referenced by Link::GetInertial().

◆ SetAngularVel()

virtual void SetAngularVel ( const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _vel)
pure virtual

Set the angular velocity of the body.

[in]_velAngular velocity.

Implemented in ODELink, DARTLink, SimbodyLink, and BulletLink.

◆ SetAnimation() [1/2]

void SetAnimation ( const common::PoseAnimationPtr _anim,
boost::function< void()>  _onComplete 

Set an animation for this entity.

[in]_animPose animation.
[in]_onCompleteCallback for when the animation completes.

◆ SetAnimation() [2/2]

void SetAnimation ( common::PoseAnimationPtr  _anim)

Set an animation for this entity.

[in]_animPose animation.

◆ SetAutoDisable()

virtual void SetAutoDisable ( bool  _disable)
pure virtual

Allow the link to auto disable.

[in]_disableIf true, the link is allowed to auto disable.

Implemented in ODELink, BulletLink, DARTLink, and SimbodyLink.

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ SetCanonicalLink()

void SetCanonicalLink ( bool  _value)

Set to true if this entity is a canonical link for a model.

[in]_valueTrue if the link is canonical.

◆ SetCollideMode()

void SetCollideMode ( const std::string &  _mode)

Set the collide mode of the body.

[in]_modeCollision Mode, this can be: [all|none|sensors|fixed|ghost] all: collides with everything none: collides with nothing sensors: collides with everything else but other sensors fixed: collides with everything else but other fixed ghost: collides with everything else but other ghost

◆ SetEnabled()

virtual void SetEnabled ( bool  _enable) const
pure virtual

Set whether this body is enabled.

[in]_enableTrue to enable the link in the physics engine.

Implemented in DARTLink, SimbodyLink, BulletLink, and ODELink.

◆ SetForce()

virtual void SetForce ( const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _force)
pure virtual

Set the force applied to the body.

[in]_forceForce value.

Implemented in ODELink, DARTLink, SimbodyLink, and BulletLink.

◆ SetGravityMode()

virtual void SetGravityMode ( bool  _mode)
pure virtual

Set whether gravity affects this body.

[in]_modeTrue to enable gravity.

Implemented in ODELink, DARTLink, SimbodyLink, and BulletLink.

◆ SetInertial()

void SetInertial ( const InertialPtr _inertial)

Set the mass of the link.

[in] _inertial Inertial value for the link.

Referenced by Link::GetInertial().

◆ SetInitialRelativePose()

void SetInitialRelativePose ( const ignition::math::Pose3d &  _pose)

Set the initial pose.

[in]_poseThe initial pose.

◆ SetKinematic()

virtual void SetKinematic ( const bool &  _kinematic)

Implement this function.

Set whether this body is in the kinematic state.

[in]_kinematicTrue to make the link kinematic only.

Reimplemented in ODELink, and DARTLink.

Referenced by Link::GetInertial().

◆ SetLaserRetro()

void SetLaserRetro ( float  _retro)

Set the laser retro reflectiveness.

[in]_retroRetro value for all child collisions.

◆ SetLinearDamping()

virtual void SetLinearDamping ( double  _damping)
pure virtual

Set the linear damping factor.

[in]_dampingLinear damping factor.

Implemented in ODELink, DARTLink, BulletLink, and SimbodyLink.

Referenced by Link::GetInertial().

◆ SetLinearVel()

virtual void SetLinearVel ( const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _vel)
pure virtual

Set the linear velocity of the body.

[in]_velLinear velocity.

Implemented in ODELink, DARTLink, SimbodyLink, and BulletLink.

◆ SetLinkStatic()

virtual void SetLinkStatic ( bool  _static)
pure virtual

Freeze link to ground (inertial frame).

[in]_staticif true, freeze link to ground. Otherwise unfreeze link.

Implemented in ODELink, BulletLink, SimbodyLink, and DARTLink.

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ SetName()

virtual void SetName ( const std::string &  _name)

Set the name of the entity.

[in]_nameThe new name.

Reimplemented from Base.

