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gazebo::gui Namespace Reference

gui namespace More...




class  AlignWidget
 A gui widget for aligning models. More...
class  AlignWidgetPrivate
 Private data for the AlignWidget class. More...
class  ApplyWrenchDialog
 Dialog for applying force and torque to a model. More...
class  ApplyWrenchDialogPrivate
 Private data for the ApplyWrenchDialog class. More...
class  BaseInspectorDialog
 Base Dialog for a specific inspector dialog. More...
class  BaseInspectorDialogPrivate
class  BuildingEditor
class  BuildingEditorPalette
 A palette of building items which can be added to the editor. More...
class  BuildingEditorPalettePrivate
class  BuildingEditorWidget
 The parent widget of the building editor, level widget and scale widget. More...
class  BuildingEditorWidgetPrivate
class  BuildingMaker
 Create and manage 3D visuals of a building. More...
class  BuildingMakerPrivate
class  BuildingModelManip
 Manipulate a 3D visual associated to a 2D editor item. More...
class  BuildingModelManipPrivate
class  CloneWindow
 A dialog window used to set some parameters before cloning a simulation. More...
class  CloneWindowPrivate
 Private data for the CloneWindowPrivate class. More...
class  CollisionConfig
 A tab for configuring collision properties of a link. More...
class  CollisionConfigData
 A class of widgets used for configuring collision properties. More...
class  ConfigChildWidget
 A convenience widget that also holds pointers to a list of its child widgets. More...
class  ConfigWidget
 A widget generated from a google protobuf message. More...
class  ConfigWidgetPrivate
 Private data for the ConfigWidget class. More...
class  Conversions
 Conversions Conversions.hh gui/Conversions.hh. More...
class  CurrentTimeItem
 Item which represents the current time within the view. More...
class  DataLogger
 A widget that provides data logging functionality. More...
class  DataLoggerPrivate
 Private data for the DataLogger class. More...
class  DeleteAction
 Custom delete action. More...
class  Diagnostics
 Plot diagnostic information. More...
class  DiagnosticsPrivate
 Private data for the Diagnostics class. More...
class  DirectionalLightMaker
 Used to insert a new directional light into the scene. More...
class  DoorItem
 2D representation of a door More...
class  DoorItemPrivate
 Private data for the DoorItem class. More...
class  Editor
 Base class for editors, such as BuildingEditor and TerrainEditor. More...
class  EditorItem
 Base class of an item in the editor. More...
class  EditorItemPrivate
 Private data for the EditorItem class. More...
class  EditorMaterialListener
 Ogre material listener. More...
class  EditorMaterialSwitcher
 Material switcher for the model editor used to toggle the material of the model. More...
class  EditorRenderTargetListener
 Ogre render target listener. More...
class  EditorView
 Control the editor view and manage contents in the editor scene. More...
class  EntityMaker
 To make an entity, base class. More...
class  EntityMakerPrivate
 Private data for the EntityMaker class. More...
class  EnumConfigWidget
 A widget for configuring enum values. More...
class  Events
class  ExtrudeDialog
 Dialog for saving to file. More...
class  ExtrudeDialogPrivate
 Private data for the ExtrudeDialog class. More...
class  FloorItem
 2D representation of a floor. More...
class  FloorItemPrivate
 Private data for the FloorItem class. More...
class  GeometryConfigWidget
 A widget for configuring geometry properties. More...
class  GLWidget
class  GLWidgetPrivate
 Private data for the GLWidget class. More...
class  GrabberHandle
class  GrabberHandlePrivate
class  GraphScene
 A scene of 2D graph nodes and edges. More...
class  GraphView
 A view for the graph scene. More...
class  GridLines
 2D grid lines. More...
class  GridLinesPrivate
class  GroupWidget
 A collapsible widget that holds child widgets. More...
class  HotkeyDialog
