| SimbodyUniversalJoint (SimTK::MultibodySystem *_world, BasePtr _parent) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~SimbodyUniversalJoint () |
| Destuctor. More...
virtual math::Vector3 | GetAnchor (int _index) const |
| Get the anchor point. More...
virtual math::Vector3 | GetAxis (int _index) const |
virtual math::Vector3 | GetGlobalAxis (int _index) const |
| Get the axis of rotation in global cooridnate frame. More...
virtual math::Angle | GetHighStop (int _index) |
| Get the high stop of an axis(index). More...
virtual math::Angle | GetLowStop (int _index) |
| Get the low stop of an axis(index). More...
virtual double | GetMaxForce (int _index) |
| Get the max allowed force of an axis(index). More...
virtual double | GetVelocity (int _index) const |
| Get the rotation rate of an axis(index) More...
virtual void | Init () |
| Initialize a joint. More...
virtual void | Load (sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) |
| Load a UniversalJoint. More...
virtual void | SetAxis (int _index, const math::Vector3 &_axis) |
| Set the axis of rotation where axis is specified in local joint frame. More...
virtual void | SetDamping (int _index, double _damping) |
| Set the joint damping. More...
virtual void | SetHighStop (int _index, const math::Angle &_angle) |
| Set the high stop of an axis(index). More...
virtual void | SetLowStop (int _index, const math::Angle &_angle) |
| Set the low stop of an axis(index). More...
virtual void | SetMaxForce (int _index, double _t) |
| Set the max allowed force of an axis(index). More...
virtual void | SetVelocity (int _index, double _angle) |
| Set the velocity of an axis(index). More...
| UniversalJoint (BasePtr _parent) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~UniversalJoint () |
| Destuctor. More...
virtual unsigned int | GetAngleCount () const |
| More...
Public Member Functions inherited from gazebo::physics::SimbodyJoint |
| SimbodyJoint (BasePtr _parent) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~SimbodyJoint () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual bool | AreConnected (LinkPtr _one, LinkPtr _two) const |
| Determines of the two bodies are connected by a joint. More...
virtual void | CacheForceTorque () |
| Cache Joint Force Torque Values if necessary for physics engine. More...
virtual void | Detach () |
| Detach this joint from all links. More...
virtual double | GetAttribute (const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index) |
| Get a non-generic parameter for the joint. More...
virtual double | GetForce (unsigned int _index) |
virtual JointWrench | GetForceTorque (unsigned int _index) |
| get internal force and torque values at a joint. More...
virtual LinkPtr | GetJointLink (int _index) const |
| Get the link to which the joint is attached according the _index. More...
virtual math::Vector3 | GetLinkForce (unsigned int _index) const |
| Get the forces applied to the center of mass of a physics::Link due to the existence of this Joint. More...
virtual math::Vector3 | GetLinkTorque (unsigned int _index) const |
| Get the torque applied to the center of mass of a physics::Link due to the existence of this Joint. More...
virtual void | Reset () |
| Reset the joint. More...
virtual void | RestoreSimbodyState (SimTK::State &_state) |
virtual void | SaveSimbodyState (const SimTK::State &_state) |
virtual void | SetAnchor (int _index, const gazebo::math::Vector3 &_anchor) |
| Set the anchor point. More...
virtual void | SetAttribute (Attribute, int _index, double _value) |
| Set a parameter for the joint. More...
virtual void | SetAttribute (const std::string &_key, int _index, const boost::any &_value) |
| Set a non-generic parameter for the joint. More...
virtual void | SetForce (int _index, double _force) |
| Set the force applied to this physics::Joint. More...
| Joint (BasePtr _parent) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~Joint () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual void | ApplyDamping () |
| Callback to apply damping force to joint. More...
virtual void | Attach (LinkPtr _parent, LinkPtr _child) |
| Attach the two bodies with this joint. More...
double | CheckAndTruncateForce (int _index, double _effort) |
| check if the force against velocityLimit and effortLimit, truncate if necessary. More...
template<typename T > |
event::ConnectionPtr | ConnectJointUpdate (T _subscriber) |
| Connect a boost::slot the the joint update signal. More...
void | DisconnectJointUpdate (event::ConnectionPtr &_conn) |
| Disconnect a boost::slot the the joint update signal. More...
void | FillMsg (msgs::Joint &_msg) |
| Fill a joint message. More...
math::Angle | GetAngle (int _index) const |
| Get the angle of rotation of an axis(index) More...