◆ SetParent()

void SetParent ( BasePtr  _parent)

Set the parent.

[in]_parentParent object.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ SetPublishData()

void SetPublishData ( bool  _enable)

Enable/Disable link data publishing.

[in]_enableTrue to enable publishing, false to stop publishing

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ SetRelativePose()

void SetRelativePose ( const ignition::math::Pose3d &  _pose,
const bool  _notify = true,
const bool  _publish = true 

Set the pose of the entity relative to its parent.

[in]_poseThe new pose.
[in]_notifyTrue = tell children of the pose change.
[in]_publishTrue to publish the pose.

◆ SetSaveable()

void SetSaveable ( bool  _v)

Set whether the object should be "saved", when the user selects to save the world to xml.

[in]_vSet to True if the object should be saved.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ SetScale()

void SetScale ( const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _scale)

Set the scale of the link.

[in]_scaleScale to set the link to.

◆ SetSelected()

virtual bool SetSelected ( bool  _set)

Set whether this entity has been selected by the user through the gui.

[in]_setTrue to set the link as selected.

Reimplemented from Base.

◆ SetSelfCollide()

virtual void SetSelfCollide ( bool  _collide)
pure virtual

Set whether this body will collide with others in the model.

See also
[in]_collideTrue to enable collisions.

Implemented in ODELink, DARTLink, SimbodyLink, and BulletLink.

◆ SetState()

void SetState ( const LinkState _state)

Set the current link state.

[in]_stateThe state to set the link to.

Referenced by Link::GetKinematic().

◆ SetStatic()

virtual void SetStatic ( const bool &  _static)

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ SetTorque()

virtual void SetTorque ( const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _torque)
pure virtual

Set the torque applied to the body.

[in]_torqueTorque value.

Implemented in ODELink, DARTLink, SimbodyLink, and BulletLink.

◆ SetVisualPose()

bool SetVisualPose ( const uint32_t  _id,
const ignition::math::Pose3d &  _pose 

Set the pose of a visual.

[in]_idUnique ID of visual message.
[in]_posePose relative to this link to place the visual.
True if setting the pose of the visual was successful.

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ SetWindEnabled()

void SetWindEnabled ( const bool  _enable)

Enable/disable wind for this link.

[in]_enableTrue to enable the wind.

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ SetWindMode()

virtual void SetWindMode ( const bool  _mode)

Set whether wind affects this body.

[in]_modeTrue to enable wind.

◆ SetWorld()

void SetWorld ( const WorldPtr _newWorld)

Set the world this object belongs to.

This will also set the world for all children.

[in]_newWorldThe new World this object is part of.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ SetWorldPose()

void SetWorldPose ( const ignition::math::Pose3d &  _pose,
const bool  _notify = true,
const bool  _publish = true 

Set the world pose of the entity.

[in]_poseThe new world pose.
[in]_notifyTrue = tell children of the pose change.
[in]_publishTrue to publish the pose.

◆ SetWorldTwist()

void SetWorldTwist ( const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _linear,
const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _angular,
const bool  _updateChildren = true 

Set angular and linear rates of an physics::Entity.

[in]_linearLinear twist.
[in]_angularAngular twist.
[in]_updateChildrenTrue to pass this update to child entities.

◆ StopAnimation()

virtual void StopAnimation ( )

Stop the current animation, if any.

Reimplemented in Model.

◆ TypeStr()

std::string TypeStr ( ) const

Get the string name for the entity type.

The string name for this entity.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ UnregisterIntrospectionItems()

virtual void UnregisterIntrospectionItems ( )

Unregister items in the introspection service.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ Update() [1/2]

void Update ( const common::UpdateInfo _info)

Update the collision.

[in]_infoUpdate information.

◆ Update() [2/2]

◆ UpdateMass()

virtual void UpdateMass ( )

Update the mass matrix.

Reimplemented in SimbodyLink, BulletLink, DARTLink, and ODELink.

◆ UpdateParameters()

virtual void UpdateParameters ( sdf::ElementPtr  _sdf)

Update the parameters using new sdf values.