 Dialog displaying the keyboard shortcuts. More...
class  ImageFrame
 Frame that draws an image when a paintevent is received. More...
class  ImageFramePrivate
class  ImagesView
class  ImagesViewPrivate
 Private data for the ImagesView class. More...
class  ImageView
class  ImageViewPrivate
 Private data for the ImageView class. More...
class  ImportDialog
 Dialog for saving to file. More...
class  ImportImageDialog
class  ImportImageDialogPrivate
class  ImportImageView
 Control the import image view and manage contents in the scene. More...
class  ImportImageViewPrivate
class  IncrementalPlot
 A plotting widget that handles incremental addition of data. More...
class  InsertModelWidget
class  InsertModelWidgetPrivate
 Private class attributes for InsertModelWidget. More...
class  JointControlWidget
 gui/JointControlWidget.hh More...
class  JointControlWidgetPrivate
 Private data for the JointControlWidget class. More...
class  JointCreationDialog
 A class to inspect and modify joints. More...
class  JointCreationDialogPrivate
 Private data for the JointCreationDialog class. More...
class  JointData
 Helper class to store joint data. More...
class  JointForceControl
 Widget to control joints via application of force. More...
class  JointForceControlPrivate
 Private data for the JointForceControl class. More...
class  JointInspector
 A class to inspect and modify joints. More...
class  JointInspectorPrivate
 Private data for the JointInspector class. More...
class  JointMaker
 Handles the creation of joints in the model editor. More...
class  JointMakerPrivate
 Private data for the JointMaker class. More...
class  JointPIDPosControl
 Widget to control joints via application of position PID controller. More...
class  JointPIDPosControlPrivate
 Private data for the JointPIDPosControl class. More...
class  JointPIDVelControl
 Widget to control joints via application of a velocity PID controller. More...
class  JointPIDVelControlPrivate
 Private data for the JointPIDVelControl class. More...
class  KeyEventHandlerPrivate
 Private data for the KeyEventHandler class. More...
class  LaserView
class  LayersWidget
 A widget that manages visualization layers. More...
class  LayersWidgetPrivate
class  Level
 A convenient structure for storing level information. More...
class  LevelInspectorDialog
 Dialog for configuring a building level. More...
class  LevelInspectorDialogPrivate
class  LevelWidget
 A widget for adding and changing building levels. More...
class  LevelWidgetPrivate
class  LightMaker
 Used to insert a new light into the scene. More...
class  LightMakerPrivate
 Privata data for LightMaker class. More...
class  LinkConfig
 A tab for configuring properties of a link. More...
class  LinkData
 Helper class to store link data. More...
class  LinkInspector
class  LinkInspectorPrivate
 Private data for the LinkInspector class. More...
class  LogPlayView
 View for the timeline. More...
class  LogPlayViewPrivate
 Private data for the LogPlayView class. More...
class  LogPlayWidget
 Widget which displays log playback options. More...
class  LogPlayWidgetPrivate
class  MainWindow
class  MainWindowPrivate
class  MeasureItem
 Measurement lines and values. More...
class  MeasureItemPrivate
 Private data for the MeasureItem class. More...
class  ModelAlign
 A gui tool for aligning models. More...
class  ModelAlignPrivate
 Private data for the ModelAlign class. More...
class  ModelCreator
 Create and manage 3D visuals of a model with links and joints. More...
class  ModelData
class  ModelEditor
 Interface to the terrain editor. More...
class  ModelEditorPalette
 A palette of model items which can be added to the editor. More...
class  ModelEditorPrivate
class  ModelListWidget
class  ModelListWidgetPrivate
class  ModelMaker
 Used to insert new models into the scene. More...
class  ModelMakerPrivate
 Private data for the ModelMaker class. More...
class  ModelManipulator
 Manipulator tool for translating/rotating/scaling models and links. More...