LinkPtr | GetChild () const |
| Get the child link. More...
double | GetDamping (int _index) |
| Returns the current joint damping coefficient. More...
double | GetDampingCoefficient () const |
| Get damping coefficient of this joint. More...
virtual double | GetEffortLimit (int _index) |
| Get the effort limit on axis(index). More...
double | GetInertiaRatio (unsigned int _index) const |
| Accessor to inertia ratio across this joint. More...
math::Vector3 | GetLocalAxis (int _index) const |
| Get the axis of rotation. More...
math::Angle | GetLowerLimit (unsigned int _index) const |
| : get the joint upper limit (replaces GetLowStop and GetHighStop) More...
LinkPtr | GetParent () const |
| Get the parent link. More...
math::Angle | GetUpperLimit (unsigned int _index) const |
| : get the joint lower limit (replacee GetLowStop and GetHighStop) More...
virtual double | GetVelocityLimit (int _index) |
| Get the velocity limit on axis(index). More...
void | Load (LinkPtr _parent, LinkPtr _child, const math::Pose &_pose) |
| Set pose, parent and child links of a physics::Joint. More...
void | SetAngle (int _index, math::Angle _angle) |
| If the Joint is static, Gazebo stores the state of this Joint as a scalar inside the Joint class, so this call will NOT move the joint dynamically for a static Model. More...
void | SetModel (ModelPtr _model) |
| Set the model this joint belongs too. More...
virtual void | SetProvideFeedback (bool _enable) |
| Set whether the joint should generate feedback. More...
void | SetState (const JointState &_state) |
| Set the joint state. More...
void | Update () |
| Update the joint. More...
virtual void | UpdateParameters (sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) |
| Update the parameters using new sdf values. More...
| Base (BasePtr _parent) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~Base () |
| Destructor. More...
void | AddChild (BasePtr _child) |
| Add a child to this entity. More...
void | AddType (EntityType _type) |
| Add a type specifier. More...
virtual void | Fini () |
| Finialize the object. More...
BasePtr | GetByName (const std::string &_name) |
| Get by name. More...
BasePtr | GetChild (unsigned int _i) const |
| Get a child by index. More...
BasePtr | GetChild (const std::string &_name) |
| Get a child by name. More...
unsigned int | GetChildCount () const |
| Get the number of children. More...
uint32_t | GetId () const |
| Return the ID of this entity. More...
std::string | GetName () const |
| Return the name of the entity. More...
BasePtr | GetParent () const |
| Get the parent. More...
int | GetParentId () const |
| Return the ID of the parent. More...
bool | GetSaveable () const |
| Get whether the object should be "saved", when the user selects to save the world to xml. More...
std::string | GetScopedName () const |
| Return the name of this entity with the model scope world::model1::...::modelN::entityName. More...
virtual const sdf::ElementPtr | GetSDF () |
| Get the SDF values for the object. More...
unsigned int | GetType () const |
| Get the full type definition. More...
const WorldPtr & | GetWorld () const |
| Get the World this object is in. More...
bool | HasType (const EntityType &_t) const |
| Returns true if this object's type definition has the given type. More...
bool | IsSelected () const |
| True if the entity is selected by the user. More...
bool | operator== (const Base &_ent) const |
| Returns true if the entities are the same. More...
void | Print (const std::string &_prefix) |
| Print this object to screen via gzmsg. More...
virtual void | RemoveChild (unsigned int _id) |
| Remove a child from this entity. More...
void | RemoveChild (const std::string &_name) |
| Remove a child by name. More...
void | RemoveChildren () |
| Remove all children. More...
virtual void | Reset (Base::EntityType _resetType) |
| Calls recursive Reset on one of the Base::EntityType's. More...
virtual void | SetName (const std::string &_name) |
| Set the name of the entity. More...
void | SetParent (BasePtr _parent) |
| Set the parent. More...
void | SetSaveable (bool _v) |
| Set whether the object should be "saved", when the user selects to save the world to xml. More...
virtual bool | SetSelected (bool _show) |
| Set whether this entity has been selected by the user through the gui. More...
void | SetWorld (const WorldPtr &_newWorld) |
| Set the world this object belongs to. More...
A simbody universal joint class.