[in]_sdfSDF values to load from.

Reimplemented from Entity.

◆ UpdateSurface()

◆ UpdateWind()

void UpdateWind ( const common::UpdateInfo _info)

Update the wind.

[in]_infoUpdate information.

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ URI()

common::URI URI ( ) const

Return the common::URI of this entity.

The URI includes the world where the entity is contained and all the hierarchy of sub-entities that can compose this entity. E.g.: A link entity contains the name of the link and the model where the link is contained.

The URI of this entity.

Referenced by Base::Update().

◆ VisualId()

bool VisualId ( const std::string &  _visName,
uint32_t &  _visualId 
) const

Get the unique ID of a visual.

[in]_visNameName of the visual.
[out]_visualIdThe unique ID of the visual.
True if getting the unique ID of the visual was successful.

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ VisualPose()

bool VisualPose ( const uint32_t  _id,
ignition::math::Pose3d &  _pose 
) const

Get the pose of a visual.

[in]_idUnique ID of visual.
[out]_posePose of the visual relative to this link.
True if getting the pose of the visual was successful.

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

◆ Visuals()

const Visuals_M& Visuals ( ) const

Return the link visual elements.

a map of unique ID to visual message

◆ WindMode()

virtual bool WindMode ( ) const

Get the wind mode.

True if wind is enabled.

◆ WorldAngularAccel()

ignition::math::Vector3d WorldAngularAccel ( ) const

Get the angular acceleration of the body in the world frame, which is computed as (I^-1 * (T - w x L)), where I: inertia matrix in world frame T: sum of external torques in world frame L: angular momentum of CoG in world frame w: angular velocity in world frame.

Angular acceleration of the body in the world frame.

Reimplemented from Entity.

◆ WorldAngularMomentum()

ignition::math::Vector3d WorldAngularMomentum ( ) const

Get the angular momentum of the body CoG in the world frame, which is computed as (I * w), where I: inertia matrix in world frame w: angular velocity in world frame.

Angular momentum of the body.

◆ WorldAngularVel()

virtual ignition::math::Vector3d WorldAngularVel ( ) const

Get the angular velocity of the entity in the world frame.

A ignition::math::Vector3d for the velocity.

Reimplemented in Model, Collision, ODELink, DARTLink, SimbodyLink, and BulletLink.

◆ WorldCoGLinearVel()

virtual ignition::math::Vector3d WorldCoGLinearVel ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the linear velocity at the body's center of gravity in the world frame.

Linear velocity at the body's center of gravity in the world frame.

Implemented in ODELink, DARTLink, SimbodyLink, and BulletLink.

◆ WorldCoGPose()

ignition::math::Pose3d WorldCoGPose ( ) const

Get the pose of the body's center of gravity in the world coordinate frame.

Pose of the body's center of gravity in the world coordinate frame.

◆ WorldForce()

virtual ignition::math::Vector3d WorldForce ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the force applied to the body in the world frame.

Force applied to the body in the world frame.

Implemented in ODELink, DARTLink, SimbodyLink, and BulletLink.

◆ WorldInertialPose()

ignition::math::Pose3d WorldInertialPose ( ) const

Get the world pose of the link inertia (cog position and Moment of Inertia frame).

This differs from GetWorldCoGPose(), which returns the cog position in the link frame (not the Moment of Inertia frame).

Inertial pose in world frame.

Referenced by Link::GetInertial().

◆ WorldInertiaMatrix()

ignition::math::Matrix3d WorldInertiaMatrix ( ) const

Get the inertia matrix in the world frame.

Inertia matrix in world frame, returns matrix of zeros if link has no inertia.

Referenced by Link::GetInertial().

◆ WorldLinearAccel()

ignition::math::Vector3d WorldLinearAccel ( ) const

Get the linear acceleration of the body in the world frame.

Linear acceleration of the body in the world frame.

Reimplemented from Entity.

◆ WorldLinearVel() [1/3]

virtual ignition::math::Vector3d WorldLinearVel ( ) const

Get the linear velocity of the origin of the link frame, expressed in the world frame.