class  ModelManipulatorPrivate
 Private data for the ModelManipulator class. More...
class  ModelPluginData
 Helper class to store model plugin data. More...
class  ModelPluginInspector
 Inspector for model plugin properties. More...
class  ModelPluginInspectorPrivate
 Private data for the ModelPluginInspector class. More...
class  ModelRightMenu
 Displays a menu when the right mouse button has been pressed. More...
class  ModelSnap
 A gui tool for snapping one model to another. More...
class  ModelSnapPrivate
class  ModelTreeWidget
 A widget that displays model properties. More...
class  NestedModelData
 Helper class to store nested models data. More...
class  OculusWindow
 A widget that renders a camera view suitable for the Oculus Rift. More...
class  PointLightMaker
 Used to insert a new point light into the scene. More...
class  RectItem
 2D rectangle. More...
class  RectItemPrivate
 Private data for the RectItem class. More...
class  RenderWidget
class  RestUiLoginDialog
 Provides a means to login to a webservice. More...
class  RotateHandle
 Handle for rotating an editor item. More...
class  RotateHandlePrivate
class  SaveDialog
 Dialog for saving to file. More...
class  SaveDialogPrivate
 Private data for the SaveDialog class. More...
class  ScaleWidget
 Widget that displays the scale (zoom level) of the editor. More...
class  SchematicViewWidget
 The parent widget of the CML editor. More...
class  SegmentItem
 2D line segment. More...
class  SegmentItemPrivate
 Private data for the SegmentItem class. More...
class  SpaceNav
 Interface to the space navigator joystick. More...
class  SpaceNavPrivate
 Private data for the SpaceNav class. More...
class  SplashScreen
 Splash screen that displays an icon and a message. More...
class  SplashScreenPrivate
class  SpotLightMaker
 Used to insert a new spot light into the scene. More...
class  StairsInspectorDialog
 Dialog for configuring a staircase item. More...
class  StairsInspectorDialogPrivate
class  StairsItem
 2D representation of a staircase. More...
class  StairsItemPrivate
 Private data for the StairsItem class. More...
class  TerrainEditor
 Interface to the terrain editor. More...
class  TerrainEditorPalette
 A palette of building items which can be added to the editor. More...
class  TerrainEditorPalettePrivate
 Private data for the TerrainEditorPalette class. More...
class  TerrainEditorPrivate
 Private data for the TerrainEditor class. More...
class  TextView
class  TimePanel
class  TimePanelPrivate
class  TimeWidget
class  TimeWidgetPrivate
class  ToolsWidget
 A widget that manages all the tools on the right side of the render widget. More...
class  TopicSelector
 A widget that provides a list of topics to select from. More...
class  TopicView
 Base class for widgets that display topic data. More...
class  TopToolbar
 Toolbar on the top of the main window. More...
class  TopToolbarPrivate
class  UserCmdHistory
 Class which manages user commands in the client side. More...
class  UserCmdHistoryPrivate
class  ViewAngleWidget
 A gui widget for changing the camera view angle. More...
class  ViewAngleWidgetPrivate
class  ViewFactory
 The view factory creates GUI widgets to visualize data on a topic. More...
class  ViewState
 A class for managing view visualization states. More...
class  VisualConfig
 A tab for configuring visual properties of a link. More...
class  VisualConfigData
 A class of widgets used for configuring visual properties. More...
class  WallInspectorDialog
 Dialog for configuring a wall item. More...
class  WallInspectorDialogPrivate
class  WallSegmentItem
 2D representation of a wall. More...
class  WallSegmentItemPrivate
 Private data for the WallSegmentItem class. More...
class  WindowDoorInspectorDialog
 Dialog for configuring a window or door item. More...
class  WindowDoorInspectorDialogPrivate
class  WindowItem
 2D representation of a window. More...
class  WindowItemPrivate
 Private data for the WindowItem class. More...


using EditorMaterialListenerPtr = std::shared_ptr< EditorMaterialListener >
using EditorMaterialSwitcherPtr = std::shared_ptr< EditorMaterialSwitcher >
using EditorRenderTargetListenerPtr = std::shared_ptr< EditorRenderTargetListener >
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ImageView
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< LaserView
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< TextView
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< TopicView
typedef TopicView *(* ViewFactoryFn )(QWidget *_parent)


GZ_GUI_VISIBLE void clear_active_camera ()
get_active_camera ()
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE unsigned int get_entity_id (const std::string &_name)
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE MainWindowget_main_window ()
 Return a pointer to the main graphical window. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE std::string get_world ()
template<typename T >
getINIProperty (const std::string &_key, const T &_default)
 Get a property from the GUI INI file. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE bool has_entity_name (const std::string &_name)
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE void init ()
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE bool load ()
 Load the graphical interface. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE bool loadINI (boost::filesystem::path _file="")
 Locate and load the INI configuration file. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE bool run (int _argc, char **_argv)
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE bool saveINI (const boost::filesystem::path &_file)
 Save the configuration parameters to file. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE void set_active_camera (rendering::UserCameraPtr _cam)
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE void set_world (const std::string &_name)
template<typename T >
bool setINIProperty (const std::string &_key, const T &_value)
 Set a value in the INI property tree. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE void stop ()


GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_aboutAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QWidgetAction * g_alignAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_alignButtonAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_arrowAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_boxCreateAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_cameraOrthoAct
 Enable orthographic projection action. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_cameraPerspectiveAct
 Enable perspective projection action. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_cloneAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_copyAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_cylinderCreateAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_dataLoggerAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE DeleteActiong_deleteAct
 Action used to delete a model. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_diagnosticsAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_dirLghtCreateAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_editBuildingAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_editModelAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_editTerrainAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_fpsAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_fullScreenAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_hotkeyChartAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_newAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_openAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_orbitAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_overlayAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_pasteAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_pauseAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_playAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_pointLghtCreateAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_quitAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_redoAct
 Action to redo last undone user command. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_redoHistoryAct
 Action to open the redo history menu. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_resetAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_resetModelsAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_resetWorldAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_rotateAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_saveAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_saveAsAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_saveCfgAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_scaleAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_screenshotAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_showCollisionsAct
 Action to show/hide collision visuals for all models. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_showCOMAct
 Action to show/hide CoM visuals for all models. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_showContactsAct
 Action to show/hide contact visuals for all models. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_showGridAct
 Action to show/hide the grid over the ground plane. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_showInertiaAct
 Action to show/hide inertia visuals for all models. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_showJointsAct
 Action to show/hide joint visuals for all models. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_showLinkFrameAct
 Action to show/hide link frame visuals for all models. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_showOriginAct
 Action to show/hide the world origin indicator. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_showToolbarsAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_snapAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_sphereCreateAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_spotLghtCreateAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_stepAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_topicVisAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_translateAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_transparentAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_undoAct
 Action to undo last user command. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_undoHistoryAct
 Action to open the undo history menu. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QWidgetAction * g_viewAngleAct
 Action to open the view angle widget. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_viewAngleButtonAct
 Action attached to the view angle button. More...
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_viewOculusAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction * g_viewWireframeAct

Detailed Description

gui namespace

GUI model editor forward declarations and type defines.

GUI forward declarations and type defines.

Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::shared_ptr<ImageView> gazebo::gui::ImageViewPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<LaserView> gazebo::gui::LaserViewPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<TextView> gazebo::gui::TextViewPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<TopicView> gazebo::gui::TopicViewPtr
typedef TopicView*(* gazebo::gui::ViewFactoryFn)(QWidget *_parent)

Function Documentation

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE void gazebo::gui::clear_active_camera ( )
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE rendering::UserCameraPtr gazebo::gui::get_active_camera ( )
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE unsigned int gazebo::gui::get_entity_id ( const std::string &  _name)
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE MainWindow* gazebo::gui::get_main_window ( )

Return a pointer to the main graphical window.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE std::string gazebo::gui::get_world ( )
template<typename T >
T gazebo::gui::getINIProperty ( const std::string &  _key,
const T &  _default 

Get a property from the GUI INI file.

[in]_keyString based key[ SECTION.VALUE ]
[in]_defaultDefault value to use if property is not found.
Property value for the key.

References g_propTree.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE bool gazebo::gui::has_entity_name ( const std::string &  _name)
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE void gazebo::gui::init ( )
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE bool gazebo::gui::load ( )

Load the graphical interface.

True on success.
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE bool gazebo::gui::loadINI ( boost::filesystem::path  _file = "")

Locate and load the INI configuration file.

If the GAZEBO_GUI_INI_FILE environment variable is set and contains valid content, load and return true. If GAZEBO_GUI_INI_FILE is not set, load from ~/.gazebo/gui.ini (a gui.ini file will be created if it doesn't exist) and return true. If GAZEBO_GUI_INI_FILE is set but the path does not exist, or if it exists and contains invalid content, do not load, and return false.

[in]_filePath to a gui.ini file. This will override the environment variables.
True if an INI file was loaded, false otherwise.
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE bool gazebo::gui::run ( int  _argc,
char **  _argv 
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE bool gazebo::gui::saveINI ( const boost::filesystem::path &  _file)

Save the configuration parameters to file.

[in]_fileFilename in which to write the values.
True on success.
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE void gazebo::gui::set_active_camera ( rendering::UserCameraPtr  _cam)
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE void gazebo::gui::set_world ( const std::string &  _name)
template<typename T >
bool gazebo::gui::setINIProperty ( const std::string &  _key,
const T &  _value 

Set a value in the INI property tree.

Note, this doesn't save properties to disk.

[in]_keyKey for the value, such as "geometry.x"
[in]_valueValue for the key
See Also

References g_propTree.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE void gazebo::gui::stop ( )

Variable Documentation

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_aboutAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QWidgetAction* gazebo::gui::g_alignAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_alignButtonAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_arrowAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_boxCreateAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_cameraOrthoAct

Enable orthographic projection action.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_cameraPerspectiveAct

Enable perspective projection action.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_cloneAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_copyAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_cylinderCreateAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_dataLoggerAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE DeleteAction* gazebo::gui::g_deleteAct

Action used to delete a model.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_diagnosticsAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_dirLghtCreateAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_editBuildingAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_editModelAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_editTerrainAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_fpsAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_fullScreenAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_hotkeyChartAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_newAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_openAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_orbitAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_overlayAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_pasteAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_pauseAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_playAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_pointLghtCreateAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_quitAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_redoAct

Action to redo last undone user command.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_redoHistoryAct

Action to open the redo history menu.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_resetAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_resetModelsAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_resetWorldAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_rotateAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_saveAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_saveAsAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_saveCfgAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_scaleAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_screenshotAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_showCollisionsAct

Action to show/hide collision visuals for all models.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_showCOMAct

Action to show/hide CoM visuals for all models.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_showContactsAct

Action to show/hide contact visuals for all models.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_showGridAct

Action to show/hide the grid over the ground plane.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_showInertiaAct

Action to show/hide inertia visuals for all models.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_showJointsAct

Action to show/hide joint visuals for all models.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_showLinkFrameAct

Action to show/hide link frame visuals for all models.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_showOriginAct

Action to show/hide the world origin indicator.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_showToolbarsAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_snapAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_sphereCreateAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_spotLghtCreateAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_stepAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_topicVisAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_translateAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_transparentAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_undoAct

Action to undo last user command.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_undoHistoryAct

Action to open the undo history menu.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QWidgetAction* gazebo::gui::g_viewAngleAct

Action to open the view angle widget.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_viewAngleButtonAct

Action attached to the view angle button.

GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_viewOculusAct
GZ_GUI_VISIBLE QAction* gazebo::gui::g_viewWireframeAct