Linear velocity of the link frame.

Reimplemented from Entity.

◆ WorldLinearVel() [2/3]

virtual ignition::math::Vector3d WorldLinearVel ( const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _offset) const
pure virtual

Get the linear velocity of a point on the body in the world frame, using an offset expressed in a body-fixed frame.

If no offset is given, the velocity at the origin of the Link frame will be returned.

[in]_offsetOffset of the point from the origin of the Link frame, expressed in the body-fixed frame.
Linear velocity of the point on the body

Implemented in ODELink, DARTLink, SimbodyLink, and BulletLink.

◆ WorldLinearVel() [3/3]

virtual ignition::math::Vector3d WorldLinearVel ( const ignition::math::Vector3d &  _offset,
const ignition::math::Quaterniond &  _q 
) const
pure virtual

Get the linear velocity of a point on the body in the world frame, using an offset expressed in an arbitrary frame.

[in]_offsetOffset from the origin of the link frame expressed in a frame defined by _q.
[in]_qDescribes the rotation of a reference frame relative to the world reference frame.
Linear velocity of the point on the body in the world frame.

Implemented in ODELink, DARTLink, SimbodyLink, and BulletLink.

◆ WorldPose()

virtual const ignition::math::Pose3d& WorldPose ( ) const

Get the absolute pose of the entity.

The absolute pose of the entity.

Reimplemented in Collision, and Light.

◆ WorldTorque()

virtual ignition::math::Vector3d WorldTorque ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the torque applied to the body about the center of mass in world frame coordinates.

Torque applied to the body in the world frame.

Implemented in ODELink, DARTLink, SimbodyLink, and BulletLink.

◆ WorldWindLinearVel()

const ignition::math::Vector3d WorldWindLinearVel ( ) const

Returns this link's wind velocity in the world coordinate frame.

this link's wind velocity.

Referenced by Link::UpdateSurface().

Member Data Documentation

◆ animation

common::PoseAnimationPtr animation

Current pose animation.

◆ animationConnection

event::ConnectionPtr animationConnection

Connection used to update an animation.

◆ animationStartPose

ignition::math::Pose3d animationStartPose

Start pose of an animation.

◆ attachedModelsOffset

std::vector<ignition::math::Pose3d> attachedModelsOffset

Offsets for the attached models.

◆ children

Base_V children

Children of this entity.

◆ connections

std::vector<event::ConnectionPtr> connections

All our event connections.

◆ dirtyPose

ignition::math::Pose3d dirtyPose

The pose set by a physics engine.

◆ inertial

InertialPtr inertial

Inertial properties.

Referenced by Link::GetInertial().

◆ initialized

bool initialized = false

This flag is set to true when the link is initialized.

◆ introspectionItems

std::vector<common::URI> introspectionItems

All the introspection items regsitered for this.

◆ node

transport::NodePtr node

Communication node.

◆ nodeIgn

ignition::transport::Node nodeIgn

Ignition communication node.

◆ parent

BasePtr parent

Parent of this entity.

◆ parentEntity

EntityPtr parentEntity

A helper that prevents numerous dynamic_casts.

◆ prevAnimationTime

common::Time prevAnimationTime

Previous time an animation was updated.

◆ requestPub

transport::PublisherPtr requestPub

Request publisher.

◆ requestPubIgn

ignition::transport::Node::Publisher requestPubIgn

Request publisher.

◆ scale

ignition::math::Vector3d scale

Scale of the entity.

◆ sdf

sdf::ElementPtr sdf

The SDF values for this object.

◆ visPub

transport::PublisherPtr visPub

Visual publisher.

◆ visPubIgn

ignition::transport::Node::Publisher visPubIgn

Visual publisher.

◆ visualMsg

msgs::Visual* visualMsg

Visual message container.

◆ visuals

Visuals_M visuals

Link visual elements.

◆ world

WorldPtr world

Pointer to the world.

◆ worldPose

ignition::math::Pose3d worldPose

World pose of the entity.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: